it's me again, Tanktop Tammy.
If you thought I was EXCITED before abouts TitiBitis, you was WRONG. I BE so excited NOW. Cause I justs gots TWO losers to signs up. I BE so excited. I be gettins moneys every time a loser done signs up. One was PumpkinHead's mommy. She be tons of fats. She gots long stringy blond hair with done black roots. She done be wearins a mini skirts and long boots. Lawnboy Larry done thoughts she was a hooker. He done tries to buys her. I hits him hard. The other loser be Lawnboy Larry. He wants his loser daddy to pays for its. Lawnboy Larry done thinks he gonna quits smokins too. Haha what a loser. I be gonna get rich real soons.
See ya losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps I wants to leave the lair tonight, anyones wanna get drunks with me. Creepo will be comins too. But hopefully not Lawnboy Larry.