Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos yesterdays me and Creepo be sittin on my front stoop hangins. No brats in sight. No Lawnboy Larry in sight. Then all of a suddun Lawnboy Larry runs up from downs the streets and scurries away into its bathroom. Where it remains for 25 minutes. Me and Creepos counted. There wasn't much else to do. Then he comes out and scurries away down the streets agains.
The loser daddy done comes over and drops off some cigarettes and beers and foods for the kids. I wonders how much I could gets if I done sold the food stuffs and buys some more beers?
Anyways then the idiot known as Dagwood done comes over. And tells me I be his sister. Haha loser. No way am I related to that idiot. I dont know nothin bout my childhoods. I done smacked my head on somethin hard when I was doin some heavy drugs when I be 14. Alls I remembers is 14 and onwards.
Sos Dagwood shows me some pictures and there be in that very picture my birth marks. Ha. So I guesses I be related. That sucks. Until Creepo done told me that my 'daddy' done owns a beer fest thingy, and I should gets some moneys. That done made me real happy.
I am also owed 20 years of birthday presents. Start givin me my dues bitches. And NO crap either.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps Dagwood mentions to me that Uncle Franz be comin bys to take my blood. I dont knows no Uncle Franz. I think Dagwood be smokins weed agains
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