Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Losers

Merry Christmas all you losers!

It's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos we gots up early and tore into our stolen (or as I likes to thinks of it, regifted) presents. Had a smoke and a beers for breakfast. Then I gives a beers to Pigface and SuperDuper to makes them pass out. I likes it quiets on Christmas.

Some stupid carollers done comes over last nights and starts singin. It was truly horridable. Lawnboy Larry done starts peein on them from the upstairs window. I done thoughts it was funny. But it ain't get rid of them sos I turned the hose on them. Then they ran. That was funny.

Gots the weenie stuffed turkey in the oven. Waitin for my bestest friend forever Creepo and his lovely bride and wonderful brats to comes over for dinners. I be greatsful for my bestest friend. But not feelin greatsful for Lawnboy Larry. He done irritate me sos. I like to think of myself as widowed. Haha loser.

Anyway, times to get back to my stoop, gots some nieghbours watchin to dos.

Later losers. And too bad your Christmas won't be as good as mine!
Tanktop Tammy

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