Monday, December 20, 2010

Creepo Returns And Santie Be Stealins!

Hello folks,
it's me, Tanktop Tammy. Sos my Christmis wish done come true! Creepo has done returned to me. I be SO happy. He didn't like workin at 'workin outs'. He be gonna go back to the welfares. Likes me.

Sos me and my bestest bud forever and forever, done our usual Christmis trickerys.
We done go round the neighbourhoods and 'takes' anything that ain't be bolted down. We dress in reds to looks like Santie Claus in case we gets caught. We stole some real good shit this year. I thinks it be our bestest year yets.

We done stole two sleds, some cigarettes (previously smoked), a can of oil, one bike, two hats, one skateboard and all them wreaths on them doors too. I gives Lawnboy Larry the wreaths. He likes to play with them, in what he done calls 'ring toss'. He done throws them wreaths over beers cans. It keep him busy for hours.

I also done steals all the pertty Christmis lights, Creepo likes to dress in them, nakeds. It be funny. And I done stoles all the carrots from them snowmens too. They be tasty.

Creepo's done gonna take the can of oil, I'm takin the cigarettes, and we be splittin the bikes and sleds and skateboards between Lawnboy Larry and the brats.

It gonna be a good Christmis!
Gotta go, sounds like Lawnboy Larry done got his face buried in snows again.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy