Monday, May 31, 2010
Tragic Clown and Happy Pills

Saturday, May 29, 2010
KooKoo and Arby and the 'happy pills'

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bikini Update: Fits like a glove!
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin here in the kids kiddie pool watchin them, sort of, play in the mud puddle out back. I got myself into my bikini. The fat just kind of oozes out all around, up and over as they say. I'm lookin pretty good!
Thinkin I'm goin get me some more of these bikinis. When I told Lawnboy Larry this yesterday, his eyes done nearly popped out of his head and he made his face go all squished up, like he was in pain or somethin. Maybe I'll get Lawnboy Larry a bikini too.
Creepo and his lovely bride are with me now, sittin and starin. Then some more of my loser friends are comin by this afternoon to hang. We keep ourselves pretty busy.
Well, gotta go, Pigface just shoved SuperDuper's head under the muddy water again, maybe I should say somethin. After all SuperDuper is my favourite.
See ya suckers,
Tanktop Tammy
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My Week
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Guess what super exciting things I will be doing ALL week? Same as last week and the week before that and the week before that, etc etc etc.
Yep, you guessed it, sit in my campin chair and smoke and drink and stare. My skin looks like a leathery hide, all crusty and hard. My hair is all stringy and sun burnt. My toes need paintin. But all in all, I'm lookin good!
So here I'll sit, not moving, for the rest of the week.
It's good to take it easy! Working's for chumps.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Bikini
Creepo and CB and their lovely kids will be hangin all day with us too. Luckily they all have their own campin chairs.
Ah, this is the life. Wish I could do this everyday.
Anyway, gotta run and find that bikini, Lawnboy Larry buried it out back last year. But I'll find it and dig er up!
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My Day by Tanktop Tammy
it's me Tanktop Tammy. You'll never guess what I did today? All day today AND all day yesterday I sat on my campin chair and smoked and drank and stared. Me and CB! ALL DAY! What a blast. AND I growled at some neighbours too. They done laughed at me then. Then I scowled real hard.
Now I'm relaxin watchin Lawnboy Larry try and start up his beloved lawnmower. Sparks are flyin out of that thing like mad. Lawnboy Larry almost done caught on fire! What a loser!
gotta go, my cigarette's almost done and I be needin to start up another one,
Tanktop Tammy
Monday, May 17, 2010

Hey Folks,
this here is Tanktop Tammy. Today I want to talk about my neighbour. Her name is Creepo's Bride or CB for short. She shacks up with my very bestest friend in the whole wide world- Creepo, of course! They are a lovely couple.
All weekend me, Lawnboy Larry, Creepo and CB sat in our campin chairs and smoked and drank and stared. It was super fun! Creepo and CB's lovely children LittleBastard, CryingGirl and BratGirl played with my two kids Pigface and SuperDuper.
Mostly they played with them on the road. A couple times LittleBastard was almost hit by a car. We all thought that was pretty funny! It really scared the driver. Loser!
And we lost the kids a few times. No big deal though. They all showed up at the back door round midnight or was it 1 in the morning, maybe even 2 am? Can't really remember cuz we were drinkin ALOT. Anyway, they eventually came home. This seems to happen alot. Especially when we've been drinkin. Oh boy, did we have fun!
This weekend we plan to do the same exact thing. Sit and stare and smoke and drink! It's so fun to be so cool!!
CB and I have so much fun together. Sometimes we have a smokin contest- who can smoke the most cigarettes. And sometimes we teach new swear words to Pigface. Super fun times. But mostly we just like to sit.
Well, that's it from me!
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello Folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Today I will introduce you to another neighbour of mine. This one here is called Ralphio. He's shackin up with KooKoo. He's real super paranoid. Like ALL the time man. His eyes are always shifting and his head is always a-turning, back and forth, back and forth. He's a nervous wreck. All us neighbours nicknamed him "Snitch-The-Two-Faced-Weasel". He's always pretending to be your friend, and Lawnboy Larry done told him all his secrets, and Ralphio done told everyone esle. If you want to know anything about anyone, you just go to Ralphio. He was the one that done told us that KooKoo went into the Loonie Bin. He thought she was never gonna get out. But she did. She came back. So now he's back to cuttin his lawn and watering his dead plants and making his there deck. He nearly lost all his toes when those bricks fell on his there feet. Lawnboy Larry and I laughed super hard when that happened! Haha loser!
Well, that's it from me. It's Mother's Day and my day to finally rest.
See ya suckers,
Tanktop Tammy