Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hello folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy.

If you thought I was EXCITED before abouts TitiBitis, you was WRONG. I BE so excited NOW. Cause I justs gots TWO losers to signs up. I BE so excited. I be gettins moneys every time a loser done signs up. One was PumpkinHead's mommy. She be tons of fats. She gots long stringy blond hair with done black roots. She done be wearins a mini skirts and long boots. Lawnboy Larry done thoughts she was a hooker. He done tries to buys her. I hits him hard. The other loser be Lawnboy Larry. He wants his loser daddy to pays for its. Lawnboy Larry done thinks he gonna quits smokins too. Haha what a loser. I be gonna get rich real soons.

See ya losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps I wants to leave the lair tonight, anyones wanna get drunks with me. Creepo will be comins too. But hopefully not Lawnboy Larry.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

snots, and other stuffs

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos been real supa busy sittin and hangin and smokin with my very bestest friend in the whole wide world Creepo. Since the snows been goin away we been sittin on my stoop ALOT. It be fun. A little cold. But fun.

Pigface be at PumpkinHead's house. She gonna sleep over theres tonights. Yippee! No Pigface!

My favourite SuperDuper be sittin in his box ALL day. Just sittin. Wonder where he gets that from. Haha. I don'ts even have to gives him a snack cause he picks his nose and eats that. That be my kid. I be SO proud.

Creepo, my bestie, done found a bag of kitties under his porch so he done gives one to SuperDuper. Sos now SuperDuper be sittin in his cage torturin the kitty and eatin snot. He be havin a good time.

I don't know wheres Lawnboy Larry be at. Probably sittin in KooKoo's treehouse again. He likes to sit in there and smokes his funny cigarettes. His loser daddy be buggin him agains to gets a job.

I be workin hards. Sittin. And sellin my craps to losers. TitiBitis. If you wants to get into a bikini by Mothers Day, well you had better buys my TitiBitis! I be havin another party so you should be there. I be makin moneys and be gainins waits. They say if you do TitiBiti you loose waits but I don't be. Creepo keep sayin if you wanna loose waits then you gots to works out. Ha! That's just stupid. You justs gots to buy my stuff. And you will loose fats. And if I sells lots, then I might gets a new car. But don't tell Lawnboy Larry. I don't want him in my new car. I don't want the brats in my new car either.
But I am SO gonna win that there car!

Anyway, gots to get back to the stoop and have another cigarettes.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps don't works too hard huh losers. Hahahahahahaha. I AM so cool.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy

When lifes does hands you a bag of crap, do what I dos and turns it into more craps! And then done throws it ats passerbyers.
Haha loser.

Tanktop Tammy

ps BUY my TitiBiti products and I will make you looses fats.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stuffs by Tanktop Tammy

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos my weeks goin pertty goods.

Pigface done be hangin with her bestest friend forever PumpkinHead. He sure be one UGLY kid. But she seems to like him. Then, again Pigface be pertty ugly too. They likes to spits on people. It be real funny.

SuperDuper, my favourite one, done stick a cigarettes up his there nose. I done have to gets the pliers and pulls it out. I be SO proud! He sure be my favourites for sure.

I be gainins the waits of fats again this week and STILL be promotins TitiBitis too. I done be havin a party this weekend. SO you should be theres. You gots to pays me first though. And THEN I'll shows you how to lose them fats.

Lawnboy Larry, the stupid loser, done says thats all I be talkin bouts now. TitiBitis. But that ain't truth. Sos I hits him.

His loser dad done comes over and drops off our foods, and cigarettes and beers. Lawnboy Larry done haves a fit when loser daddy boughts him the wrong beers. Loser daddy done gots mad and says Lawnboy Larry should be buyins his own groceries. But Lawnboy Larry says he don't works and he be SO busy hangin. Then Lawnboy Larry done left and went and sits up in his most favourite tree and done sulks ALL day.
Until loser daddy done boughts him the right beers. And since the fool done comes back, I tolds him to buy us all dinners. Yum. Loser daddy done gots angry at havin to buys us dinner AGAINS! Haha loser!

Well that be what I be up to. Sos comes to my TitiBiti party this week

0000 Loser Street
Loser City
Loser State

BE there. And brings your moneys too!

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lucky Finds

Hello folks,

today be my lucky day! I justs finds a cigarette tucked neath my roll of fats. Woohoo. It be my lucky day for sure.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pays Me To Party. Losers.

Hello folks,
this here be Tanktop Tammy. Sos the TitiBiti party done goes pertty goods. A couple of suckas showed ups and pays me and I gots them drunk and we partyed and danced ALL night. It be fun.
I done told them losers that I lost 6 pounds of fats but I don't. I done gains 5 pounds of fats! Haha! Losers!
I feels SO good. I am SO awesome. And pertty. I'm the perttiest person on the whole planet!
See ya suckas,
Tanktop Tammy

ps pays me and I will help you lose fats too.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dancin Times and Pay Me Times

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos if you wants to lose the fats like I dos, then you gots to do its through me. No kiddin. Plus every time I get one of you suckas to signs up, I gets paid. Haha. Losers!
Sos comes to my house for a partys tonights. We'll get drunk and dance. I feels likes dancin. And you will pay me for signin you ups for TitiBiti. Yay. I'm SO awesome. I could not be more beeutiful if I tried.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy

Since I be SO smart, I will give you wisdoms, losers.

There are two kinds of peoples in this here world. Some who works. And the smart ones who don'ts. You be the change.

Pertty good huh. I tolds you I be SO smart. And pertty.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Life by Tanktop Tammy

Hello folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. So I'm not a widow. But I sure wish I was. Its been awhile from whens I done last post. I took a staycation. You know, just hangin. Sometimes one needs to do these things. When one's life is SO hectic.

Anyway, I did pound Lawnboy Larry for done postin on my blog. He decided to sleep in the garage for a week. Last week the idiot done stuck his tongue to a pole. Pigface double dared him to. So he done do its. Creepo came and told me what dumb old Lawnboy Larry did. Sos I went to see him stucks to the pole. Creepo and me and Pigface laughed and laughed at the idiot.

Then Creepo said you needs somethin nice and warm to get it unstuck. So then Creepo starts unzipperin. He was plannin to pee on Lawnboy Larry's stuck tongue to gets him loose. But Lawnboy Larry freaked out. Sos Creepo decided against that.
Sos insteads Creepo poured his Tim's coffee on Lawnboy Larry. Lawnboy Larry done yelped. But then gots free. He ran home and we don't see him til two days later. I found him in the bath tub playin with SuperDuper's (that be our favourite kid) boats and little duckies. Sos I swatted him outa theres.

Pigface been busy. Bullyin other kids. Usually ones smaller than her. Just like me. I be SO proud. Even though I don't much like Pigface, she done be my mini me.
SuperDuper be my favourite one. He be lately sittin in boxes. He can sit in a box for hours and hours and hours. Sometimes he be in that there box SO long that I sometimes forgets I done got a second kid.

And me. I done gained 6 extra pounds this week. From sittin on my ass. And from the beers me and Creepos drinks at that there bar. I still be joinin TittiBitti or is it BittiTitti. Whatever. If you wants to join, you can. You can joins through me and loose TONS of wait. Or weight. Whatever.
You can loose weight/wait too BUT you HAVE to go through me! Cause I'm SUPER COOL!
OMG, I am SO cool!

Ok, Lawnboy Larry done looked stuck to that there pole again. This time I thinks Creepo should piss on his there tongue. That'll learn the idiot.
See you losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps-don't work too hard! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm SO awesome!