Hi Folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos this weekend, I spent ALL day Saturday and ALL day Sunday sittin in my big black bikini on my hammock, listening to music blare with beer and cigarette in hand. Creepo and CB sat with me the whole time too. Creepo's favourite is to count. He tries to count to ten but gets all the numbers mixed up. Like he'll say "1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 8, 10!" We all cheer!
Anyway, Lawnboy Larry done took off for awhile. When he didn't show up for lunch, we decided to go alookin for him. Guess where he was? You'll never guess.
Lawnboy Larry done jumped KooKoo's fence and got into her 'happy pills'. Yep, he sure did. KooKoo's been takin these 'happy pills' since she done come back from the Loonie Bin and they make her voice all sweetsy like and high pitched and they make her sound like she's talkin to a baby ALL the time. But she seems real happy, now. Sorta creepy though. We all agree, we done liked her better all skulky and weird and mean.
Anyway, back to my story. Sos we find Lawnboy Larry sittin on Ralphio's deck suckin down KooKoo's 'happy pills'. He's gigglin somethin fierce and smilin all crazy like and rockin back and forth, back and forth.
Creepo tried to get them 'happy pills' away from him but that made him growl. Then he sucked down the last one and then I tackled him to the ground.
We done took him to that there place called a hospital. The doctor said Lawnboy Larry will be ok once he starts pukin up all them pills. She said Lawnboy Larry's 'a tragic figure'. I overheard her done tellin that nurse that Lawnboy Larry's a tragedy, like this dude from something like 'Death of a Salesman'
That Lawnboy Larry's delusional, thinkin he's still back in high school and all, and that he's still cool cuz he done wear his cap backward and all and that he likes to ride his skateboard.
The doctor done told me she thought Lawnboy Larry done bumped his head cuz he was tellin her how cool he was. I done told her that "nope, he didn't bang his head, that's just Lawnboy Larry, he's always like that' And then she just shook her head and said he was a sad, sad tragic figure. I dunno what that means but I hope she don't have eyes for my man! Cuz I'll beat her up.
Sos anyway, I took Lawnboy Larry home and he done spent the WHOLE night pukin.
What a loser.
All in all, I'd say it was a good weekend. Just don't know what I'll do when KooKoo gets back and done finds her 'happy pills' all gone?
I loved this post!