Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sos it's rainin here folks. Which means I can't hang outside. But gots to hang in my garage. My garage smells like oil. And cigarettes. Loves it. Sos I'm hangin out in my garage for the WHOLE day. I've got Lawnboy Larry (cuz he's home and can't cut them there lawns in the rain) here and I've got some loser friends over too. CB will be coming over soon too.
ALL winter we hangs in the garage. When my favourite SuperDuper was a baby, we kept him in the garage ALL the time. He likes it there bestest.
KooKoo's done back and hasn't noticed her pills are missin, YET! She's outside standin in the rain right now. Yikes.
Anyway, better start up that there barbieQ. It's time to eat. Think I'll go get another beer and send Lawnboy Larry out for more smokes. The only time I leave is to get them smokes or beer, but usually I just send Lawnboy Larry.
ALL day I just like sittin, starin, smokin and scowlin.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. OOH! That sounds like SO MUCH FUN! NOT! Anyway Tammy, can I have the callous of your body? Pretty please with a beer can on top!

  2. sure Nester, it's all yours. The callous (whatever that is) NOT the beer, not even the empty can. I collect them and give them to SuperDuper for Christmas.
    Did you see my award Nester. You'll never get an award. Haha loser,
    Tanktop Tammy
