Sunday, November 20, 2011

jacobs be all mine bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos SHHHHHHHHH. I've done gots a hangovers. Me and Creepo done spents the whole nights gettin wasted. First Creepo done shows me his brand new tatoo. He done it himself. It be of a swirlin thingy. It done looks REAL cool. Creepo be SO cool.

Then he done brings out his tv sos we can watch a movie on my stoops. He done sets up what you call 'twilights'. I never done sees it befores. Wow! It BE so good! I be in love with Jacobs. He be so sexy. Creepo done says he gonna gets me a tshirts that done says 'team jacobs'. Haha!
He says twilights be at 'movie theatres'. Whatevers that be? Why goes out when you gots everythins right here on my stoop?!

Then we gots drunk. It be a REAL good weekends. NO brats! They be at loser daddys. I needs the breaks. NO Lawnboy Larry! Yay!!! He be OUTS with his pinky pal. And NO KooKoo! Yay!

Anyways I gots to go pukes again. Me and Creepo be pukin on KooKoos yard. Haha loser. And ifen ya tell her I done will come to your house and kick your ass. No foolin.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy