Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin heres on my stoop with Creepo the bestest ever friend in da hole wide world. It be gettins colder so me and Creepo done wearin 2 coats. Sos then KooKoo the nutcase done comes over and tells me that I should what you call 'donate' my other coat. I tells her to gits or I puts the hose to her. She done leaves then.
Yesterdays Ma Barker done comes over and tells me and Creepo that she be goins out for new years eves. She done gonna wears a brights silver dress and hooker heels. She says she done wants to looks like a 'two-bit-hooker'. She done says I should wears a dress like hers too. But I dont wants to leave my stoops. Creepo be thinkin bouts goins but he said maybes it be more fun to haves a party right here on my stoop. I thinks that be much betters idea.
Lawnboy done be gone for a few days. He done comes home for a bits yesterdays. He done freaks out alots. He says his teenage crush done told him gits lost. She done takes the things he done boughts her and then tells him to gits. He really done likes this last teenager too. He done says they have SO much in commons. But she done knows he donts be a teenager but an old faced dirty man with greasy dyed hairs. He didnts think she done figures it out. Too bad sucker. Hahahaha loser!
Anyways I gots to gits back to my stoop sos I can do my drinkins and smokins and hangins, and bullyins and starins.
Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
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