This is my very bestest friend in the whole wide world. His name is Creepo.
We have SO much in common. He doesn't work either AND he has his own campin chair! I know! What are the odds of that!
So my very bestest friend Creepo and I sit together ALOT on my front stoop smokin and drinkin and sittin. We sit and sit for hours watching Pigface play in the street. SuperDuper, I put in a cage. Creepo made it for him. Sweet!
Creepo's favourite things to do (when he's not sittin with me on my front stoop in his own campin chair) are: wandering aimlessly around his and other people's backyards, sittin high up in trees watching people in their houses and, well, that's about it really. Oh and he likes coffee. He takes his old dirty coffee cup to Tim Hortons and they keep refilling it for him. He really likes coffee.
Well, that's my best bud, and that's it from me, gotta run and get some more cigarettes!
Tanktop Tammy
Hello Tammy!
ReplyDeleteYou're an odd one!
You sound similiar to Hagface....
Hello Dagwood,
ReplyDeleteI ain't odd, you are.
Who is this here Hagface then? You talkin bout Bonnie- your soon to be sister in law?
Guten Tag Tammy!
ReplyDeleteQuite frankly you're an idiot! I admit I am odd, but you're so disgraceful.
Hagface is an old woman who steals beer from my dad's place.
Also, I didn't take your red flip-flops! That goblin thing did.
You take that back Dagwood! That goblin thing is my bestest ever friend. And a way better friend than your idiot friend Wayne!
ReplyDeleteps I'm not disgraceful, I am a loser, So there!
OKAY, you're a loser.
ReplyDeleteWayne isn't an idiot! Do you know 5 tree languages?! Because Wayne does! Haha!
Wayne's a weenie. And so are you Dagwood! So there, haha! Only weenies speak tree.
ReplyDeleteGimme back my red flipflops man. I need them back if they win the poll.
Wayne's not a weenie, though you are.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking any tree language is very important to the Olden Wood Days, and no, weenies don't speak any tree language.
I didn't touch your red flip-flops! They're disgusting!
Maybe an imp set them on fire since they're revolting.
Bye now you idiotic "campin" chair loser!
Hey I take offense to that- I ain't no campin chair loser, just cuz I sit in a campin chair doesn't make me a campin chair loser! So there, ha!
ReplyDeleteHe better not have burnt my red flipflops, or I'll burn him, with my cigarette butts.