Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos been real hard on my ass havin NO campin chair. I be bummed out. I be thinkin Lawnboy Larry done have somethin to do with it's bein gones. He be actin even stranger than usual latelys. He done gone off all week down the street to visit his crush. She be a teen age girl he be likens alot. He says they have LOTS in commons. I thinks he be insanes.
Anyways, I wants my chair backs so me and Creepo done gonna follow him tomorrow and sees where he be goin and what he be up tos.
Sos KooKoo done comes over and done says my house smells. She done says I should cleans it. I laughed at her. And told her to scrams or I put the hose on her. Haha loser. She ran away. I would clean but I dont haves the times to. What with sittin ALL day on my ass watchin the neighbours comes and goes, comes and goes. It be a full time jobs.
And besides my kids and Lawnboy Larry be disgustin pigs and would mess it ups anyways.
Creepo be so smarts, he done says todays 'be watch where you be goin, or you may gets where you goins to'. Wow!
Anyways I be standin strong in the face of not havin my campin chair. Creepo says I be REAL brave likes. I will not back down. I will not crumbles. And sinks into sadnessess. I will survives. I will be strongs. I will makes it. I will get my campin chair backs. Or someone will dies.
Anyway, gotta gets back to my stoop.
Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
cats, dogs, drownins, and NO campin chair
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos I be the BESTEST ever gardiner in the world. I plant pertty flowers in the ground. They look so pertty. I am AWESOME. The awesomest EVER!
Sos I be goin NUTS. Someones stole my campin chairs. I can NOT live without its. I be goin crazy. Now I have to sit on my stoop stairs. They not be as comfortable as my campin chair. No one stole Creepos campin chair. But he done locks it ups at nights cause it be his grand possission.
Someones stole our kitty cat too. It not be here no more. Maybe it done ran away. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done tried to drown it in Creepos pool. He played 'slam dunk' with it. That be a game Creepo play with Pigface. He slams her head under water and yells 'Slam Dunk'. It be fun.
It be rainin ALL last night. And Kookoo done left her two white fluffy dogs outside in da rain. ALL night. They be barkin. I thinks I will call the humane society on hers this time. haha loser.
Creepo done lookin on craigslist for a new dog. There be like 15 different dogs to picks from. He likes the big dogs. His 3 brats can't drowns them as easy.
Anyway, I gots to go lookin for my campin chair. haha. NOT. I will send out Lawnboy Larry to looks for it. I be sittin on my stoop with my bestest friend in the hole wide world Creepo.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos I be the BESTEST ever gardiner in the world. I plant pertty flowers in the ground. They look so pertty. I am AWESOME. The awesomest EVER!
Sos I be goin NUTS. Someones stole my campin chairs. I can NOT live without its. I be goin crazy. Now I have to sit on my stoop stairs. They not be as comfortable as my campin chair. No one stole Creepos campin chair. But he done locks it ups at nights cause it be his grand possission.
Someones stole our kitty cat too. It not be here no more. Maybe it done ran away. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done tried to drown it in Creepos pool. He played 'slam dunk' with it. That be a game Creepo play with Pigface. He slams her head under water and yells 'Slam Dunk'. It be fun.
It be rainin ALL last night. And Kookoo done left her two white fluffy dogs outside in da rain. ALL night. They be barkin. I thinks I will call the humane society on hers this time. haha loser.
Creepo done lookin on craigslist for a new dog. There be like 15 different dogs to picks from. He likes the big dogs. His 3 brats can't drowns them as easy.
Anyway, I gots to go lookin for my campin chair. haha. NOT. I will send out Lawnboy Larry to looks for it. I be sittin on my stoop with my bestest friend in the hole wide world Creepo.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
the newbs

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos this here be a picture of my new neighbours. They comes and goes, mostly goes. But they don't say nothin to me or Creepo. They still be havin jobs BUT we knows that will ENDS soon. It always do.
Anyways we don't know their real names so me and Creepo be callin them Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue. They sure likes their firepit. They done put a hole in the ground and calls it a firepit. They makes BIG fires in its. They done put it near trees and wood fences. Me and Creepo likes to watch them watch their fire. We be waitins for its to jump and burn down everythin.
They sits there EVERY nights starin at the fire. They don'ts say nothin. They just sits.
This here be a picture of Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue.
Gots to get back to my stoop. Some neighbour mights have come homes and I be missin its.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps I be thinkin of gettins Poofy Sue's hairdo. And Lawnboy Larry done wants a rock just likes Fireplace Joes. I tolds him NO.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be Creepo and his lovely brides anniversary yesterdays. Sos they be goin outs for hotdogs yesterday nights. Sos I decided to gets out quick and I heads over to Ma Barkers house. She gots three boys and they BE violent. But they likes me so they shouldn't attack.
I left the brats with Lawnboy Larry. Woohoo. I'm bratfree! haha loser. So Ma Barker and me have some fun. We gots drunk and danced. It be fun. I don't really like Ma Barker but it beats hangin outs with Lawnboy Larry.
I crawled home round 5 in da mornin. Lawnboy Larry not be there but his loser daddy be sleepin on the couch. The brats were still awakes. Damnit. Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue be sittin at their firepits starin. And KooKoo's dogs be outsides barkins.
I should not be comin home. Dangit.
Anyway, gonna go sit on da stoop. Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps I gots some pics of Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue, Next time I be posted thems.
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be Creepo and his lovely brides anniversary yesterdays. Sos they be goin outs for hotdogs yesterday nights. Sos I decided to gets out quick and I heads over to Ma Barkers house. She gots three boys and they BE violent. But they likes me so they shouldn't attack.
I left the brats with Lawnboy Larry. Woohoo. I'm bratfree! haha loser. So Ma Barker and me have some fun. We gots drunk and danced. It be fun. I don't really like Ma Barker but it beats hangin outs with Lawnboy Larry.
I crawled home round 5 in da mornin. Lawnboy Larry not be there but his loser daddy be sleepin on the couch. The brats were still awakes. Damnit. Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue be sittin at their firepits starin. And KooKoo's dogs be outsides barkins.
I should not be comin home. Dangit.
Anyway, gonna go sit on da stoop. Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps I gots some pics of Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue, Next time I be posted thems.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
KooKoo and dogs equals oh-ohs
Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo done gots a new free pool. He done blows it up yesterdays. And his three brats and my two brats done swims in it ALL day. Sos me and Creepo can sit on my front stoop and have some peace.
Loser daddy done drops off my brats yesterdays. He don't say nothin. Just drops them off and squeals away. Anyways, they be in Creepo's backyard with his brats ALL day today too. It be good for me and Creepo to get some quiets time. We SO deserves it.
KooKoo done gots herself two white and fluffy puppies. What she gonna do with thems? She don't even likes dogs. She calls the humane society on everyone with a dog. She done tries to get Creepos dog to bites her. She sticks her fingers through the fence to try and makes the dog bites her. She kicks at dogs in the streets.
She done comes over and brags her new dogs COST alot. They be what you call 'purebreds' and they BE very expensive. She says they comes with 'papers'. Is that papers for them to shits on I asks? And she sulks and stomps off. Strange.
Anyways no signs of Creepos dog yets. This is the third or fourth dog Creepo done 'lost'. He gets them free on craigslist.
Anyways, I gots to get back to my stoop and Creepo.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps no signs of Lawnboy Larry yet. If you sees him, gives him a kick in the ass for me. haha loser
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo done gots a new free pool. He done blows it up yesterdays. And his three brats and my two brats done swims in it ALL day. Sos me and Creepo can sit on my front stoop and have some peace.
Loser daddy done drops off my brats yesterdays. He don't say nothin. Just drops them off and squeals away. Anyways, they be in Creepo's backyard with his brats ALL day today too. It be good for me and Creepo to get some quiets time. We SO deserves it.
KooKoo done gots herself two white and fluffy puppies. What she gonna do with thems? She don't even likes dogs. She calls the humane society on everyone with a dog. She done tries to get Creepos dog to bites her. She sticks her fingers through the fence to try and makes the dog bites her. She kicks at dogs in the streets.
She done comes over and brags her new dogs COST alot. They be what you call 'purebreds' and they BE very expensive. She says they comes with 'papers'. Is that papers for them to shits on I asks? And she sulks and stomps off. Strange.
Anyways no signs of Creepos dog yets. This is the third or fourth dog Creepo done 'lost'. He gets them free on craigslist.
Anyways, I gots to get back to my stoop and Creepo.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps no signs of Lawnboy Larry yet. If you sees him, gives him a kick in the ass for me. haha loser
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be a very bad day todays. Creepos dog done bits into his brats pool. And ALL the water went splat! No more pool. Then the dog ran aways.
Creepo says he gonna go get another free pool. Cause if he don't his brats will really be buggin us. Sos we sent his brats to KooKoo's house. My brats be at loser daddys house. I NEED the break. Yay!
More good news is Creepos cat done have kitties. Sos he gives one to us for SuperDuper. SuperDuper done haves a couple kitties in the past but he done squished their head sos the kitties done runs away. But now he gots a new one!
Ralphio done comes over and tells us that KooKoo be nuts. He likes to tells us like EVERYTHING. We already knows she nuts. Stupid fool.
Anyways, gots to get back to the stoop. Creepo be callins.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps now where did that loser Lawnboy Larry go?
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be a very bad day todays. Creepos dog done bits into his brats pool. And ALL the water went splat! No more pool. Then the dog ran aways.
Creepo says he gonna go get another free pool. Cause if he don't his brats will really be buggin us. Sos we sent his brats to KooKoo's house. My brats be at loser daddys house. I NEED the break. Yay!
More good news is Creepos cat done have kitties. Sos he gives one to us for SuperDuper. SuperDuper done haves a couple kitties in the past but he done squished their head sos the kitties done runs away. But now he gots a new one!
Ralphio done comes over and tells us that KooKoo be nuts. He likes to tells us like EVERYTHING. We already knows she nuts. Stupid fool.
Anyways, gots to get back to the stoop. Creepo be callins.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps now where did that loser Lawnboy Larry go?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sticks, Squeezin Heads and Rocks
Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin here. Enjoyin peace. FINALLY. I SO deserve it!
So today me and Creepo be sittin and starin when his brats done come by and bugs us. They be fightin over a stick. LittleBastard and CryinGirl. So we told them to screw off. But they won'ts. So Creepo had to get up from his super comfy campin chair and take that there stick. He done throws it real high. It hit Lawnboy Larry in the head. We heard an 'ouchy'. Sos that mades us laugh REAL hard.
Then LittleBastard starts squeezin CryinGirl's head real hard like. Squeezin and squeezin and squeezin. Sos me and Creepo done starts throwin rocks at them. To gets them gone. It done finally worked and they headed over to KooKoo's house. We hears KooKoo tells them to go and fight in their own yards but LittleBastard just tells her to shut up and starts throwin rocks at her. She done huffed and puffed and sulked and went insides. She probably done gonna call SOMEONE for that. Hahaha loser.
So that be my day. Now I gotta get back to my chair and drink some more.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps my back still gots pain in it. Someones got to come over NOW and snap me back.
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin here. Enjoyin peace. FINALLY. I SO deserve it!
So today me and Creepo be sittin and starin when his brats done come by and bugs us. They be fightin over a stick. LittleBastard and CryinGirl. So we told them to screw off. But they won'ts. So Creepo had to get up from his super comfy campin chair and take that there stick. He done throws it real high. It hit Lawnboy Larry in the head. We heard an 'ouchy'. Sos that mades us laugh REAL hard.
Then LittleBastard starts squeezin CryinGirl's head real hard like. Squeezin and squeezin and squeezin. Sos me and Creepo done starts throwin rocks at them. To gets them gone. It done finally worked and they headed over to KooKoo's house. We hears KooKoo tells them to go and fight in their own yards but LittleBastard just tells her to shut up and starts throwin rocks at her. She done huffed and puffed and sulked and went insides. She probably done gonna call SOMEONE for that. Hahaha loser.
So that be my day. Now I gotta get back to my chair and drink some more.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps my back still gots pain in it. Someones got to come over NOW and snap me back.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hung overs and Creepo be smart
Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos had a pertty good party last night. Feeling WAY hung over. Then this very mornin I done bents down to picks up a cigarettes and snapped GO my back. Ouwie. Me can't move. So makin Lawnboy Larry get my beers and cigarettes for mes. And pissin in a can. That ways I don't needs to gets up for nothin. Just gonna sits here.
Sent Pigface and SuperDuper overs to loser daddys for the week. So I don't have to be bothered with them. Me and Creepo be havin a good day. Just sittin and starin, drinkin and bullyin. We been throwin rocks at peoples goin by. Haha loser. It be SO funny. And we throw them rocks at KooKoo's windows and door. Lawnboy Larry favourite be to ring KooKoo's doorbell and thens RUN. Haha it be So funny.
Creepo done be SO smart. This very day he done say "words don't mean nothin, not out of mouth, nots on papers, nots over the phone but you gots to puts them words into actions!"
So so smarts Creepos be.
Anyways, gots to go losers.
Tanktop Tammy
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos had a pertty good party last night. Feeling WAY hung over. Then this very mornin I done bents down to picks up a cigarettes and snapped GO my back. Ouwie. Me can't move. So makin Lawnboy Larry get my beers and cigarettes for mes. And pissin in a can. That ways I don't needs to gets up for nothin. Just gonna sits here.
Sent Pigface and SuperDuper overs to loser daddys for the week. So I don't have to be bothered with them. Me and Creepo be havin a good day. Just sittin and starin, drinkin and bullyin. We been throwin rocks at peoples goin by. Haha loser. It be SO funny. And we throw them rocks at KooKoo's windows and door. Lawnboy Larry favourite be to ring KooKoo's doorbell and thens RUN. Haha it be So funny.
Creepo done be SO smart. This very day he done say "words don't mean nothin, not out of mouth, nots on papers, nots over the phone but you gots to puts them words into actions!"
So so smarts Creepos be.
Anyways, gots to go losers.
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, July 10, 2011
me and Creepo
Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin with Creepo, my bestest friend forever. When Lawnboy Larry done comes rushin homes. He says he's gots a new best friend. It be a sixteen year old girl that done lives down the street. He says she be SO cool and he really really like her. He done give her some beers and cigarettes. Now he be lookin through our trash box lookin for some treasures he can gives her. Anything for her, is all he keeps mumblins. Weird bastard.
Anyways, I be havin a grand time with Creepo. We plans to go outs to a bar tonights. I told Lawnboy Larry we be goin to yoga. Haha loser. Creepo says we be 'pullin the wool over Lawnboy Larry' We be SO cool. We gonna gets wasted tonights! I need a break.
Anyways, gotta get back to my stoop and beers and cigarettes.
see ya losers,
Tanktop Tammy
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin with Creepo, my bestest friend forever. When Lawnboy Larry done comes rushin homes. He says he's gots a new best friend. It be a sixteen year old girl that done lives down the street. He says she be SO cool and he really really like her. He done give her some beers and cigarettes. Now he be lookin through our trash box lookin for some treasures he can gives her. Anything for her, is all he keeps mumblins. Weird bastard.
Anyways, I be havin a grand time with Creepo. We plans to go outs to a bar tonights. I told Lawnboy Larry we be goin to yoga. Haha loser. Creepo says we be 'pullin the wool over Lawnboy Larry' We be SO cool. We gonna gets wasted tonights! I need a break.
Anyways, gotta get back to my stoop and beers and cigarettes.
see ya losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Friday, July 8, 2011
another week by Tanktop Tammy
Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it's beens a fun weeks. NOT. First my most favoured brat SuperDuper done slipped on my puke from Mondays and done went down REAL fast. Smacked his there head on the cement. BOOM. Anyways, Lawnboy Larry not be arounds SO Creepo and me done brought him to the hospital. They done stick some what you call stitches in his heads. He just sat there lookin dopey. His usual look.
Then we broughts him home and I gives him a beer. Thoughts it might help. He done slept for two days. It be nice. Not to have to listen to his constantly screamins.
Then on Tuesdays Pigface's bestest friend in the hole wide world done gots in troubles. He done gots angrys at playin a video game that he done smashed up his house. PumpkinHead's mother Ma Barker didn't even notice it was done smashed up til the next day. Anyways, so then she gots REAL mads and told PumpkinHead to stay in his room in the basement for like a REAL long times. That sucks. Cause now Pigface cants go over there NO mores. So now I be stuck with her. UGH.
Fortunately PumpkinHead dont listen to his Ma cause he sneaked out and spent the day with Pigface in KooKoo's backyard. KooKoo didn't know cause she be on her happy pills agains and must have overdosed cause she be sleepin LONG time.
Anyways, that be my weeks and I gots to get back to my stoop.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps now where did that loser Lawnboy larry gets to?
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it's beens a fun weeks. NOT. First my most favoured brat SuperDuper done slipped on my puke from Mondays and done went down REAL fast. Smacked his there head on the cement. BOOM. Anyways, Lawnboy Larry not be arounds SO Creepo and me done brought him to the hospital. They done stick some what you call stitches in his heads. He just sat there lookin dopey. His usual look.
Then we broughts him home and I gives him a beer. Thoughts it might help. He done slept for two days. It be nice. Not to have to listen to his constantly screamins.
Then on Tuesdays Pigface's bestest friend in the hole wide world done gots in troubles. He done gots angrys at playin a video game that he done smashed up his house. PumpkinHead's mother Ma Barker didn't even notice it was done smashed up til the next day. Anyways, so then she gots REAL mads and told PumpkinHead to stay in his room in the basement for like a REAL long times. That sucks. Cause now Pigface cants go over there NO mores. So now I be stuck with her. UGH.
Fortunately PumpkinHead dont listen to his Ma cause he sneaked out and spent the day with Pigface in KooKoo's backyard. KooKoo didn't know cause she be on her happy pills agains and must have overdosed cause she be sleepin LONG time.
Anyways, that be my weeks and I gots to get back to my stoop.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps now where did that loser Lawnboy larry gets to?
Monday, July 4, 2011
Canada Day Aftermath
Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos sufferin from Canadas Day aftermath.
Boy did wes have a GOOD time. I thinks. I don'ts remember much. But this place sure be a MESS. Sos I thinks we had fun. Can't find Lawnboy Larry no wheres. Oh well. Loser daddy done takes the brats for the weekends. Creepo and me be sittin on my stoop with REAL bad hangovers.
I even had a dream that I done went to the beach. That be crazy. I never done have or nor will I never go to that there beach. Cause that would means I would have to leave my stoop. And I never done gonna leave my stoop!
Good things loser daddy done come over cause all the moneys he gives us for foods and stuffs for the brats, I done spent on beers and cigarettes. I don'ts likes to spend my money on my brats. I likes beers and cigarettes insteads.
Anyways I got to go pukes agains. Ugh cigarettes done comes up. And beers. Ugh. But all in alls it be a good Canada Day.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps damn, here comes that idiot Lawnboy Larry now. Well, it WAS a good day.
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos sufferin from Canadas Day aftermath.
Boy did wes have a GOOD time. I thinks. I don'ts remember much. But this place sure be a MESS. Sos I thinks we had fun. Can't find Lawnboy Larry no wheres. Oh well. Loser daddy done takes the brats for the weekends. Creepo and me be sittin on my stoop with REAL bad hangovers.
I even had a dream that I done went to the beach. That be crazy. I never done have or nor will I never go to that there beach. Cause that would means I would have to leave my stoop. And I never done gonna leave my stoop!
Good things loser daddy done come over cause all the moneys he gives us for foods and stuffs for the brats, I done spent on beers and cigarettes. I don'ts likes to spend my money on my brats. I likes beers and cigarettes insteads.
Anyways I got to go pukes agains. Ugh cigarettes done comes up. And beers. Ugh. But all in alls it be a good Canada Day.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps damn, here comes that idiot Lawnboy Larry now. Well, it WAS a good day.
Friday, July 1, 2011
It be Canada Day bitches
Hello folks,
it be Canada Day and I be Tanktop Tammy.
It be a sad day yesterdays. Cause it be the last day of school for Pigface. I SO liked NOT havin her round. Now what do I do with her? I be thinkin I could send her off to loser daddys for a whiles, then over to PumpkinHead (her very bestest friend in the hole wide world) and then off to the neighbours yards.
SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) I usually keeps in a box. But he gettin bored of that there box. He escapes. So think I'll send him off with Pigface. Then I can gets some much needed rest!
Except for Lawnboy Larry. Gots to get rid of him too. I think he should gets a job! He can cuts lawns. But he don't want no jobs, he says. He be so busy playin on his skateboard and hangins.
But Creepo and me wants to be alones for summertimes. So we can hangs in peace.
Creepo puts up his pool and trampoline for his three brats. That ways that keeps them super busy and they wonts bother us ALL summer. That ways me and Creepo can sits on my front stoop in our campin chairs and his three brats can swims in his backyards. It be perfect!
Anyways I gots to get more beers and cigarettes. Later loser daddy be comins over to bring us weenies and marshmellows. We gonna celebrates Canada Day in styles! Fireworks ALL nigths folks!
Haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy
it be Canada Day and I be Tanktop Tammy.
It be a sad day yesterdays. Cause it be the last day of school for Pigface. I SO liked NOT havin her round. Now what do I do with her? I be thinkin I could send her off to loser daddys for a whiles, then over to PumpkinHead (her very bestest friend in the hole wide world) and then off to the neighbours yards.
SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) I usually keeps in a box. But he gettin bored of that there box. He escapes. So think I'll send him off with Pigface. Then I can gets some much needed rest!
Except for Lawnboy Larry. Gots to get rid of him too. I think he should gets a job! He can cuts lawns. But he don't want no jobs, he says. He be so busy playin on his skateboard and hangins.
But Creepo and me wants to be alones for summertimes. So we can hangs in peace.
Creepo puts up his pool and trampoline for his three brats. That ways that keeps them super busy and they wonts bother us ALL summer. That ways me and Creepo can sits on my front stoop in our campin chairs and his three brats can swims in his backyards. It be perfect!
Anyways I gots to get more beers and cigarettes. Later loser daddy be comins over to bring us weenies and marshmellows. We gonna celebrates Canada Day in styles! Fireworks ALL nigths folks!
Haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy
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