Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Turned Yellow and POPPED! Haha!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos Lawnboy the Douchebag's aunty Ugly-Face done turned yellow and POPPED! Finally. That ol hag be a drunk done for years now and everyones be awaitins for her to drops dead sos they can haves her moneys. She be REAL nasty when she be alives. And always drunks too. Her skins turn ugly yellow and then she done died.

 I done goin  to her funurals with Creepo (my bestest friend forevers) sos we can eats. They be lots of foods there. Lawnboys only done went to see ifen he can gits some moneys outa her now that she be deads. He be tryins to gits moneys from hers for years.

Anyways the funurals be stranges. Causin everyone be SO happy! No one done be sad now that aunty Ugly-face be deads. Everyone be laughins and playins pins da tail on da donkeys. Mostly everyones be drunks causin there be lots o drunks in Lawnboys family.

Creepo done says that ifen ya think this funurals be a happy ones you just waits til Lawnboy the Douche done turns yellow and POPS! Haha loser. It be comin. He already is turnins into a nice shades of yellow! Keep ya fingers crossed!

On other news, KooKoo done opnes up a new daycares. She be takin her pills now so she be 'safe'. We see. And Lawnboy decided thats the brats wonts have a christmas this year causin he done spents the moneys already on hiself. Movies, dinners, lunches and new clothes fer hiself done adds up fast bitches. So that be nice the kids done give up christmas fer Lawnboy the Douche.

Merry Christmas Bitches. Joy to all and all that shit.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos losts be happenins folks. I done haves me birthdates!! I be SO awesome. Creepo (my bestest friend forevers) done buys me a tims coffee. It done tastes SO goods. Now I know whys Lawnboy the douchebag always done drinks them coffees. Instant home coffee aints good enough for the douche. For my birthdate Lawnboy done buys hiself a nice present. For hiself. On my credits cards. A beeutiful winter leathers coat. It be REAL nice. I was SO luckys that loser daddy done boughts the kids a winter coat for this year, causin they be still wearins nothin. Thank gods for loser daddy.

Sos KooKoo done be releesed from that there looney bin. She says she feels a hole lots better. And now she be readys to opens a daycares.

My brats are doins good. Ever since SuperDuper (that be my favourites one) gots hiself a Big Brother, he done stops feelins sad and bashin his head againstest the cement sidewalk. So that be a good thing. And Pigface be doins lots of stuffs with PumpkinHead and his family. So they be real busy.

Hopefullies the aliens done comes down and takes away Lawnboys for some probins.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not A Douchbag Fault and Halloweenies Eggs

Hello folks,
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Lawnboy the DoucheBag be past out. He done gots a BIG HANGOVERS. He done spents ALL nights out with his little buddy Pinky Pal. He be partyins REAL hard and donts wants nobodies to destirbs him. He done spents ALL the moneys that was supposes to be goins to the brats fer clothes. But now it be ALL gone.

Donts get mads at Lawnboy. It not be his fault. Nothins be his faults. He has what you call a diseases. Yeah, sexuals diseases but I aints talkins bouts them. No Lawnboy done what you call a al-co-ho-lics diseases. And it NOT be his faults. So it not be his faults that he done takes ALL our moneys and spends it on one nights of boozins. So whats ifen the kids aints gots no clothes. They done shopped 3 yrs agos fer clotheses. That should be fine stills. And sos whats ifen the kids go to beds hungrys. Too bad fer you done says Lawnboy Larry. It not be his fault. Aint nothin be his fault. Lawnboy just likes to party. And it done makes him REAL miserables when he done haves to partyes SO much. Causin just thinks bout it-it done cost ALOT of moneys to partyes so much. What with the costs of beers. And the costs of nice dinners. It would makes anyone angrys with havins to spends SO much moneys every days on beers. It be very expensive to be a al-co-ho-lic. And douchebag.

Sos Halloweenies done sucked. Again. I done got egged. In da face. I aints wearins no mask eithers. Me and Creepo (that be my bestest friend forever) done sits on my stoop readys to scare da craps outa dem kids when alls of a suddens, a egg done go splats in my face. Sos I licked it ups. It not be half bad.

KooKoo done ends up in da looney bins AGAINS. It not be her fault. Shes just crazy. Creepo says Lawnboy shoulds be in da looney bins too. Hahaha loser. I be SO awesome.

Anyways later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bag O Shit Lawnboy Done Wins A Award

Hello folks,
it be me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos Lawnboy done wons a awards. He done wons the awards for 'Beins the WORST dad EVER'. He be SO prouds of hiself. All these years of puttins hiself first and only carins bouts itself, done has paids off finally, he done be sayins. The brats be sad they aint gots no dad but as I says you cants have everythins. Anyways, Pigface be at PumpkinHeads most days now and SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) be havins fun times with his 'big brother'. His big brather talks to SuperDuper and SuperDuper done likes that alots.

Anyways we all be hopins Lawnboy Larry be dead soon. With all his drinkins, he should be turnin yellows any day now and POP! Haha loser! It be a sure dam waste of those nice new shiny shoes he done just boughts hiself.

Sos me and my bestest friend forevers be sittin and hangins. It almost be Halloweenies time. I donts need no masks again this year. My face done scares dem kids somethin awful. Ors maybe they can just looks at Lawnboy bein past outs. Lawnboy be one UGLY dude.

Anyways, gots to get backs to my stoop.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

thanksgivins happinesses

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin here with my bestest friend forever Creepo. We be sittin and starin and bullyin and smokin. It be a good day.

Lawnboy Larry done be REAL busy. He done be gettin a brand NEW computer readies for his new victim, I means, crush. She be 14 and he be really likin this ONE lots! He be workins on dat computer fer her ALL day. I sure done hopes she likes it. Of coarses it done be comins with a key-loggins on it sos Lawnboys can spys. Haha losers. Lawnboy keeps REAL busy spiuns on all the teenagers. It be alot of work.

He sure do looks nice in his nice NEW outfits these days. Nice clothes but stills a BAD die jobs on his hairs. He looks like an OLD retard. Anyways, I done signs my brat SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) to gets a BIG brother. Causin SuperDuper done needs a 'father figures'. He ain't gots no dad, just Lawnboy and Lawnboy be more an angry bitter DRUNK  old teenager than anythings else. SuperDuper done REALLY likes his big brother. His big brother done takes him places and done be nice to hims. Somethins Lawnboy never be.

Pigface be at her bestest friend forevers PumpkinHeads ALL weekend! YAY for me. I needs the breaks.

Sos thanksgivins just be me and Creepos. It be a GOOD times. No Lawnboys! Yay for me agains!

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Sosopath Done Pissed on my Couch!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres with my bestest friend forevers Creepo. We be sittin and starin and bullyin and smokin.  It be a good mornin. That is tils Lawnboy the douchebag done wokes up. Lawnboy done gives me ANOTHERS hate note. This one done says
 'it be ALL your fault. You be a BIG loser. The kids aint gots no clothes causin of yous and nots causin I spents ALL da moneys alreadies on boozin and stuffs just for me (Anyway I be speceel and deserves it.).

Then the freak runs off downs the roads screamins 'ain't NOBODY don'ts loves me. Nobodies understands me'. Good riddance freak.

Creepo done reads the hate note and done asks me how manies I haves now in my collechons. Sos I opens the garages door and shows him 5 HUGE piles of hate notes thats goes ALL the way UPS to the seelins. Creepo done says that be alot of hate notes. I says 'uhuh'. Then KooKoo done comes over and done sees them hate notes and done reads somes of them. Then she done says 'holy shit! this be the works of a sosopath or somethins likes that. She wents back to her place and done brings out a papers and done gives it to me.
And this here what it done says:

Profile of the Sociopath

This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Manipulative and Conning

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self

Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for love

Need for Stimulation

Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.


Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

Other Related Qualities:

Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them

Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them




Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired

Conventional appearance

Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)

Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life

Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)

Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim

Incapable of real human attachment to another

Unable to feel remorse or guilt

Extreme narcissism and grandiose

May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

And then I says 'holy shit! Lawnboy done past ALL of dem. It be the ONLY test it ever done past in its HOLE life. Good works Lawnboy Larry'.

KooKoo says she be goins now. She feels creeped out bouts Lawnboy.

Sos I done closed ups the garages and went backs to my stoop.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, September 6, 2012

hangins, schools and lawnboy aint no family

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

I sure be glads the long weekend be overs. Me and Creepo be hangin. What else is theres. Lawnboy the drunk loser be out ALL night partyin and then past outs. At leastest it be quiets without the prick blarins da muzacs.

So my brats be at schools now. Yay for me! I finally gets a breaks. This years SuperDuper (that one be my favourites) done be goins to kindersgartens. But only halfs days. That be too bads. So I sends him to the half a brain idiot downs the streets for babysittins. I sure do hopes she donts expectes any pays.

Pigface done comes homes yesterdays. She done has to draws a picture of her family. She draws me sittin on my stoop, SuperDuper sittin in his box (he sure do  loves that box) and Creepo hangin. She evens draws KooKoo in da backgrounds hidins in da bushes. But NO Lawnboy. I done asks 'where be lawnboy' and she done says the picture was onlys to put family in, and Lawnboy aint no family. Pigface be thinkins Lawnboys just be an angry loser old teenager that sleeps and pisses on our couch. Interestin.

Anyways gots to get backs to my starins and bullyins.
Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, August 20, 2012

goods and bad news bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Just sittin heres on my stoop in my campin chair with my bestest friend forever Creepo. We be sittin and starin and smokin and bullyin and drinkin. It be a good mornin.

Good news bitches-the freak with half a brain who done lives downs the streets has agrees to takes in my two brats for the rests of the summertimes. Yay! I was gettin scared causin loser daddy don't wants them anymores, he be sayins he needs a break. A breaks from whats? Loser. Anyways the half brain done takes them for nows. I hopes she donts want to gets moneys causin I aints payins her notin.

Bad news bitches-KooKoo done gots more puppies. These ones sure enough bark alots. And she has nerves to call the human societies on my brats for barkins too much. When her dogs be barkins up a storms. She done says she gonna breeds them. Ifen she can keeps them from beings takens away agains or ifen she done changes her minds and sells them. Loser.

Good and Bad news bitches-Lawnboy be at Pinky Pal's house ALOTS. YAY! BUTS he always finds his ways home. Not Yay.
Here be a tipycal day in the life of the Loser Lawnboy Larry-

Gets up bouts noon. Sniffs da couch to see ifen he done peed on its whiles past outs. Slops the last of da foods down its face.
Hangs with his Pinky Pal gettins drunks and dreamins of teenage girls.
Comes homes, scowlins and means. Has a bike baskets full of new computers and a news sound sistems.
 Drinks. Blasts it new stereos REAL louds. Drinks. Scowlins. Passes outs.

Yep that be bout right. A tipical day of Lawnboy the badboy.

Anyways, gots to get back to my stoop. Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ads for Lawnboy

Hello folks,

Lookin For Love - Lawnboy Larry Styles

Lookin fer a young pertty thing under the age of 17, will buys beers and cigarettes fer sex. I will also gives you a computer with a key log on its sos I can track you and stalk you. My hobbies includes drinkins and passes outs and usuallys wakins in my own pool of piss.
Self provessed GREAT guy . Calls me. 205-9107 or email ats lawnboythebadboy@gmail.com

Me and Creepo done writes this here ads up for Lawnboy the Evil Douchebag sos he can haves somethin new to stalks, insteads of us. Wishes us lucks bitches!

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lawnboy Larry the Evil Douchebag

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Lawnboy strikes again. The dang bastard done gones out fer dinners AGAINS! It didn't even invites da brats. But then agains Lawnboy be number one!

This be funny. The other nights Lawnboy done comes and goes, comes and goes. It done goes out then comes back and slowly and very quietlies opens da front doors and then when he done hears I be in da kitchens, the stupid ass done runs into its bathrooms and turns off da lights. I done cracks up. The stupid prick be hidins in its stinky and dirty and filthys bathrooms with the lights ALL outs. Waitins for me to leaves da kitchens. What a stupid freak.

KooKoo done comes over yesterdays, and when she be hearins of the craps Lawnboys be doins, she done says that Lawnboy 'donts have no what you call conchonce' I done thinks I spelt dat rights. You cants treets people likes craps and thinks you be greats. You cants fuck overs yer kids and done thinks they done likes you. Pigface done says to me da other day that she hates Lawnboy. She done called him a prick. And she be rights.

KooKoo says pricks like Lawnboy only gots one friend, who done be a asshole toos. Sometimes they gets so close to eachothers that they done what you call skipes when they cants be togethers. Sad. KooKoo says Lawnboys die alone. KooKoo done says that she done what you call taro readins now and she done says that I be findins love REAL soon! I be SO excited over this! And she says this man NOT be a drunk OR a asshole! Yay for me!

Bye bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, July 28, 2012

bye bye

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos GOOD news bitches. Lawnboy Larry the fuck up done makes up with his bestest friend and only friend Pinky Pal. Pinky done says its okays ifen Lawnboy wants to stalk him and reads ALL his emails causin he aint gots no one elses to hangs with. ALL drunks gots to have ONE friend. Another drunks. Its da rules bitches.
Sos Pigface done gots invited to her bestest friend forevers PumpkinHead and when she done comes homes, Lawnboy the fucktard done stalks her. He done follows her ALL over da house, starins at her. And he be harressin her with mean questions and sayins. Ifen she done leaves a room, he done leaves da room. Ifen she goes into another rooms, he done goes into another rooms. He be REAL nasty to hers. She aint know whys. I done tells her it be causin Lawnboy be a drunkin asshole. She done asks where he done goes when he done comes and goes, comes and goes and I says I donts be knowins eithers. Mostly to get booze and stalk little girls. She done says he be creepy. And I says yep.
And now ALL of my guy friends on my phone be deletes. Lawnboy done do it agains. The prick evens takes off my dentist causin he be a guy. Creepo says Lawnboy sure be shrinkin so fastest now that hopefully he just keeps shrinkins til he done disappears. I done hopes so toos. Sos do the brats. Bye bye Lawnboy the fucktard! And Good riddances toos!

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, July 6, 2012

mans I looks sexy in this bikini

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres in my bikini soakins up da sun. With my bestest friend forever Creepo. We be sittin and drinkin and smokin and starin and bullyin. That last one done be my favourite. The kids be at loser daddys house agains sos they can eats. Causin Lawnboy done spents all my credits on hiself. Goins out and buyins hiself things done costs ALOT of moneys. He done spents every last cents on hiself and then blamed me for it. What a asshole huh. He done says I needs another what you call 'credit cards'.

Creepo done asks where the Lawnboy be at and I says he be scowlins and sittins and stalkins on his computer. He be readin my emails and all the little girls emails and his Pinky Pals emails. Pinky Pal still be mad that Lawnboy stalks hims. The little girls donts know nothin bouts it. Lawnboy be mad causin he donts likes someones doin what he be doin to others. Sos he be real scowlins for, well, forevers.  Creepo done says Lawnboy be 'one mentally fucked up stubby legged freak with a bad die job'. Haha Creepo be SO rights.

Sos KooKoo done comes over yesterdays to 'prays' for me and Creepo. She says we be goin to hell for sures causin we not be of 'da book'. She done says though that my bikini be real pertty ands I could make a real good religious person. But I tolds her AGAINS I dresses sexy causin I BE sexy and NOT religious. I just tryins to get a tan. Sos I tolds her to beats it or I'll kick her ass and beat her down. She done runs but yells 'violents be part of being religios persons so join us'. Then she felled down. And me and Creepo laughed. And then I done hosed her off. Haha loser.

Last weekends be Canada Day. Me and Creepo done sats and watched da neighbours comes and goes. We donts needs to do nothin fun since we gots our campin chairs and cigarettes. Everythin be heres. Lawnboy spents all day scowlins or passed out. Everyone elses afoided hims. Causin he be such a prick.

Anyways another holiday survived. Maybes by da next holiday Lawnboy will be no more!

Gots to go bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Boxes, brains and bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin here in my campin chair on my stoop with my bestest friend forever Creepo. We sittin and smokin and starin and bullyin da neighbours. It be a good mornins. Creepo done says it be da first day of summer. yay! Hot summer for me to take a breaks in. But it also means Pigface be outs of schools soon. Like real soon. That sucks. I needs to finds a baby sitters and kwick like!!

Sos I done tolds Lawnboy the ahole that da brats needed new shoes and socks. They be holes in deres. Sos Lawnboy shrugs and shuffles into its bathrooms for a whiles. Then leaves. He done comes back with 4 new pairs of shoes and nice shiny new socks. For hiself. Nothin for nobody elses. Hopes loser daddy can buy my brats some shoes.

New neighbours alerts. KooKoo done tells me some freaks done moves in downs the streets. Its a woman and her husband. I'm gonna calls dem Birdface and WackySquirrelMan. Nobody don't works. He done says he gots hurts at work and so now he don't gots to do nothin. And she only gots half a brain. Thats what KooKoo says. She looks strange. Long skirts and floofy tops and real curly hair but stringy. Not a bad look. Maybe I should gets a perms agains. She be real strange like says KooKoo. KooKoo wents over theres to snoop on dems and founds out some good stuffs, mostly that they be snoopers too and stealers and nasties. But da good news is Birdface done babysits kids! yay! I can sends Pigface there and maybe SuperDuper (that one be my favourite ones) toos, ifen he ever comes outa dat box of his.

Anyways gots to get back to my stoop.
later bitches,

Tanktop Tammy

Monday, June 4, 2012

KooKoo the religous and Lawnboy Larry the drunkard dickhead

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres with my bestest friend forever Creepo when KooKoo does comes alongs. I hads on my super tight super shorts shorts on, the ones wheres my ass cracks done comes out. I looks super sexy. I be so HOT. Anyways KooKoo done tells me agains she be recrewtins for her faiths. And she be thinkin sinces I done dresses like a good religuos persons, that I should joins her group. And thens she can treats me better 'ifen I be of da book'. I dont's know what book she be talkins bout but I ain't want nothin to do with its. I done dresses likes this causin I be so hot. That's all. But she done says I should joins causin then I wonts be conseedered a hooker or a witch or a swinger but a good religous person. I done tolds her to gits or I put the hose to her. She done ran then. Haha loser.

Sos the drunkard nowns as Lawnboy Larry done finally comes home late last nights smellins of boozins and fartins. He saids he had a REAL good time hangin with some new cool teenagers. He done likes them SO much thats he gonna gives them a new computer. Ohoh. Lawnboy and Pinky Pal ain't be friends still Ever sinces Pal puts a what you call 'keyloggins' on Lawnboys computers. Lawnboy don't likes being stalked. He likes to do the stalkins. He gots real mads at Pinky Pal.

Lawnboy be wearins some REAL nice clothes. He says he done gots ALL new clothes and shoes and everythins and it ain't cost him nothin. Causin he done used my credits cards. Didn't knows I even had one of thoses. 'oh yes' says Lawnboy Larry 'you haves many of thems. Thats how causin I can buy myself clothes and dinners and hookers and computers for my bestest friends and movies and sos on and sos on.' SOS I tolds him that Pigface be wantins a computers too and BOTH of the brats be needins clothes causin ALL they stuffs have holes in dem and they be outgrowins EVERYTHINS. And Lawnboy done says 'too bad for thems. The moneys ONLY for hims. And the brats can suck it. Lawnboy be the ONLY one that counts. Lawnboy done says that he wills only be nice to the brats when they be older and workins causin he plans to gets money and boozes off of thems. But for now, he ain't gots to be nice to them. He cans treats them likes craps and too bad for you. Haha loser and he runs off to his bathroom to smokes.

Anyways I gots to get back to my stoop. Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Long Weekend Blues

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres with Creepo (my bestest friend in da hole wide world). We be drinkin and smokin and starin and bullyin and sittin. It be a good mornin.

It be a long weekend this weekend pastest. And it done suck. It started offs real good. I done sents my brats offs to loser daddy for da hole weekend! Causin I needs the break. Lawnboy Larry be partyin at his Pinky Pals house. But then it all go down hills when Lawnboy done comes home. Reekins of booze. He done past outs on my couch and pisses heself AGAIN. Whatevers you do, don'ts let Lawnboy sleeps on your couch!

Anyways when he comes to, he done be stompin round da house havins a hissy fit. Creepo done calls him a DIVA causin of his hissy fits. He be sulkin and screamin and be  real nasty likes. Me and Creepo and da brats likes him betters when he be not talkins to us insteads. But anyways, he says he and his bestest coolest pal Pinky dones have a fight. Not causin who is gonna drives homes from da bars drunks or who has to pays for the hookers, but Pinky Pal done finds out Lawnboy done puts what you call a 'key-loggins' on his computers. Pinky Pal be REAL mad. Causin Lawnboy be readins ALL his emails and everythings. Lawnboy just shrugges. So whats? he says. He says he puts one on ALL computers. Espeecially computers he done gives to little teenager girls. Espeecially the ones he dones have crushes on. Sos he donts gets why Pinky Pal be mad. Hes just readin his emails and knows all his private stuffs. Sos Pinky Pal done says he gonna puts one on Lawnboys computer. Thats when Lawnboy freaks out! And stomps off. Sos now we stuck with hims. Me and Creepo gots to gets Lawnboy and his Pinky Pal backs togethers agains somehows. It be better he be offs partyin and goin to them movies and restaurants and all that cool stuffs than be pissin and boozin on my couch blastin da tv all nights. Afteralls when we finally do gits rid of Lawnboy, he wills have to lives with his Pinky Pal. Causin no one else cans stands him.

Thinks thinks thinks. We gots to comes up with a plans. A super duper goods plans.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, May 5, 2012

hey bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin heres in my garages causin it be rainins outsides. Creepo (my bestest friend in da hole wide world) be sittins with me. We be doin lots. Sittin, drinkin, smokin, starin, bullyin, callin names, it be a good mornins. Til Lawnboy done wokes up. He be passed out for 2 days causin he be drinkin 2 muches agains. He sure dos likes to drinks. He done yells at me and Creepo that he be 'taperecordins' us. So what done says Creepo. And then Lawnboy says that he be knowin EVERYTHIN we done says. And Creepo done says back Sos whats?. Then Lawnboy freaks out and runs off down the streets yellins nobodies donts loves him. Stupid bastard.

KooKoo done comes over yesterdays and she be tellin me that I done be 'deelutional', I thinks I spelt that right. I be a good spelliners. I be SO awesome!
Anyways, KooKoo done says that I be deelutional causin I thinks I be awesome and beeutiful and be not either. And she says Lawnboy be deelutional causin he thinks he gots friends when he donts, he just gots peoples that 'uses' him to gets stuffs and he only gots 1 friend, his drinkin pal Pinky, causin ALL drunks only gots one drinkin pal, it be in all the books bout drinkins too muches.

Sos I punched her. Not causin bouts Lawnboy, thats ALL be trues, evens his own moma and loser daddy cants stands him, they says he be ugly and not just on the outsides eithers, BUT I done punches her causin she say I not be awesomes or beeutiful. And I be both.

Haha loser. In yer face,
Anyways, I gots to get back to my campin chair,
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, April 19, 2012

hey loosers

Hi folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin heres with Creepo my bestest friend forever. We be havin fun sittin and drinkin and smokin and bullyin and terrorizin the neighbours. Espesially KooKoo. Her dogs be runnin free ALL week. She leave them outside ALL day and ALL night. She says she be breedin them. And she will make big money.

She done call the human society on me AGAIN. Causin she says my brats be barkin two loud again. And it be buggin her. And they pissed on her lawn. Only SuperDuper done pisses on her lawn. SuperDuper (that one be my favourites one) done bashed his head into the sidewalks AGAINS. He done gets bored real fast sos he smashed his head into concretes for fun. He had to get ALL new teeths this week. One of his teeths be gold. He looks REAL super cool.

Lawnboy be passed out on da couch. He done be passed out in his own piss. He done smell REAL bad. He smells likes piss and booze and hooker. It not be a good smell. It be a real bad smell. He done tells me I am gonna gets a new credits cards sos he can goes to more movies. He sure do likes them movies. Only he cans effords goins to the movies. They aint be no more moneys for me or my kids to go to them movies. He likes to see them movies in a big espensive movie place espesially when the moveis first done comes out. He done needs to see it rights away. He done sees every movie that done comes out. And he likes real expensive restaurants two. He likes to try every single restaurant in da city. He says he done deserves it. He be number one afteralls. Creepo done says Lawnboy be an asshole. Anyways me and da kids donts needs movies when we gots a campin chair and lots of neighbours to bully. I be keepin pretty busy.

Creepo done says he hates being stuck with his brats all alones since his bride done splits. She done takes off. I saws her leaves in da middle of da night when she done thoughts everyones be sleepins. I donts say nothin to Creepo. Creepo dont notices she be gone for two whole months. Then one day he knows she be gone so nows he wants to date someones sos they can takes care of his brats. They sure be a handful Espesially his boy. He done starts 5 fires this weeks alones. He likes burnin stuffs.

Anyways I gots to go bitches. I donts want to lose outs on terrorizin new neighbours.
later loosers,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter all you bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be Easter times agains. Last year that damn bastard Lawnboy Larry done tooks ALL the easter moneys his loser daddy done gives us and wents out to a bar with his pinky pal. I done finally tracked him down at a bar at midnites and he was full blowns drunks. He done uses ALL the moneys on strippers and boozes. So my brats dont gets a easter. Sos I knows he be outs agains boozins and hookerins this years too.

Sos I decidedes to get loser daddy to gives my brats chocolate insteads of givin moneys to Lawnboy to buys chocolates. I tolds loser daddy to gets only the best chocolates cause I be the one who gonna eats most of its. I usually tells the kids that Creepo's dog done eats all the chocolates but it really be me and Creepo. Haha loser.

Anyways Creepo's dog be mostly chuckin all the time anyways.

Sos anyways happy Easter all you bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

hey bitches

Hello folks,
its me again Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres hangins. With my BESTEST friend in da hole wide world Creepo.

Lawnboy done haves a freak outs AGAINS. KooKoo done be outsides and heards him freakins out. When he run down the street screamin 'nobody dont loves me', KooKoo done comes over and says that Lawnboy done suffers from what you call 'mutiples personal disorders' or somethin likes that. I knows the words disorders and that done sounds likes Lawnboy. KooKoo done says Lawnboy shoulds be 'medicated'. Creepo done says Lawnboy just be your average asshole. And he donts suffers nothin but ass-hole-i-tis. I gots to go with Creepo on this one.

KooKoo done says she gots 2 new dogs and they cost ALOT! They done gots papers and everythins and she done gots them pregnant and she be sellin them puppies real soons for LOTS of money. Unlesses the human society done comes and takes away her puppies agains. She done lost LOTS of dogs cause she beats them or leaves them outsides in da rain and hail. She donts care. She says she be real goods with dogs. And she gonna keeps these ones til the human society done comes for them.

Anyway, me and Creepo done watches the other neighbours Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue da other night. They be watches they fire agains and we be watches them.

Creepo be goin nuts takin care of his 3 brats sinces his lovely bride done left. She done run away.

Anyways gots to go bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos me and Creepo be enjoyins this nice whether. I gots myself a new campin chair, I gots loser daddy to buys me one. It be REAL comfy too. Good for my ass.

Anyways yesterdays Lawnboy done haves a meltdowns. I thinks he gonna be takin away too just likes KooKoo does, every so oftens. Sos me and Creepo be sittins and hangins, enjoyins our cigarettes and beers and starins and bullyins the neighbours as they comes and goes, when all of a sudden Lawnboy done comes outs and starts screamins at us that he donts EVER wants to hang out with me OR Creepo EVER. That we be LOSERS and he be SO cool and have SO many cool teenage friends. Then he run down the streets yellins that nobody done loves him and nobody done 'gets him'. That he be super special. Then he comes back and asks if he can join me and Creepo cause we be havin a good party. Creepo done says we not be havin a party, we just be hangin and even ifen we weres havin a party he not be invited anyways causin he be a asshole and sycho. Lawnboy ran away and sulked then.

We havent seen him since. YAY!

KooKoo gots some new dogs, she done says she gonna breeds them and makes some moneys. As long as she can keeps these ones or donts gets boards of them and sells them agains.

Pigface be at schools (I thinks) and SuperDuper be with loser daddy ( I thinks). Sos it just be me and Creepo. It be a good day.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentines day = blah

Hello folks,
its me again Tanktop Tammy.

Sos yesterdays be valentines day. Blah. Lawnboy done woke ups in a REAL bad mood AGAINS. Causin he done pissed on our couch AGAIN. He says it be ALL my fault. Then he done gots a 'restrainins order' puts against hims AGAINS- this be his FIFTH one. For stalkin teenage girls. AND he not be alouds in two restaurants causin of his stalkin. He donts likes restrainin orders much.

SOs then the Lawnboy done goes out to a fancy restaurant with his pinky pal. He says the foods be real goods. Unfortunatelys he done takes ALL our moneys and done spents it on hiself. SOS I hads to call up loser daddy to brings me and the brats something to eat too.

SOs sinces Lawnboy done takes all my moneys, me and Creepo done sits on our stoops. And done watches all the loser nieghbours goins out for valentines dinners. Who needs that when you done gots a stoops to sits on. Fancy dinners are for chumps anyways. And besides I aint ever been to a restaurant befores. ALL the moneys be spent on Lawnboy.

Lawnboy be tryin to convince the BIG companys to gives him another credit card in my names. Sos he cans go outs even more. He says he done deserves it.

Creepo done says that Lawnboy be the 3 s's. Sleazy, Sinister and Very Sneakys. Yep! That be Lawnboy. Creepo says that in da future Lawnboy is gonna have to lives in his Pinky Pal's basement with his boozes and restrainin orders. HAHA. Serves him right.

Later Losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps thinkin I mayt get one of those restrainin orders myself..............

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

no Creepo bride

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres hangin. Drinkins and smokins and starins and bullyins. That be my favourite.

Sos Creepo bride done takes off. He donts notices til nows but she done be gone for likes 2 months. Ooopsies. She donts takes the kids with hers.

Lawnboy be past outs in his bathrooms. Sittin and droolins in his own vomits. He says he done gots the sniffles sos he wonts be goins out of his bathroom for a week, at least. He be real mad causin he says he done got cuts off from usins my credit cards. He donts gots no money now. Haha loser. He says he gonna gets another credit card in my name sos he can go backs to partyins with all the cool teens. And da hookers. And his favourite pinky pal. He says the hooker done gives him the snifles.

Sos my favourite kid SuperDuper done bashed his heads into the cement sidewalks agains. He says he be bored. Sos I stitches him up myself. With Creepos helps of coarse.

Anyways gots to get another cigarettes in my mouth.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

alone in his own stenches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin in my garage hangins with Creepo (my very bestest friend in da hole wide world). Pigface be at schools (thanks gods) and SuperDuper (that be my favourite brat) be at loser daddys house. Some time to meselfs. I needs the break.

Sos yesterday the loser skank nowns as Lawnboy Larry done comes runnins out yellins at me and Creepo. He done wants to comes and hangs out with us. Then he done runs back insides and then he done runs back outsides and yells that he donts EVER wants to hangs with us losers. He done gots his own pinky pal who is SO greats. Then he done runs down the streets yellins nobodys done loves him. And he be SO great.

Whatever freak.

Then KooKoo done comes over. She done tells me and Creepo she be takin 'sykick course'. Sykick done be a hard words to spells but I think I gots it. Causin I be SO smart. And beautiful. And awesome.

Sos anyways, KooKoo done tells us she can reads the futures now causin she tooks a coarse in its. Sos Creepo done asks her what done gonna happen to me and hims. She done says Creepo done gonna buy a new car. Or motersycle. Cool. Creepo done like that. And she says for mes- that I agonna find love. Some cool dude done gonna comes along in a couple of years and we done gonna falls in love. That be a BIG relieve causin then I can FINALLY gets rid of Lawnboy the ahole. Creepo done asks then whats gonna happen to Lawnboy Larry and KooKoo done says he gonna 'die ALONE in his owns stench of vomits and disgusts in his own bathroom'. That sounds REAL good to mes and Creepo. Creepo done says that be a 'fittin ends to an asshole life'.

Anyway I gots to go,
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, January 22, 2012

NO nasty drunks allowed

Hello folks,
its me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres, drinkin, smokin, bullyin, starin and sittin. What more is there?

So stupid Lawnboy done spents ALL ours grocery moneys on goins out AGAINS. I done haves to call over loser daddy to brings me and my brats some foods. Sos we donts starve.

Yesterdays when me and Creepo (my bestest friend forever) was just sittin, stupid Lawnboy done comes over, shruggins and starins at its feets and done asks us what we be doins. We says we be sittins. And then he done asks us if we be goins outs? And I says you done tooks ALL the moneys you stupid cow, so wheres we be goins to? And then stupid Lawnboy done shrugs agains. And says I donts know. Just thought you be goins out.
Then he says he wants to join us in our party time. And I says we aint partyin. We just sittin. And he says he still wants to join us now. Before he says we be TOO lame to join. We be the losers and he ONLY hangs with the coolest teens. Sos Creepo done remembers this and says to Lawnboy 'NO drunkun ass, prick face assholes allowed in our group Lawnboy. Go piss on the couch'. Sos Lawnboy done throws a hissy fit and runs off to his bathroom to consoles heself with some boozens.

Later on, he did piss on da couch. He was done past out.

Anyway that be my day bithces,
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, January 16, 2012


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos just sittin here on my stoop with my very bestest friend in da hole wide world. We be sittin and drinkin and starin and smokin and bullyin. What more is there.

I feelin bummed out causin my ass done hurts sos. One of my brats done left a toy on da stairs and I done tripped and felled on it. Bounced down da stairs on my ass. It done hurts. Sos I sittins. Takin it real easy like.

KooKoo done be backs home sos I done lets her take my favourite kid SuperDuper for the day. I needs the breaks afteralls. Yesterdays SuperDuper done smashed his head into the brick walls causin he was bored. Sos he done had to get stitches agains. His head gonna be a map o stitches soon. Haha. That be my boy.

No sight of Lawnboy. He be off partyin with his Pinky Pal and other teenage friends. He think he be SO cool. But I BE so cool.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres on my stoop in my campin chair. Got myself a new campin chair. Mine old one done broke. Lawnboy done says it be causin of my fat ass. Sos I done smacked him upside the head.

Lawnboy be super bummed out lately. He done says that his bestest friend ever, his Pinky Pal done be what you call a 'al-co-ho-lick'.He says his Pinky Pal done drinks WAY tooo much. He always be drunks. And it sucks causin Lawnboy wants Pinky Pal to do ALL the drivins when theys go outs partyins togethers and buys them hookers and all that fun stuffs.
Creepo done says 'how'd you knows Pinky Pal be a drunk causin YOU be a drunk tooo.' Lawnboy plugged his ears and ran off to his bathroom yellins 'nobody dont love me!". He be in there ever since.

As for me and Creepo we be sittins and drinkins and smokins and bullyins and starins. It be a good day for us.

Anyways later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year bitches, same Tammy

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres in my garage causin it be REAL colds outside. I can stills peaks on the neighbours and runs out and terrorizes them whens I needs too.

Sos I guesses it be a new year. Happy New Year all you bitches. I spent my new years with Creepo my very bestest friend in da hole wide world. We toasted marshmellows and weenies over the fire pit in my garage. And then we drank. We dont stop drinkin til we done saws the suns comes up. Then we shots off fireworks. Creepo done nearly blew off his face twice! It be SO awesome. I BE so awesome!

I sent my brats to loser daddy. I needs the break. Lawnboy Larry done takes off to a fancy restaurant. Then to the hooker place. And then to what he calls a SUPER cool party with ONLY super cool teenagers there. He donts come home til late last night. He done tells me and Creepo- Happy 2009! Stupid drunk idiot. He done still thinks it be 2009. Stupid.

Anyways, happy 2012 bitches.
I needs a cigarette.
Tanktop Tammy