Saturday, October 29, 2011

10 days bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be gettins colders out now so me and Creepo done be sittin on my stoop and we done starts a small fires. It feels real nices. We watchin Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue watchin they fire. It be a good night.

I done sent the brats off with loser daddy this weekend. I needs the breaks. Lawnboy went outs with his pinky pal. They gonna see a movie and then eats out. Lawnboy says he gonna have more funs than me. But I say aint. Me and Creepo gonna haves more fun! Haha loser.

KooKoo not be back yet. The loneybin be keepin her extra long this times round. Hah loser. Serves her rights.

I be lookin towards halloweenies time cause Dagwood the idiot be takin my brats out for tricks and treatins. Yay. That gives me the nights off. Me and Creepo be thinkin of dressins up real scary likes (or justs goes with our natural looks) and done scare ALL the kids and then takes they candy. I likes candy. Not as much as I likes cigarettes. Or beers.

I gots to goes, the fire done looks likes it bout to jump and spreds to the neighbours car. Haha losers. Serves them rights!

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

ps 10 days bitches. TEN DAYS left to my birthday and I done expectins GOOD gifts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 weeks to go bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres, beers and cigarettes in hand. Just hangins. It be sunny outs sos me and Creepo can sits outside on my stoop. We gonna sits here ALL day. And nights.

Sos no signs of KooKoo. Ralphio done scurries in and outs, in and outs, lookin freaked out. As per normal! I wonders where they done takes KooKoo. Haha loser. Back to the looneybins!!

Sos the stupid school done finds out that SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) done gonna haves to get out of schools. They done finds out he not be 4 but be 3. Damns. Even thoughs he be my favourites, I stills likes him to be in schools. I needs the break. They done say he be 'special' and that when he can comes back to schools next years, he gonna haves to ride the 'short bus' Whatevers that means? Lawnboy done says he done rides the short bus too.

Pigface be in troubles agains for beatins up the other kids. Goods for her. Even thoughs she not be my favourite, she be ALOT likes me. I be very proud. It be very GOOD to bully. Makes you feels SO good.

Anyways I gots to get back to my stoop. I gots some bullyins to do on da neighbours.

See ya suckas,
Tanktop Tammy

PS it be 2 weeks til my BIRTHDAY! Starts savins your money NOW bitches. I expects GOOD gifts.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

stuffs be happenin

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittins here, beers in hand and cigarettes in da other. I will NEVER stops drinkins or smokins. Or bullyins. That be my favourites!

I be SO pretty. Two people done both called me ugly yesterdays. They says I looks like a fish and a turtle. But I be SO pretty. I be the BEST lookin persons out there. And if ya donts agrees, I'll beats the craps outa ya. HAha loser.

Sos a cop car AND a ambulance both done comes to KooKoos house last night. Apparentlys KooKoo done gone CRAZY again and attacked Ralphio. He done gots scared and called the cops. They done took aways KooKoo. Me and Creepos watched. It be funny.

Lawnboy done still be passed out. Must haves been one GOOD nights last nights. We donts sees him for days and then he done finallys shows up, drunk and then passes outs. He be buried under his dirty socks and underwears. Creepo done rooted through Lawnboys stash. There be some GOOD stuffs in there! He gonna go MENTAL AGAIN when he wakes up and finds his precious items gone. Haha loser.

Anyway, I gots to get back to my stoop. See ya suckas.

Tanktop Tammy
ps SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) NOT be retardead!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

KooKoo no more pups but she done gots a brat

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Just sittin enjoyin my beers. And cigarettes. With Creepo, my bestest friend forever and ever. It be gettin colder sos sometimes we sits in my garage.

So KooKoo done gots her two new white fluffy puppies taken aways from her. She done comes out and pouts. And then says 'oh well. I can always get more puppies'. She likes the ones that done comes with 'papers', they be the special ones. Creepo done just gets his dogs from craigslist. He done gets his for free. Over da last few months, he done haves 12 or 13 dogs now. But most of them ran away. I thinks he gots one now? But maybes not. I used to haves a kitty cat but it done runs away after SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done squeezes its neck too many times. SuperDuper likes chokins animals.

Sos it done looks like KooKoo not be gettins fat afteralls. She done pops out a brat. This be her second brat. She done spends all day yellins at that one. Now she done gots 2. Ohoh. She likes to walks around in her bikini. Icky.

Not seen the Lawnboy for a few days now. It be SO nice! A lovely lovely fall.

Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, October 14, 2011

a goods day losers

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos I sends Pigface over to PumpkinHeads house for da weekend. And SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) over to loser daddys house for da weekend. That way they can eats. And I needs the breaks too.

Have not seen Lawnboy Larry for a LONG time. It be SO nice! KooKoo done gots herself two new white fluffy puppies AGAINS. It be rainins ALL day and she done lefts them outsides agains. She says it be goods for them. But them barkins be gettin on me and Creepos nerves. We be hangin in my garage ALL days. Drinkins, smokins, starins and bullyins. Whenevers any neighbour done comes home we jumps out at them and screams. It be SO funny to watches them jump!

Well it be a good day bitches,
gots to get back to my garage,

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

thanxgivin be craps

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos my Thanxgivins sucked big time. I done goes over to 'my families' house. Dagwood be there, and Nester and his hooker friend, and Lane and his hooker friend, and I thinks thats it. I aints rememberins too much causin I gots pretty drunk. I remembers eatins lots, even thoughs Burne donts basted his turkey in beers like me do. Or stuff weenies up its ass, like me do. Sos I doused the turkey in beer and made Burne cook weenies for me.

I ates and ates and ates. And then I puked.
I thinks my brats have fun. They liked destroyin a new house. I think someone watched them? Dunno.

Anyways, Lawnboy donts come, thanks gods. He done wents out with a hooker and some new pals insteads. Everybody was happy he donts comes.

Anyways it be a pretty lame Thanxgivins. And I real missed my stoop. And Creepo.

Creepo said he had a fun times at the hospital. He done ates all the turkey meals off of the kids. He done looks alot likes an orc so he done scared all the kids and no one said nothin bout him eatins all them foods. I wished I have gone with Creepo insteads. It sounds like more fun.
Creepo be sad his brat LittleBastard already be let out of da hospital. He wanted hims to stay longer. Hopefully LittleBastard will lays down in front of another fast movins car and gets runs over agains! We cans always hopes for da best.

Anyway, my thankxgivins sucked.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

life be so full. haha losers

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos PumkinHead and Pigface done gots into Lawnboy Larry's stash and done takes some stuffs. Lawnboy freaked out. He done runs around screamins at everyone. "Donts touch my stuffs. That be only for me'. He had some good foods stuffs in there. Pigface and PumpkinHead says the foods be REAL good. Not like the barely there foods in da cupboards. PumpkinHead says Lawnboy be a 'waste case and a loser'. He done just laughed when Lawnboy done freaked out. He says he not be afraid.

Pigface gots another letters from da school. She be bullyins agains and stealins lunch moneys. I be SO proud. She be just like ME! Yay! Sos now I haves to go backs to dat school and beat ups another teacher. To makes her shuts up and stops whynins.

Creepos brat LittleBastard done pulls a neat tricks yesterdays. He done likes to run out in fronts of fast movin cars. He thinks it be real fun to scares the shit outa drivers!
Most cars stops. Or slows downs. But this last one donts. He smacked straits into LittleBastard. Smash! Now LittleBastard be in da hospital. Creepo not goins to visit LittleBastard in da hospital todays but he gonna goes tomorrows cause they have tasty turkeys dinners then so Creepo gonna steals foods from the other kids and eats it himself. He cant wait.

Sos Dagwood done invites me to his (and I guess mines too?) dad's place for the Thanksgivins dinners. I donts want to go at first. Causin it would means leevin my stoops. But when Creepo done says he not be here tomorrows, I done decides to go. And Dag done says his dad done barbieQs his turkey. I love barbieQ turkeys. I hopes they fills it ups with hotdogs. That be my favourites. And besides I dont wants to hang outs with Lawnboy. I guesses I take my brats though. Someone cans watches them sos I can sit. I could really use the breaks.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, October 7, 2011


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittins here, it be warms out. Just me and Creepos, my bestest friend forever and ever.

The weasel known as Lawnboy Larry done did its agains. He done takes the moneys loser daddy done lefts for foods and winter clothins for da brats. He done spents the money insteads on boozins, hookers and a nice dinners out. He comes home real lates last nights reakins of booze. When he saws me and Creepos still be ups, he ran away.

He likes to pretends he not be drinkin. He likes to pretends he not be a alcoholick. He likes to pretends he not buy hookers. He likes to pretends he donts have deseases from da hookers on his dick. He likes to pretends he don't stalk teennage girls. He likes to pretends he not be banned from stores for stalkins teennage girls. He likes to pretends he donts steals. He likes to pretends he donts piss on da couch. He likes to pretends he donts reads other peoples mails. And emails. He likes to pretends he do alots. He likes to pretends he done fixis things. He likes to pretends he treats others peoples nicely. He likes to pretends he not be means at all. He likes to pretends he be a great father. He likes to pretends his brats likes him. And not hates him. Lawnboy likes to pretends ALOT.

He says nothin be his fault causin he suffers from 'ass-hole-i-tis'. It be a desease and he cants do nothins about its. He says he has a alcoholick deseases too. Being a dirty drunk not be his fault eithers.
Creepo done says it ALL be Lawnboys faults. None of dat stuff be deseases buts what Creepo calls 'choices', and he done say Lawnboy choices to be a ASSHOLE. But Lawnboy say he be greats.

Creepo says ALL peoples gets sick of peoples like Lawnboys and theys end up ALL alones. It will happens. Soons.

anyways nough on Lawnboys. He be depressins. Back to my stoop and starins.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SuperDuper NOT retardead

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I done gots a phone calls from SuperDuper (that one be my favourite one) teacher yesterdays. They wants me to comes to the schools cause they says SuperDuper have 'troubles'. They thinks he mights be retardead. And they asks if he be sniffin any gassesoline or 'fumes'. But I says SuperDuper not retardead. And he no sniffins that gasses or nothin. They asks if he hangs in a garage. And I says 'of course, you idiots. That be where he spents ALL his time for 2 years.' Where elses can I keeps him. I have to sits on my front stoops to watches the neighbours sos I keeps him close in da garage. I be a good mom for doin that.
I coulda just let hims sleep in his crib in his room but that would mean goins up there to gets him and feeds him and stuff. Keepin him in da garage be goods cause I donts have to do any of dat stuff. He be rights there.

The teacher wants to puts him through a bunches of tests. I says NO. SuperDuper be fine. That dopey 'expression' justs comes from his dad Lawnboy Larry. He look just like Lawnboy.

Speakins of Lawnboy, I only saws him in da mornin slinkins off somewheres. He donts say wheres. He lefts a HUGE mess in da kitchen. A HUGE mess in da livin rooms. And NOBODYS goes into his bathroom, for safetys reasons. This mornins I found SuperDuper layin buries under a pile of Lawnboys dirty underwears and socks in da kitchen. He be sleepins there.

Anyways, SuperDuper NOT be retardead. It just be what you call 'genes'. Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. My cigarette almost be burnins my fingas.

Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

piss and vinegars

Hello folks,
its be me agains Tanktop Tammy. Ah finally I am relaxin. I SO deserves it. None of my brats be rounds. Pigface be at PumpkinHead house. PumpkinHead still be in troubles for settins fires but only just a warnins. He be 'troubled' so it not be his fault ifen he sets people or they houses on fires. So Pigface be spendin the weekends there. YAY!

SuperDuper (that one be my favourite one) done be at loser daddy's house for da weekend! YAY!

Ands finally mommy dearest done left. YAYAYAY! She done gives us a bottle of wine and vinegar she done makes herself. It taste like piss and vinegar. She gives us one and a half bottles but then she takes them back. She done gives us breads too. But we donts eat it fast enoughs so she tooks that back too. She gives Pigface and SuperDuper a table she done gots at the garage sale but then she takes that back too. She says they can done use the table whens they comes to visits her.
I BE so happy she be gone.

Lawnboy is NO wheres in sites. He slinked off in da early mornins after he done piss on da couch AGAINS. That couch sure do smells like Lawnboys piss.

Anyways, it just be me and Creepo, my bestest friend FOREVER!! We plans to sit, and stares and bullys and smokes and gets drunks. The mores we gets drunks, the mores LOUD we gonna gets. It gonna be FUN!

Whoo Whoo! Hoot HOOT! WeeWee! Better not gets in our ways or we BASH you in da face. haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy