Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos Creepo (my very bestest friend in da hole wide world) done says that todays be Thanksgivins in the Amereecan states. I donts thinks sos? Aint Thanksgivins be in Octobers? But Creepo be the smartest persons I knows so ifen it is Thanksgivins theres, then Happy Thanksgivins bitches. Sends me up some tasty turkeys. I loves the giblets bestest.
Sos Lawnboy be lookin real riches lately. He be usin my what you call 'credits card' to buys hiself some nice new clothins. New pants, new shoes, new glasses, new socks, new jackets, new coats, new sweaters, everythins gots to be news and expenseeve for Lawnboy. Especially ifen he not payin for its. He says he needs only the best. The rest of us can suck it.
I still gots to gets me and the brats some winter coats. I thinks I gots to gets loser daddy to buys us somes. And I thinks I sends him outs to gets us some foods stuff too. Since Lawnboy done takes our moneys to go out to a restaurant. And movies. And expenseeve wines and beers. He says he done gots a new crush. She be almost 15. She be perfect. He cants stop talkins bout her. Whatever loser.
Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. To bullys the neighbours. They SO deserves it. Haha losers.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy
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