Saturday, June 18, 2011

fleshbags we ain'ts. I thinks?

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.

Sos spendins my HOLE day sittin and drinkin, and smokin and starin. What more is there.

Pigface be out runnins up and downs, up and downs the streets screamin as loud as she cans. And terrorizin smaller kids. She sure be my mini me.

SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) spendins ALL day in his cage. Screamin.

Lawnboy Larry be tryin REAL cool things on his there skateboard. I hope he falls off and breaks his neck. haha loser.

Me and Creepo be havins a good days. EXCEPT when someones come by and called us 'fleshbags'. Don't know what a 'fleshbags' be BUT I know we ain't it. We be COOL. Awesome cool. I be the best. I be SO cool. And pertty. And young. I be the BEST lookin person in the HOLE world! And if you don'ts agree, I be snappin yer neck.

Anyway gots to go beats up some more people.
Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

ps maybes I be goin to beats up them new peoples. Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue. They be lookin at me funny like.

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