Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin here in my campin chair on my stoop with my bestest friend forever Creepo. We sittin and smokin and starin and bullyin da neighbours. It be a good mornins. Creepo done says it be da first day of summer. yay! Hot summer for me to take a breaks in. But it also means Pigface be outs of schools soon. Like real soon. That sucks. I needs to finds a baby sitters and kwick like!!
Sos I done tolds Lawnboy the ahole that da brats needed new shoes and socks. They be holes in deres. Sos Lawnboy shrugs and shuffles into its bathrooms for a whiles. Then leaves. He done comes back with 4 new pairs of shoes and nice shiny new socks. For hiself. Nothin for nobody elses. Hopes loser daddy can buy my brats some shoes.
New neighbours alerts. KooKoo done tells me some freaks done moves in downs the streets. Its a woman and her husband. I'm gonna calls dem Birdface and WackySquirrelMan. Nobody don't works. He done says he gots hurts at work and so now he don't gots to do nothin. And she only gots half a brain. Thats what KooKoo says. She looks strange. Long skirts and floofy tops and real curly hair but stringy. Not a bad look. Maybe I should gets a perms agains. She be real strange like says KooKoo. KooKoo wents over theres to snoop on dems and founds out some good stuffs, mostly that they be snoopers too and stealers and nasties. But da good news is Birdface done babysits kids! yay! I can sends Pigface there and maybe SuperDuper (that one be my favourite ones) toos, ifen he ever comes outa dat box of his.
Anyways gots to get back to my stoop.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
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