Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos PumkinHead and Pigface done gots into Lawnboy Larry's stash and done takes some stuffs. Lawnboy freaked out. He done runs around screamins at everyone. "Donts touch my stuffs. That be only for me'. He had some good foods stuffs in there. Pigface and PumpkinHead says the foods be REAL good. Not like the barely there foods in da cupboards. PumpkinHead says Lawnboy be a 'waste case and a loser'. He done just laughed when Lawnboy done freaked out. He says he not be afraid.
Pigface gots another letters from da school. She be bullyins agains and stealins lunch moneys. I be SO proud. She be just like ME! Yay! Sos now I haves to go backs to dat school and beat ups another teacher. To makes her shuts up and stops whynins.
Creepos brat LittleBastard done pulls a neat tricks yesterdays. He done likes to run out in fronts of fast movin cars. He thinks it be real fun to scares the shit outa drivers!
Most cars stops. Or slows downs. But this last one donts. He smacked straits into LittleBastard. Smash! Now LittleBastard be in da hospital. Creepo not goins to visit LittleBastard in da hospital todays but he gonna goes tomorrows cause they have tasty turkeys dinners then so Creepo gonna steals foods from the other kids and eats it himself. He cant wait.
Sos Dagwood done invites me to his (and I guess mines too?) dad's place for the Thanksgivins dinners. I donts want to go at first. Causin it would means leevin my stoops. But when Creepo done says he not be here tomorrows, I done decides to go. And Dag done says his dad done barbieQs his turkey. I love barbieQ turkeys. I hopes they fills it ups with hotdogs. That be my favourites. And besides I dont wants to hang outs with Lawnboy. I guesses I take my brats though. Someone cans watches them sos I can sit. I could really use the breaks.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
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