Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos me and Creepo be enjoyins this nice whether. I gots myself a new campin chair, I gots loser daddy to buys me one. It be REAL comfy too. Good for my ass.
Anyways yesterdays Lawnboy done haves a meltdowns. I thinks he gonna be takin away too just likes KooKoo does, every so oftens. Sos me and Creepo be sittins and hangins, enjoyins our cigarettes and beers and starins and bullyins the neighbours as they comes and goes, when all of a sudden Lawnboy done comes outs and starts screamins at us that he donts EVER wants to hang out with me OR Creepo EVER. That we be LOSERS and he be SO cool and have SO many cool teenage friends. Then he run down the streets yellins that nobody done loves him and nobody done 'gets him'. That he be super special. Then he comes back and asks if he can join me and Creepo cause we be havin a good party. Creepo done says we not be havin a party, we just be hangin and even ifen we weres havin a party he not be invited anyways causin he be a asshole and sycho. Lawnboy ran away and sulked then.
We havent seen him since. YAY!
KooKoo gots some new dogs, she done says she gonna breeds them and makes some moneys. As long as she can keeps these ones or donts gets boards of them and sells them agains.
Pigface be at schools (I thinks) and SuperDuper be with loser daddy ( I thinks). Sos it just be me and Creepo. It be a good day.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
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