Sunday, December 12, 2010

Homeless Dude be gone. But I gots a carrot for breakfast!

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos todays I woke up buried in snow. I fell asleep on my stoop last night and wokes up to find someone had made a snowman out of me. I even had a carrot stuck in my face. Sos I ate it. It be a good breakfast.

When I gots all the snows off me, I charged at Lawnboy Larry cause I thought he done its to me. And the stupid fool just be sittins there besides me not doin nothin. And besides he supposes to be being homeless and hangin on the curb down the streets and rounds the corner form heres.

After I pummeled the idiot and he begged for mercy, then he done tells me he not be the one to makes me into a snowman. But says it be the Homeless Dude that dones it. Thats when I notices the Homeless Dude not be there. He supposes to be here with me NOT Lawnboy Larry. Sos then Lawnboy Larry says the Homeless Dude couldn't stand hangin with me no mores and went back to his curb. Backs to being homeless.
That sucks. Now I'm left with Lawnboy Larry. Sure wish he'd get run over by a bus!

Anyways, sos now just sittin heres on the stoop, smokin and drinkin and hangin. With Lawnboy Larry. I guesses my days with the Homeless Dude are done for.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

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