Hi folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. And I'm hear to tell you about my neighbour.
Her name is Koo-koo. She done split last year. Disappeared. For like 9 months. She was in the Loonie Bin, sos we hear tell. But then she came back.
We ain't friends or nothin but we do spend alot of time staring at each other. She likes to spend ALOT of time outside in her backyard, just standin there, and sometimes she pokes her fingers through the holes of the fence to try and get Creepo's dog to bite her. She likes reportin people ALOT! She loves to call the police and the Humane Society and the City and anyone else she can think of, to complain. One time I sneezed too loud and she called the police on me. Yikes. They done give me a warnin, that's she's CRAZY! Turns out, them police and all have a huge report on her, cuz they say she's nutz. Cool.
She don't scare me none though, cuz me and Lawnboy Larry are cool, man.
She loves to stare ALMOST as much as I do!
Well, that's my neighbour.
oh oh, Lawnboy Larry was playin on his skateboard and fell off and done got bruised up. He got a sliver too. I had to take it out. He sure did cry, like a BABY.
All that cryin made Koo-koo call them police again.
Anyway, here's a picture of Koo-koo, and yep, that's her real hair folks.
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