Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos KooKoo be at it agains. She be drivin me and Creepo crazy.
That old nut be runnins a what you call 'daycares' out of her house. Me and Creepos can't believe peoples would drops off them kids with her. I did once. She was cheap. REAL cheap. Maybe I oughts to send Pigface there........
Anyway, yeah she be runnins a daycares. It be REAL louds too. She done stands there for hours yellin at the top of her voice:
overs and overs and overs and overs...........
Me and Creepos be thinkin of plantin a bomb in her yards. Don't knows where to gets a bomb............
And she be wearins really AWFUL pants. Spandex. Real TIGHT. She thinks she be REAL good. But she don'ts see her ASS. All them creases. Everythin squeezin outs. It make me shiver.
Only I LOOK good in spandex.
I be SO happy Ralphio warned us that KooKoo be NUTZ. He go arounds the WHOLE neighbourhoods tellin EVERYONE that she be CRAZY! But everybody already knows this.
Crazy fucked up KooKoo. I hope she blows up soon. Or goes backs to the looney bins so we don'ts have to live beside nutters and her daycares.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
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