Hello folks, and Happys New Years! Haha loser. I done fooled you. It not be happys new year stupid. But I done partied likes it was last night. Me and Creepos done haves hangovers agains.
We partied ALL night long. Til KooKoo done called the cops on us. I get her for that.
My brats be at loser daddys this weekends. He done be buyins them winter coats. I guesses they will needs that. Lawnboy done spents ALL ours moneys already on new clothes for hiself. And a hooker. And his new teenagers girlfriend. He talks abouts her all the time. Ick.
Sos it be rainins todays. Me and Creepo be hangin in my garage. We started a small fires. It be tosty and cosy. KooKoo done comes over to tells me to cleans up my house. Nah I done told her. I donts wants too. I done told her to git losts. She didnts so I done put the hose to her. She screams then and rans.
Anyways I gots to get back to my garage. When me or Creepo done hears a neighbour come or go we done runs outside and screams at them. Scares the craps outa them. They SO deserves it! Haha loser.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
hellos to the Amereecan bitches
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo (my very bestest friend in da hole wide world) done says that todays be Thanksgivins in the Amereecan states. I donts thinks sos? Aint Thanksgivins be in Octobers? But Creepo be the smartest persons I knows so ifen it is Thanksgivins theres, then Happy Thanksgivins bitches. Sends me up some tasty turkeys. I loves the giblets bestest.
Sos Lawnboy be lookin real riches lately. He be usin my what you call 'credits card' to buys hiself some nice new clothins. New pants, new shoes, new glasses, new socks, new jackets, new coats, new sweaters, everythins gots to be news and expenseeve for Lawnboy. Especially ifen he not payin for its. He says he needs only the best. The rest of us can suck it.
I still gots to gets me and the brats some winter coats. I thinks I gots to gets loser daddy to buys us somes. And I thinks I sends him outs to gets us some foods stuff too. Since Lawnboy done takes our moneys to go out to a restaurant. And movies. And expenseeve wines and beers. He says he done gots a new crush. She be almost 15. She be perfect. He cants stop talkins bout her. Whatever loser.
Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. To bullys the neighbours. They SO deserves it. Haha losers.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo (my very bestest friend in da hole wide world) done says that todays be Thanksgivins in the Amereecan states. I donts thinks sos? Aint Thanksgivins be in Octobers? But Creepo be the smartest persons I knows so ifen it is Thanksgivins theres, then Happy Thanksgivins bitches. Sends me up some tasty turkeys. I loves the giblets bestest.
Sos Lawnboy be lookin real riches lately. He be usin my what you call 'credits card' to buys hiself some nice new clothins. New pants, new shoes, new glasses, new socks, new jackets, new coats, new sweaters, everythins gots to be news and expenseeve for Lawnboy. Especially ifen he not payin for its. He says he needs only the best. The rest of us can suck it.
I still gots to gets me and the brats some winter coats. I thinks I gots to gets loser daddy to buys us somes. And I thinks I sends him outs to gets us some foods stuff too. Since Lawnboy done takes our moneys to go out to a restaurant. And movies. And expenseeve wines and beers. He says he done gots a new crush. She be almost 15. She be perfect. He cants stop talkins bout her. Whatever loser.
Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. To bullys the neighbours. They SO deserves it. Haha losers.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, November 20, 2011
jacobs be all mine bitches
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos SHHHHHHHHH. I've done gots a hangovers. Me and Creepo done spents the whole nights gettin wasted. First Creepo done shows me his brand new tatoo. He done it himself. It be of a swirlin thingy. It done looks REAL cool. Creepo be SO cool.
Then he done brings out his tv sos we can watch a movie on my stoops. He done sets up what you call 'twilights'. I never done sees it befores. Wow! It BE so good! I be in love with Jacobs. He be so sexy. Creepo done says he gonna gets me a tshirts that done says 'team jacobs'. Haha!
He says twilights be at 'movie theatres'. Whatevers that be? Why goes out when you gots everythins right here on my stoop?!
Then we gots drunk. It be a REAL good weekends. NO brats! They be at loser daddys. I needs the breaks. NO Lawnboy Larry! Yay!!! He be OUTS with his pinky pal. And NO KooKoo! Yay!
Anyways I gots to go pukes again. Me and Creepo be pukin on KooKoos yard. Haha loser. And ifen ya tell her I done will come to your house and kick your ass. No foolin.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos SHHHHHHHHH. I've done gots a hangovers. Me and Creepo done spents the whole nights gettin wasted. First Creepo done shows me his brand new tatoo. He done it himself. It be of a swirlin thingy. It done looks REAL cool. Creepo be SO cool.
Then he done brings out his tv sos we can watch a movie on my stoops. He done sets up what you call 'twilights'. I never done sees it befores. Wow! It BE so good! I be in love with Jacobs. He be so sexy. Creepo done says he gonna gets me a tshirts that done says 'team jacobs'. Haha!
He says twilights be at 'movie theatres'. Whatevers that be? Why goes out when you gots everythins right here on my stoop?!
Then we gots drunk. It be a REAL good weekends. NO brats! They be at loser daddys. I needs the breaks. NO Lawnboy Larry! Yay!!! He be OUTS with his pinky pal. And NO KooKoo! Yay!
Anyways I gots to go pukes again. Me and Creepo be pukin on KooKoos yard. Haha loser. And ifen ya tell her I done will come to your house and kick your ass. No foolin.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
me be awesome!
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos the idiot nown as Lawnboy Larry done locked hiself out of da house yesterdays. Haha Loser. So he done haves to sleep in da shed. In da mornin he done stomped arounds, complainins, and bitchins and havins a hissy fits at me causin he says it be ALL my fault he done lost his keys. Everythins be ALL my faults anyways. Thats cause Lawnboy be ALL fucked up. No wonders nobody done likes him. Sos he tooks my keys and stomps off. Haven't seen him sinces. Yay!!
Creepo done gots hiself a new tatoo. It done look REAL nice. It be a flower. He done haves ten tatoos now. He be SO cool. I thinks he be the awesomest person in da hole wide world! He be made just for me.
Anyways, todays be nice. No Lawnboy and da brats be outs too, somewheres. I needs the breaks. KooKoo done boughts herslef 2 new expenseeve puppies. She says she done uses the moneys she gots from sellin the pups she done gots for frees to puts towards gettins the new pups. But she says she mights not keeps these new ones either. She mights sell them. Or somethin.
Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop for some hangins and bullyins of da neighbours. They SO deserves it. I BE so greats!
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos the idiot nown as Lawnboy Larry done locked hiself out of da house yesterdays. Haha Loser. So he done haves to sleep in da shed. In da mornin he done stomped arounds, complainins, and bitchins and havins a hissy fits at me causin he says it be ALL my fault he done lost his keys. Everythins be ALL my faults anyways. Thats cause Lawnboy be ALL fucked up. No wonders nobody done likes him. Sos he tooks my keys and stomps off. Haven't seen him sinces. Yay!!
Creepo done gots hiself a new tatoo. It done look REAL nice. It be a flower. He done haves ten tatoos now. He be SO cool. I thinks he be the awesomest person in da hole wide world! He be made just for me.
Anyways, todays be nice. No Lawnboy and da brats be outs too, somewheres. I needs the breaks. KooKoo done boughts herslef 2 new expenseeve puppies. She says she done uses the moneys she gots from sellin the pups she done gots for frees to puts towards gettins the new pups. But she says she mights not keeps these new ones either. She mights sell them. Or somethin.
Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop for some hangins and bullyins of da neighbours. They SO deserves it. I BE so greats!
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, November 13, 2011
perfect Creepo
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres hangins. What else. No Lawnboy Larry in sight. Yay! No brats. Yay! Pigface be at PumpkinHeads for da weekends. And SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) be at KooKoos. KooKoo done sold her two white expenseeve puppies. She done gots them for frees but she done solds them for $200!!! Sweet. Ifin I weren't busy sittin on my stoop ALL days I too woulds be gettin free dogs and sellins them for loads of money too!!
Anyways, someone done bashed in my front windows. Assholes. I puts a sheets over it so it done looks pretty.
Creepo done says to be mature is to find it in yerself. Or somethin likes that. Creepo be very very smarts. Sometimes I done thinks he be like god. He be everythin. He be made for me. He be an angel. He done haves wings I bets. He be just perfects. Prefect perfect Creepo.
Anyways I gots to gets back to my stoop and bully them neighbours! It be SO fun!!
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres hangins. What else. No Lawnboy Larry in sight. Yay! No brats. Yay! Pigface be at PumpkinHeads for da weekends. And SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) be at KooKoos. KooKoo done sold her two white expenseeve puppies. She done gots them for frees but she done solds them for $200!!! Sweet. Ifin I weren't busy sittin on my stoop ALL days I too woulds be gettin free dogs and sellins them for loads of money too!!
Anyways, someone done bashed in my front windows. Assholes. I puts a sheets over it so it done looks pretty.
Creepo done says to be mature is to find it in yerself. Or somethin likes that. Creepo be very very smarts. Sometimes I done thinks he be like god. He be everythin. He be made for me. He be an angel. He done haves wings I bets. He be just perfects. Prefect perfect Creepo.
Anyways I gots to gets back to my stoop and bully them neighbours! It be SO fun!!
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
yesterdays be my birthdays! Happy Birthdays to me!
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be my birthday yesterday! But it not be suches a good birthdays for me. It starts real nice, just me and Creepo, no Lawnboy, no brats, no KooKoo. Creepo bought me a Tims coffee, it be real yummy too.
Then I gots a package in da mail! I be SO excited!! I be thinkin it be for ME. For MY birthday. I done rips open da package. It be a phone. Ooooh someone done boughts me a phone. But then I sees a bill. The bill be for me BUT da phone be for Lawnboy Larry. That bastard done boughts himself a phones but he done uses what you call a 'credits card' to buys it and he done uses MY name on da credit card. So it NOT be for me afteralls. Creepo says that be stealins. To use someone others name to haves a credit cards. I told him that be the seconds time a credit cards be done in my name but I dont know nothins abouts it. I hopes loser daddy done can pays for it. Creepo done takes Lawnboys new phone and started callins people up. Hah. It be SO funny.
My new family done sent me some beers. Yum. Dagwood the idiot boughts me some weenies. Yums. Loser daddy done takes the brats for me. Creepo done roasted dem weenies and we dranks the beers. It be good. Then Lawnboy came home. Then KooKoo cames outside.
Ah wells, some of da day be goods. Happy Birthdays to ME bitches!
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it be my birthday yesterday! But it not be suches a good birthdays for me. It starts real nice, just me and Creepo, no Lawnboy, no brats, no KooKoo. Creepo bought me a Tims coffee, it be real yummy too.
Then I gots a package in da mail! I be SO excited!! I be thinkin it be for ME. For MY birthday. I done rips open da package. It be a phone. Ooooh someone done boughts me a phone. But then I sees a bill. The bill be for me BUT da phone be for Lawnboy Larry. That bastard done boughts himself a phones but he done uses what you call a 'credits card' to buys it and he done uses MY name on da credit card. So it NOT be for me afteralls. Creepo says that be stealins. To use someone others name to haves a credit cards. I told him that be the seconds time a credit cards be done in my name but I dont know nothins abouts it. I hopes loser daddy done can pays for it. Creepo done takes Lawnboys new phone and started callins people up. Hah. It be SO funny.
My new family done sent me some beers. Yum. Dagwood the idiot boughts me some weenies. Yums. Loser daddy done takes the brats for me. Creepo done roasted dem weenies and we dranks the beers. It be good. Then Lawnboy came home. Then KooKoo cames outside.
Ah wells, some of da day be goods. Happy Birthdays to ME bitches!
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Saturday, November 5, 2011
three days bitches, three days...............
Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sometimes, befores anybody done speaks, I HATE them. Then when they does speak I wants to rip out they throats. Calm. And peace. KooKoo done says I should does yoga. Thats what she does to keeps herself calm and peace and sane. But she NOT be sane. AND she done called the humane society on my brats again. She done say they barkin be TOO loud. I thinks I goes pound her agains.
Lawnboy done takes our foods money and done wents out. He done forgots to take his condoms. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) be playin with them condoms agains. He done likes to blow them UP untils they snap.
Anyways, it be THREE days to my birthday bitches! I guesses its Dagwoods birthday todays BUT who cares. Whatever. I only be impotent.
Anyways backs to my stoop. I gots some bullyins to gets done. It be a busy day.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sometimes, befores anybody done speaks, I HATE them. Then when they does speak I wants to rip out they throats. Calm. And peace. KooKoo done says I should does yoga. Thats what she does to keeps herself calm and peace and sane. But she NOT be sane. AND she done called the humane society on my brats again. She done say they barkin be TOO loud. I thinks I goes pound her agains.
Lawnboy done takes our foods money and done wents out. He done forgots to take his condoms. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) be playin with them condoms agains. He done likes to blow them UP untils they snap.
Anyways, it be THREE days to my birthday bitches! I guesses its Dagwoods birthday todays BUT who cares. Whatever. I only be impotent.
Anyways backs to my stoop. I gots some bullyins to gets done. It be a busy day.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
sittins and eatins candies
Hello folks,
its me agains. Sos just sittin heres on my stoop takin it easy. I needs the breaks.
Halloweenie time be fun. Me and Creepo decided not to go out and scare kids but sits on my stoop and scare kids. We didn't need no masks. We didn't gives out candies but we did steals them candies after we done scares them. Haha loser.
Dagwood the idiot done tooks my kids out for tricks or treatins. They done comes back tired. SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) done still be passed outs. Pigface be at schools todays. Yay! And Lawnboys be out. Somewheres.
KooKoo done comes home yesterdays from that looneybins. She done tells me she gonna starts up a 'daycares' again for kiddies. She wants me to send over SuperDupers. Maybe. I could use the breaks but I AINT payins her! Afteralls she done be CRAZY!
Me and Creepo done hooked up his tv outside and we done watched what you call 'paranormal activity'. It sure done scared me. When I done wents inside for a piss breaks I almosts jumped outa my skins when I saws a ugly face in da mirror. But then I sees it be only my face. It sure be ugly. And it sure done scares me. No wonders we gots SO much candies from them brats by scarins them. HAHA LOSERS!
Me and Creepos done hids our candies. We donts wants his or my brats to gets it. It be only for us. We be sittin nows and eatins it. Sos I betters get backs to my stoop.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
its me agains. Sos just sittin heres on my stoop takin it easy. I needs the breaks.
Halloweenie time be fun. Me and Creepo decided not to go out and scare kids but sits on my stoop and scare kids. We didn't need no masks. We didn't gives out candies but we did steals them candies after we done scares them. Haha loser.
Dagwood the idiot done tooks my kids out for tricks or treatins. They done comes back tired. SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) done still be passed outs. Pigface be at schools todays. Yay! And Lawnboys be out. Somewheres.
KooKoo done comes home yesterdays from that looneybins. She done tells me she gonna starts up a 'daycares' again for kiddies. She wants me to send over SuperDupers. Maybe. I could use the breaks but I AINT payins her! Afteralls she done be CRAZY!
Me and Creepo done hooked up his tv outside and we done watched what you call 'paranormal activity'. It sure done scared me. When I done wents inside for a piss breaks I almosts jumped outa my skins when I saws a ugly face in da mirror. But then I sees it be only my face. It sure be ugly. And it sure done scares me. No wonders we gots SO much candies from them brats by scarins them. HAHA LOSERS!
Me and Creepos done hids our candies. We donts wants his or my brats to gets it. It be only for us. We be sittin nows and eatins it. Sos I betters get backs to my stoop.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
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