Hello again all you losers,
it's me Tanktop Tammy.
Sos, it's 9 AM and I'm just sittin here, in my bikini, music's blarin, sun's bakin my already crusty leathery hide, beer in hand, this is the life folks.
Sos, got another neighbour I wanna tell yous about. This one's called Arby.
Ralphio and KooKoo were so hatin Arby last year. They couldn't stand her. They says she is loud and that her big ol dog done pooped on their lawn, and they says she is the worst neighbour EVER (sides me, of course!).
They were gettin ready to pack it up and move done cuz of her. KooKoo was always callin them police and human society and anyone else she could think of, on Arby. Them police were at Arby's house ALL the time! Arby couldn't figure out why them police were at her house ALL the time. She still don't know it was cuz of KooKoo.
Ralphio says it was cuz of Arby that KooKoo went nutz. I don't hang out with Arby, we gots kids the same age but she won't let her kid come here to play, sometimes Pigface goes there though.
Ralphio told EVERYONE how much he hated Arby.
Then one day Arby put out a pool AND a trampoline. THEN KooKoo done likes Arby now. They be best friends. KooKoo hangs out all day now in Arby's yard. Her favourite is to put her kid on Arby's trampoline and then pick dead weeds from Arby's yard.
They be the bestest of friends. NOT as close as me and Creepo though, nobody can be that close, but they be close.
Sos now them police and human society ain't called on Arby no more.
Still waitin to be invited over to Arby's house sos I can hang with KooKoo (even though she's creepier now that she's on 'happy pills') and Arby.
Anyway, folks, I gotta go get another one of these beers, and go scratch my ass again, it done flopped out of my bikini again. And Lawnboy Larry's no where in sight, best go find him, and make him help me put my ass back in. I'm feelin a little woozy from all the beer.
Is it lunchtime yet?
see ya suckers,
Tanktop Tammy
ps, this here's a pic of my favourite kid-SuperDuper, that's his baby pic. I know! So cute huh.
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