Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo done gots a new free pool. He done blows it up yesterdays. And his three brats and my two brats done swims in it ALL day. Sos me and Creepo can sit on my front stoop and have some peace.
Loser daddy done drops off my brats yesterdays. He don't say nothin. Just drops them off and squeals away. Anyways, they be in Creepo's backyard with his brats ALL day today too. It be good for me and Creepo to get some quiets time. We SO deserves it.
KooKoo done gots herself two white and fluffy puppies. What she gonna do with thems? She don't even likes dogs. She calls the humane society on everyone with a dog. She done tries to get Creepos dog to bites her. She sticks her fingers through the fence to try and makes the dog bites her. She kicks at dogs in the streets.
She done comes over and brags her new dogs COST alot. They be what you call 'purebreds' and they BE very expensive. She says they comes with 'papers'. Is that papers for them to shits on I asks? And she sulks and stomps off. Strange.
Anyways no signs of Creepos dog yets. This is the third or fourth dog Creepo done 'lost'. He gets them free on craigslist.
Anyways, I gots to get back to my stoop and Creepo.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps no signs of Lawnboy Larry yet. If you sees him, gives him a kick in the ass for me. haha loser
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