Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas times agains bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be Christmases times agains. Here be my Christmas story.

It all started outs goins good. Me and Creepo. Sittin, starin, drinkin, smokin and bullyin.
Thens I founds out Lawnboy Larry done takes ALL the christmas moneys and spents it on heself. He said he needed the stuffs. And he went out for a super nice dinner too. And a movie. And a hooker. And he says he gots the condoms to proves it. I donts want to see no condoms.
Lawnboy done says all that stuffs costs moneys.

Sos I sent out loser daddy to buy the brats some stuffs. Its good to haves a loser like loser daddy.

Then as me and Creepo done be barbieQin our weenie stuffed roasted turkey, Ralphio done comes burstin out of his house. He be on fire. He done rolls and rolls in da snow. It be SO funny. He be screamins like a girl. Then KooKoo done comes out screamins at Ralphio. Then she chases him. He done yells' help'. Me and Creepo done yells 'get him KooKoo'. Then a cop car and a ambulanse done comes flyin up to they house and the cop takes KooKoo and the ambulanse take Ralphio. That was a fun show.

Anyway so now we be sittin agains. And just starin at the neighbours as they comes and goes, comes and goes. My brats be passed out causin I gives them 3 gravols each. Sos all in alls in be a good christmas.

Merry Christmas bitches!
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, December 16, 2011

moldy cheeses and other stuffs too

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres on my stoop in my campin chair. With Creepo. My very bestest friend in da hole wide world. Stupid Lawnboy done came home late last nights reekins of booze. He done scurried off to his bathroom for more boozins. Then he done past outs on da couch. BUT he done left behinds his stale old left overs from the fancy restaurants he done goes to AND my brats done gets into it. They done ATE everythings. Moldy cheeses, disgusting pastries, pies, noodles, chickens, AND then they done started pukins. It took me forevers to get them in their rooms to sleep. Sos I be REAL tireds now. I needs my beauty sleeps to looks this pretty everyday. I BE so pretty.

Anyways, Lawnboy says the moldy leftovers were meants for us. He says it be just as nice as the foods he gots to eats at them fancy restaurants. Lawnboy be a prick AND I donts want his moldy cheeses.

Sos me and Creepo be sittin here smokin and drinkins and bullyins. Pigface be at school, thank god, and I done sent SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) over to KooKoo. She say she be 'back on her meds' so she is okay. She done gonna gets some more puppies and maybe try breedins them. She done gots her last two puppies taken away agains.

Anyways, I gots to go and do some more sittin befores the snows starts flyin. Ha! That be one of Creepo's sayins.

Anyway, later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, December 10, 2011

snots and green goos = icky

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos I beens sick for like days now. All cuz of the idiot Lawnboy Larry. He done comes home reekins of booze and snotin up snots and hackins up green goos. And sos now me and my brats done been sick. I done sent my brats to loser daddy to done takes care of.

Lawnboy done also bragged and bragged bouts eatins at a REAL nice restaurants. He says he haves REAL fun times and the foods be REAL done goods. He done take his pinky pal. He done says it cost LOTS of moneys. He done says I should starts payin offs that credit cards that done be in my names cuz it gettins full real fast. Nice dinners cost moneys, says Lawnboy Larry. And he be wantins more of them REAL nice dinners.

Creepo done says Lawnboy Larry be a REAL A-hole. I done laughed. Creepo be the smartest persons I ever done knows!

Me and Creepo be sittins in my garage causin it be colds outside. But we can still watches the neighbours from in here.

Anyways, gots to get back to my stoop.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, December 1, 2011

two bit hooker

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres on my stoop with Creepo the bestest ever friend in da hole wide world. It be gettins colder so me and Creepo done wearin 2 coats. Sos then KooKoo the nutcase done comes over and tells me that I should what you call 'donate' my other coat. I tells her to gits or I puts the hose to her. She done leaves then.

Yesterdays Ma Barker done comes over and tells me and Creepo that she be goins out for new years eves. She done gonna wears a brights silver dress and hooker heels. She says she done wants to looks like a 'two-bit-hooker'. She done says I should wears a dress like hers too. But I dont wants to leave my stoops. Creepo be thinkin bouts goins but he said maybes it be more fun to haves a party right here on my stoop. I thinks that be much betters idea.

Lawnboy done be gone for a few days. He done comes home for a bits yesterdays. He done freaks out alots. He says his teenage crush done told him gits lost. She done takes the things he done boughts her and then tells him to gits. He really done likes this last teenager too. He done says they have SO much in commons. But she done knows he donts be a teenager but an old faced dirty man with greasy dyed hairs. He didnts think she done figures it out. Too bad sucker. Hahahaha loser!

Anyways I gots to gits back to my stoop sos I can do my drinkins and smokins and hangins, and bullyins and starins.

Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, November 27, 2011

just hangins,. whatelse is theres

Hello folks, and Happys New Years! Haha loser. I done fooled you. It not be happys new year stupid. But I done partied likes it was last night. Me and Creepos done haves hangovers agains.
We partied ALL night long. Til KooKoo done called the cops on us. I get her for that.

My brats be at loser daddys this weekends. He done be buyins them winter coats. I guesses they will needs that. Lawnboy done spents ALL ours moneys already on new clothes for hiself. And a hooker. And his new teenagers girlfriend. He talks abouts her all the time. Ick.

Sos it be rainins todays. Me and Creepo be hangin in my garage. We started a small fires. It be tosty and cosy. KooKoo done comes over to tells me to cleans up my house. Nah I done told her. I donts wants too. I done told her to git losts. She didnts so I done put the hose to her. She screams then and rans.

Anyways I gots to get back to my garage. When me or Creepo done hears a neighbour come or go we done runs outside and screams at them. Scares the craps outa them. They SO deserves it! Haha loser.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, November 24, 2011

hellos to the Amereecan bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos Creepo (my very bestest friend in da hole wide world) done says that todays be Thanksgivins in the Amereecan states. I donts thinks sos? Aint Thanksgivins be in Octobers? But Creepo be the smartest persons I knows so ifen it is Thanksgivins theres, then Happy Thanksgivins bitches. Sends me up some tasty turkeys. I loves the giblets bestest.

Sos Lawnboy be lookin real riches lately. He be usin my what you call 'credits card' to buys hiself some nice new clothins. New pants, new shoes, new glasses, new socks, new jackets, new coats, new sweaters, everythins gots to be news and expenseeve for Lawnboy. Especially ifen he not payin for its. He says he needs only the best. The rest of us can suck it.

I still gots to gets me and the brats some winter coats. I thinks I gots to gets loser daddy to buys us somes. And I thinks I sends him outs to gets us some foods stuff too. Since Lawnboy done takes our moneys to go out to a restaurant. And movies. And expenseeve wines and beers. He says he done gots a new crush. She be almost 15. She be perfect. He cants stop talkins bout her. Whatever loser.

Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. To bullys the neighbours. They SO deserves it. Haha losers.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, November 20, 2011

jacobs be all mine bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos SHHHHHHHHH. I've done gots a hangovers. Me and Creepo done spents the whole nights gettin wasted. First Creepo done shows me his brand new tatoo. He done it himself. It be of a swirlin thingy. It done looks REAL cool. Creepo be SO cool.

Then he done brings out his tv sos we can watch a movie on my stoops. He done sets up what you call 'twilights'. I never done sees it befores. Wow! It BE so good! I be in love with Jacobs. He be so sexy. Creepo done says he gonna gets me a tshirts that done says 'team jacobs'. Haha!
He says twilights be at 'movie theatres'. Whatevers that be? Why goes out when you gots everythins right here on my stoop?!

Then we gots drunk. It be a REAL good weekends. NO brats! They be at loser daddys. I needs the breaks. NO Lawnboy Larry! Yay!!! He be OUTS with his pinky pal. And NO KooKoo! Yay!

Anyways I gots to go pukes again. Me and Creepo be pukin on KooKoos yard. Haha loser. And ifen ya tell her I done will come to your house and kick your ass. No foolin.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

me be awesome!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos the idiot nown as Lawnboy Larry done locked hiself out of da house yesterdays. Haha Loser. So he done haves to sleep in da shed. In da mornin he done stomped arounds, complainins, and bitchins and havins a hissy fits at me causin he says it be ALL my fault he done lost his keys. Everythins be ALL my faults anyways. Thats cause Lawnboy be ALL fucked up. No wonders nobody done likes him. Sos he tooks my keys and stomps off. Haven't seen him sinces. Yay!!

Creepo done gots hiself a new tatoo. It done look REAL nice. It be a flower. He done haves ten tatoos now. He be SO cool. I thinks he be the awesomest person in da hole wide world! He be made just for me.

Anyways, todays be nice. No Lawnboy and da brats be outs too, somewheres. I needs the breaks. KooKoo done boughts herslef 2 new expenseeve puppies. She says she done uses the moneys she gots from sellin the pups she done gots for frees to puts towards gettins the new pups. But she says she mights not keeps these new ones either. She mights sell them. Or somethin.

Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop for some hangins and bullyins of da neighbours. They SO deserves it. I BE so greats!

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, November 13, 2011

perfect Creepo

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres hangins. What else. No Lawnboy Larry in sight. Yay! No brats. Yay! Pigface be at PumpkinHeads for da weekends. And SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) be at KooKoos. KooKoo done sold her two white expenseeve puppies. She done gots them for frees but she done solds them for $200!!! Sweet. Ifin I weren't busy sittin on my stoop ALL days I too woulds be gettin free dogs and sellins them for loads of money too!!

Anyways, someone done bashed in my front windows. Assholes. I puts a sheets over it so it done looks pretty.
Creepo done says to be mature is to find it in yerself. Or somethin likes that. Creepo be very very smarts. Sometimes I done thinks he be like god. He be everythin. He be made for me. He be an angel. He done haves wings I bets. He be just perfects. Prefect perfect Creepo.

Anyways I gots to gets back to my stoop and bully them neighbours! It be SO fun!!
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

yesterdays be my birthdays! Happy Birthdays to me!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be my birthday yesterday! But it not be suches a good birthdays for me. It starts real nice, just me and Creepo, no Lawnboy, no brats, no KooKoo. Creepo bought me a Tims coffee, it be real yummy too.

Then I gots a package in da mail! I be SO excited!! I be thinkin it be for ME. For MY birthday. I done rips open da package. It be a phone. Ooooh someone done boughts me a phone. But then I sees a bill. The bill be for me BUT da phone be for Lawnboy Larry. That bastard done boughts himself a phones but he done uses what you call a 'credits card' to buys it and he done uses MY name on da credit card. So it NOT be for me afteralls. Creepo says that be stealins. To use someone others name to haves a credit cards. I told him that be the seconds time a credit cards be done in my name but I dont know nothins abouts it. I hopes loser daddy done can pays for it. Creepo done takes Lawnboys new phone and started callins people up. Hah. It be SO funny.

My new family done sent me some beers. Yum. Dagwood the idiot boughts me some weenies. Yums. Loser daddy done takes the brats for me. Creepo done roasted dem weenies and we dranks the beers. It be good. Then Lawnboy came home. Then KooKoo cames outside.

Ah wells, some of da day be goods. Happy Birthdays to ME bitches!

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, November 5, 2011

three days bitches, three days...............

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sometimes, befores anybody done speaks, I HATE them. Then when they does speak I wants to rip out they throats. Calm. And peace. KooKoo done says I should does yoga. Thats what she does to keeps herself calm and peace and sane. But she NOT be sane. AND she done called the humane society on my brats again. She done say they barkin be TOO loud. I thinks I goes pound her agains.

Lawnboy done takes our foods money and done wents out. He done forgots to take his condoms. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) be playin with them condoms agains. He done likes to blow them UP untils they snap.

Anyways, it be THREE days to my birthday bitches! I guesses its Dagwoods birthday todays BUT who cares. Whatever. I only be impotent.
Anyways backs to my stoop. I gots some bullyins to gets done. It be a busy day.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

sittins and eatins candies

Hello folks,
its me agains. Sos just sittin heres on my stoop takin it easy. I needs the breaks.

Halloweenie time be fun. Me and Creepo decided not to go out and scare kids but sits on my stoop and scare kids. We didn't need no masks. We didn't gives out candies but we did steals them candies after we done scares them. Haha loser.

Dagwood the idiot done tooks my kids out for tricks or treatins. They done comes back tired. SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) done still be passed outs. Pigface be at schools todays. Yay! And Lawnboys be out. Somewheres.

KooKoo done comes home yesterdays from that looneybins. She done tells me she gonna starts up a 'daycares' again for kiddies. She wants me to send over SuperDupers. Maybe. I could use the breaks but I AINT payins her! Afteralls she done be CRAZY!

Me and Creepo done hooked up his tv outside and we done watched what you call 'paranormal activity'. It sure done scared me. When I done wents inside for a piss breaks I almosts jumped outa my skins when I saws a ugly face in da mirror. But then I sees it be only my face. It sure be ugly. And it sure done scares me. No wonders we gots SO much candies from them brats by scarins them. HAHA LOSERS!

Me and Creepos done hids our candies. We donts wants his or my brats to gets it. It be only for us. We be sittin nows and eatins it. Sos I betters get backs to my stoop.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10 days bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be gettins colders out now so me and Creepo done be sittin on my stoop and we done starts a small fires. It feels real nices. We watchin Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue watchin they fire. It be a good night.

I done sent the brats off with loser daddy this weekend. I needs the breaks. Lawnboy went outs with his pinky pal. They gonna see a movie and then eats out. Lawnboy says he gonna have more funs than me. But I say aint. Me and Creepo gonna haves more fun! Haha loser.

KooKoo not be back yet. The loneybin be keepin her extra long this times round. Hah loser. Serves her rights.

I be lookin towards halloweenies time cause Dagwood the idiot be takin my brats out for tricks and treatins. Yay. That gives me the nights off. Me and Creepo be thinkin of dressins up real scary likes (or justs goes with our natural looks) and done scare ALL the kids and then takes they candy. I likes candy. Not as much as I likes cigarettes. Or beers.

I gots to goes, the fire done looks likes it bout to jump and spreds to the neighbours car. Haha losers. Serves them rights!

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

ps 10 days bitches. TEN DAYS left to my birthday and I done expectins GOOD gifts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 weeks to go bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres, beers and cigarettes in hand. Just hangins. It be sunny outs sos me and Creepo can sits outside on my stoop. We gonna sits here ALL day. And nights.

Sos no signs of KooKoo. Ralphio done scurries in and outs, in and outs, lookin freaked out. As per normal! I wonders where they done takes KooKoo. Haha loser. Back to the looneybins!!

Sos the stupid school done finds out that SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) done gonna haves to get out of schools. They done finds out he not be 4 but be 3. Damns. Even thoughs he be my favourites, I stills likes him to be in schools. I needs the break. They done say he be 'special' and that when he can comes back to schools next years, he gonna haves to ride the 'short bus' Whatevers that means? Lawnboy done says he done rides the short bus too.

Pigface be in troubles agains for beatins up the other kids. Goods for her. Even thoughs she not be my favourite, she be ALOT likes me. I be very proud. It be very GOOD to bully. Makes you feels SO good.

Anyways I gots to get back to my stoop. I gots some bullyins to do on da neighbours.

See ya suckas,
Tanktop Tammy

PS it be 2 weeks til my BIRTHDAY! Starts savins your money NOW bitches. I expects GOOD gifts.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

stuffs be happenin

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittins here, beers in hand and cigarettes in da other. I will NEVER stops drinkins or smokins. Or bullyins. That be my favourites!

I be SO pretty. Two people done both called me ugly yesterdays. They says I looks like a fish and a turtle. But I be SO pretty. I be the BEST lookin persons out there. And if ya donts agrees, I'll beats the craps outa ya. HAha loser.

Sos a cop car AND a ambulance both done comes to KooKoos house last night. Apparentlys KooKoo done gone CRAZY again and attacked Ralphio. He done gots scared and called the cops. They done took aways KooKoo. Me and Creepos watched. It be funny.

Lawnboy done still be passed out. Must haves been one GOOD nights last nights. We donts sees him for days and then he done finallys shows up, drunk and then passes outs. He be buried under his dirty socks and underwears. Creepo done rooted through Lawnboys stash. There be some GOOD stuffs in there! He gonna go MENTAL AGAIN when he wakes up and finds his precious items gone. Haha loser.

Anyway, I gots to get back to my stoop. See ya suckas.

Tanktop Tammy
ps SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) NOT be retardead!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

KooKoo no more pups but she done gots a brat

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Just sittin enjoyin my beers. And cigarettes. With Creepo, my bestest friend forever and ever. It be gettin colder sos sometimes we sits in my garage.

So KooKoo done gots her two new white fluffy puppies taken aways from her. She done comes out and pouts. And then says 'oh well. I can always get more puppies'. She likes the ones that done comes with 'papers', they be the special ones. Creepo done just gets his dogs from craigslist. He done gets his for free. Over da last few months, he done haves 12 or 13 dogs now. But most of them ran away. I thinks he gots one now? But maybes not. I used to haves a kitty cat but it done runs away after SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done squeezes its neck too many times. SuperDuper likes chokins animals.

Sos it done looks like KooKoo not be gettins fat afteralls. She done pops out a brat. This be her second brat. She done spends all day yellins at that one. Now she done gots 2. Ohoh. She likes to walks around in her bikini. Icky.

Not seen the Lawnboy for a few days now. It be SO nice! A lovely lovely fall.

Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, October 14, 2011

a goods day losers

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos I sends Pigface over to PumpkinHeads house for da weekend. And SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) over to loser daddys house for da weekend. That way they can eats. And I needs the breaks too.

Have not seen Lawnboy Larry for a LONG time. It be SO nice! KooKoo done gots herself two new white fluffy puppies AGAINS. It be rainins ALL day and she done lefts them outsides agains. She says it be goods for them. But them barkins be gettin on me and Creepos nerves. We be hangin in my garage ALL days. Drinkins, smokins, starins and bullyins. Whenevers any neighbour done comes home we jumps out at them and screams. It be SO funny to watches them jump!

Well it be a good day bitches,
gots to get back to my garage,

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

thanxgivin be craps

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos my Thanxgivins sucked big time. I done goes over to 'my families' house. Dagwood be there, and Nester and his hooker friend, and Lane and his hooker friend, and I thinks thats it. I aints rememberins too much causin I gots pretty drunk. I remembers eatins lots, even thoughs Burne donts basted his turkey in beers like me do. Or stuff weenies up its ass, like me do. Sos I doused the turkey in beer and made Burne cook weenies for me.

I ates and ates and ates. And then I puked.
I thinks my brats have fun. They liked destroyin a new house. I think someone watched them? Dunno.

Anyways, Lawnboy donts come, thanks gods. He done wents out with a hooker and some new pals insteads. Everybody was happy he donts comes.

Anyways it be a pretty lame Thanxgivins. And I real missed my stoop. And Creepo.

Creepo said he had a fun times at the hospital. He done ates all the turkey meals off of the kids. He done looks alot likes an orc so he done scared all the kids and no one said nothin bout him eatins all them foods. I wished I have gone with Creepo insteads. It sounds like more fun.
Creepo be sad his brat LittleBastard already be let out of da hospital. He wanted hims to stay longer. Hopefully LittleBastard will lays down in front of another fast movins car and gets runs over agains! We cans always hopes for da best.

Anyway, my thankxgivins sucked.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

life be so full. haha losers

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos PumkinHead and Pigface done gots into Lawnboy Larry's stash and done takes some stuffs. Lawnboy freaked out. He done runs around screamins at everyone. "Donts touch my stuffs. That be only for me'. He had some good foods stuffs in there. Pigface and PumpkinHead says the foods be REAL good. Not like the barely there foods in da cupboards. PumpkinHead says Lawnboy be a 'waste case and a loser'. He done just laughed when Lawnboy done freaked out. He says he not be afraid.

Pigface gots another letters from da school. She be bullyins agains and stealins lunch moneys. I be SO proud. She be just like ME! Yay! Sos now I haves to go backs to dat school and beat ups another teacher. To makes her shuts up and stops whynins.

Creepos brat LittleBastard done pulls a neat tricks yesterdays. He done likes to run out in fronts of fast movin cars. He thinks it be real fun to scares the shit outa drivers!
Most cars stops. Or slows downs. But this last one donts. He smacked straits into LittleBastard. Smash! Now LittleBastard be in da hospital. Creepo not goins to visit LittleBastard in da hospital todays but he gonna goes tomorrows cause they have tasty turkeys dinners then so Creepo gonna steals foods from the other kids and eats it himself. He cant wait.

Sos Dagwood done invites me to his (and I guess mines too?) dad's place for the Thanksgivins dinners. I donts want to go at first. Causin it would means leevin my stoops. But when Creepo done says he not be here tomorrows, I done decides to go. And Dag done says his dad done barbieQs his turkey. I love barbieQ turkeys. I hopes they fills it ups with hotdogs. That be my favourites. And besides I dont wants to hang outs with Lawnboy. I guesses I take my brats though. Someone cans watches them sos I can sit. I could really use the breaks.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, October 7, 2011


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittins here, it be warms out. Just me and Creepos, my bestest friend forever and ever.

The weasel known as Lawnboy Larry done did its agains. He done takes the moneys loser daddy done lefts for foods and winter clothins for da brats. He done spents the money insteads on boozins, hookers and a nice dinners out. He comes home real lates last nights reakins of booze. When he saws me and Creepos still be ups, he ran away.

He likes to pretends he not be drinkin. He likes to pretends he not be a alcoholick. He likes to pretends he not buy hookers. He likes to pretends he donts have deseases from da hookers on his dick. He likes to pretends he don't stalk teennage girls. He likes to pretends he not be banned from stores for stalkins teennage girls. He likes to pretends he donts steals. He likes to pretends he donts piss on da couch. He likes to pretends he donts reads other peoples mails. And emails. He likes to pretends he do alots. He likes to pretends he done fixis things. He likes to pretends he treats others peoples nicely. He likes to pretends he not be means at all. He likes to pretends he be a great father. He likes to pretends his brats likes him. And not hates him. Lawnboy likes to pretends ALOT.

He says nothin be his fault causin he suffers from 'ass-hole-i-tis'. It be a desease and he cants do nothins about its. He says he has a alcoholick deseases too. Being a dirty drunk not be his fault eithers.
Creepo done says it ALL be Lawnboys faults. None of dat stuff be deseases buts what Creepo calls 'choices', and he done say Lawnboy choices to be a ASSHOLE. But Lawnboy say he be greats.

Creepo says ALL peoples gets sick of peoples like Lawnboys and theys end up ALL alones. It will happens. Soons.

anyways nough on Lawnboys. He be depressins. Back to my stoop and starins.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SuperDuper NOT retardead

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I done gots a phone calls from SuperDuper (that one be my favourite one) teacher yesterdays. They wants me to comes to the schools cause they says SuperDuper have 'troubles'. They thinks he mights be retardead. And they asks if he be sniffin any gassesoline or 'fumes'. But I says SuperDuper not retardead. And he no sniffins that gasses or nothin. They asks if he hangs in a garage. And I says 'of course, you idiots. That be where he spents ALL his time for 2 years.' Where elses can I keeps him. I have to sits on my front stoops to watches the neighbours sos I keeps him close in da garage. I be a good mom for doin that.
I coulda just let hims sleep in his crib in his room but that would mean goins up there to gets him and feeds him and stuff. Keepin him in da garage be goods cause I donts have to do any of dat stuff. He be rights there.

The teacher wants to puts him through a bunches of tests. I says NO. SuperDuper be fine. That dopey 'expression' justs comes from his dad Lawnboy Larry. He look just like Lawnboy.

Speakins of Lawnboy, I only saws him in da mornin slinkins off somewheres. He donts say wheres. He lefts a HUGE mess in da kitchen. A HUGE mess in da livin rooms. And NOBODYS goes into his bathroom, for safetys reasons. This mornins I found SuperDuper layin buries under a pile of Lawnboys dirty underwears and socks in da kitchen. He be sleepins there.

Anyways, SuperDuper NOT be retardead. It just be what you call 'genes'. Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop. My cigarette almost be burnins my fingas.

Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

piss and vinegars

Hello folks,
its be me agains Tanktop Tammy. Ah finally I am relaxin. I SO deserves it. None of my brats be rounds. Pigface be at PumpkinHead house. PumpkinHead still be in troubles for settins fires but only just a warnins. He be 'troubled' so it not be his fault ifen he sets people or they houses on fires. So Pigface be spendin the weekends there. YAY!

SuperDuper (that one be my favourite one) done be at loser daddy's house for da weekend! YAY!

Ands finally mommy dearest done left. YAYAYAY! She done gives us a bottle of wine and vinegar she done makes herself. It taste like piss and vinegar. She gives us one and a half bottles but then she takes them back. She done gives us breads too. But we donts eat it fast enoughs so she tooks that back too. She gives Pigface and SuperDuper a table she done gots at the garage sale but then she takes that back too. She says they can done use the table whens they comes to visits her.
I BE so happy she be gone.

Lawnboy is NO wheres in sites. He slinked off in da early mornins after he done piss on da couch AGAINS. That couch sure do smells like Lawnboys piss.

Anyways, it just be me and Creepo, my bestest friend FOREVER!! We plans to sit, and stares and bullys and smokes and gets drunks. The mores we gets drunks, the mores LOUD we gonna gets. It gonna be FUN!

Whoo Whoo! Hoot HOOT! WeeWee! Better not gets in our ways or we BASH you in da face. haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

fire, fire, fire! Haha losers

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos yesterdays be VERY excitin! PumpkinHead, that be Pigface's bestest friend in the hole wide world, went and done started a fire on purpose. He done sets fire to the neighbours house. haha! He donts likes the neighbours so he decided to sets they house on fires.

They be insides. They donts know nothins be goins on outsides. It be real early mornins. PumkinHead says he started the fire and then went and waited. Ma Bell and her two other ugly sons done comes out to watches too. They all wait. They all watch the fires grow and grow.

Someone must have seen da fire causin the police and fire peoples ALL cames. They donts put on they alarms so the people insides the house on fire didnt knows nothins still. Buts then a cop done knocks on they door to tell them and try to gets them out.

Ma Bell, PumpkinHead and her other 2 ugly boys done waited and laughed and laughed and laughed when they saws the horrors on the peoples inside da home on fires comes out. They be SO scared! Haha Losers. Ma Bell says she couldnt stop laughin. It BE so funny.

Ma Bell say it be the best trick EVER. It be SO funny watchins them run from they burnin house. They be fires and smokes everywheres. But she done say there not be much damage to the house. And da people gots out. Dang.

But she be REAL mad now cause her precious PumpkinHead done gots in troubles. She dont think that be fair at ALL. She be REAL mad now. The neighbours of da burin house done moves out. Ma Bell dont know why NO one ever done stays?

So wishes I could have watched the show of the da burinin house! Maybe next time PumpkinHead sets fire to a neighbour, Ma Bell's cans warn us aheads of time! Ma Bell says PumpkinHead be settin fires ALL the times. He be in troubles LOTS of times. But she say it NOT be his fault. He be a great kid. And she be a great mom. PumpkinHead just be 'mis-under-stood' is all.

Anyways that be my big excitin news folks.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, September 26, 2011

the whoa is me pity party

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres in my campin chair smokin and drinkin and starin and bullyins. Mondays be most fun to pick on and call names to ALL the neighbours as they comes and goes to works cause they be in bad moods already sos me and Creepos just pushes them over the edge. Just try gettin past us. Haha losers!

It be a fun day.
Alls excepts Lawnboy and his mommy dearest. They be sittin in their campin chairs ALL mornins complainins about each other and who has the shittiest life.
This here be a segment of them bitchins:

Lawnboy: Nobody done like me. And I BE so cool and SO nice.
Mommy: I be even nicer than yous. I BE a great mom and granny. I be the BEST ever.
Lawnboy: Nah. I BE the coolest ever.
Mommy: Everybody done leaves me. Nobody buys me nice presents. I expects very nice things for my birthdays, Christmases, Easters, Mommy's days, Halloweens, Thanksgivin. Nobody done gives me good things.
Lawnboy: You dont buys me a gifts since I be 16. Or you gives me hand me downs craps or garage sales stuff.
Mommy: hand me downs and garage sales stuffs be fines for you. But I need good stuffs.
Lawnboy: Nobody donts likes me. I aint got no friends unlesses I gives them stuffs or do stuffs for them.
Mommy: I dont gives a shits for nobodys except me

Creepo done goin CRAZY listenins to them. He says he done gonna go play with his wood. Whatevers that means. I REALLY gots to get rid of Mommy dearest and Lawnboy. I really must lures them away.............

I be goin nutz.
later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Saturday, September 24, 2011

hates ya too. haha loser

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I wokes from my slumbers to hears mommy dearest screamins. She be screamins she done just sats in piss. I yells that just be Lawnboy's piss. He be pissin on da couch agains. Donts worry, he do it all the time.

No signs of Lawnboy Larry this mornin. He done left his piss behinds. And his dirty underwears all overs. And socks. And tshirts. They be REAL smellies. Likes booze and hookers smells. He done leaves me some more of his hate notes. He likes to leaves little notes tellin me hate things all over da house. I collects them and reads them to Creepo. He likes it. It makes him laugh lots. Today I done collected 5 hate notes. But one was for his mommy dearest. But I tooks it and reads it too.

Numbers one note reads 'I hates you'. Number twos be 'you takes away ALL my funs. And I hates you'. Number threes be 'I hates you'. Number fours be for mommy dearest: 'hates you mommy dearest. hates you hates you hates you. Forevers'. And last but nevers leastest Numbers five 'I hates you. And you suck. And you be NOT cool like I be. Or my pals. And I hates you'.

Creepo done loves readins them. I gets lots of them EVERY day.

Sos just spendins my day sittin on my campin chairs and drinkins, and smokins and bullyins. That be my favourites. And I be tryins to dodge mommy dearest. She be outs shoppins for herself rights now. Thank gods.

Needs another cigarettes. See ya suckas.
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, September 22, 2011

hearts attacks

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin here with Creepo my bestest friend forever.
Lawnboy finally done comes home late yesterdays. He be real miserable and reakin of booze. He says he hads a real good times with his new pals. They wents outs to eats and saw some really good movies. He says he be SO cool.
Then he beelined for his bathroom for a few hours. When he done wakes up he wents to checks on his stash. He finds some of its gone. Creepo likes to takes things now and thens. Lawnboy done freaked out REAL good and starts screamin 'wheres be my beers? wheres be my beers?' Creepo just laughed. Lawnboy done looked real deranged.
Then he caughts sights of his mommy dearest. He done screams and runs back inside. Mommy dearest STILL be hears. It be the longest 3 days of my life. It be REAL horrible. She done tries to tells me hows to do everythings. She says I be a very BAD mother. She says she be a good mother. She done tooks off from her kids when they be young so that makes her goods. She done brings me a beers but then takes it back ifen I donts drinks it in an hours time. She be eatins ALL my foods. And she says my house be a mess. She says my brats are screwed up. She says my hair is gross. She says Creepo done looks like a orc. Whatevers that is? She says my campin chairs be ugly. She says I shoulds makes her lunch so she has the energies to shop for herself. And ifen I donts she probably could haves a heart attacks. I wished she woulds haves a heart attacks........
She sittin now watchin my neighbours. She especilly likes to watch KooKoo. She thinks KooKoo be knocked up but I say she just gettins fats.

Anyway, life be hell with mommy dearest round. Gots to finds a way to gets rid of her.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, September 19, 2011

the visit

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos sittin in my garage causin it be rainins outsides. Dont wants to get wets. Whilst watchin and bullyin my neighbours. What a bunch of losers. Goins to work and doing 'stuff'. I can justs sits here ALL day long. Haha losers.

Sos Lawnboys mommy dearest done shows up REAL earlys this mornins. Crap. I tolds her Lawnboy not be home. He donts be home in two days. But she says she likes to visits when he not be home. She says she be travelin SO much. She be gone everywheres. And it be SO much fun! She done broughts with hers two years worths of birthdays presents for my brats. She done gives Pigface a snuggly pjs with the feets attached. Pigface done threw ups on it. She done be 7, she donts wear snugglys no mores. And for SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) she done gives him a onesie that be two sizes two small. Sos SuperDuper done be tryins to put the onesie on the neighbours cat.

I done asks her how long she be plannin to stays. But she says she donts know. Dang. This is goin be a crappy days. And days to comes.

Think I will go beats up a nieghbours just to feels better. Now where did KooKoo gets to............

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, September 16, 2011

ohohs and other stuffs. Oh I BE the awesomest!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I be wearins my most favourite tanktop and short shorts today! It be bringin backs GOOD memories of gettins drunk and pukin ups. The good old days.

And I thinks I should gets an awards for being the BEST mom EVER. I be SO awesome. I be the BEST. I deserves an awards bitches.

Anyways, Pigface done tells me thats todays be PumpkinHeads birthday. Sos I grabbed a bottle of beer from Lawnboy Larrys stash and done gives it to her to gives as a gift. Dont know how old this kid is but I knows he drinks. And he be 'held back' a few times froms graduatins. So he be tens or elevens? I dunno. It donts matters. He keeps Pigface busy and keeps her away from me!

Bad news done comes in a letter folks. Lawnboy Larrys loser mommy that he done calls 'mommy dearest' done be sayin she done come to visit us. Oh oh. Lawnboy Larry done says mommy dearest done hates his guts and that he done hates her guts too. But she be comin cause it be her birthday soon and she wants presents. Dang. That will SUCK big time.

Havent seen Lawnboy in a few days. He be off slinkin round with da hookers. He gots a new stash of condoms. Creepos founds them. He likes to raid Lawnboys stash every few days. Sees if he can takes anythin. Lawnboy wonts likes mommy dearest comins. Haha loser.

Anyways, I gots to get backs to my stoop to beatups some more neighbours. That be my favourite. Next to drinkins.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

dang bastard and other stuff

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos this mornins whilst havin my mornin beers, Pigface done starts screamins. She done yells that the couch be ALL wet AGAINS. Dang that Lawnboy Larry. He done peed on that couch AGAINS. I saws him slinkin offs sos I asks him if he done peed on that couch agains. And he just shuggs. Icky. Disgustin. He says he goin outs agains and he gots some new friends. And they BE way cooler than me or Creepos or the brats. They be the best friends ever. And alls he gots to do to keeps them is to do stuffs for them. Like fixes things. Or mow they lawn. Stuff like that. He says it be a good deal causin they be SO cool. And the rest of us can suck it.

No way man. I be the coolest EVER. Next follows Creepos.

Sos I done gives SuperDuper (he be my favourite one) a ball and stick. He done supposed to play on da road with it. BUT he decided to smack the crap out of the neighbourhoods kids. Oops. That be my boy. I be such a GOOD mother. The best in facts!

Pigface done gots home sent a letter from the teacher. That she be bullyins agains. Here we goes agains folks. I done gotta go in and haves a 'word' with this here new teacher and to sets her strait. Creepos done says this happens to him EVERY years too with his 3 brats. He says bullyins fine to do and if any teacher done say it aint then they gonna get smacked. You tells them Creepo!

Anyways, I gotta go smack done some neighbours. See you losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos I be the BESTEST mom ever! Why. Just cause. Thats why. Haha loser.

Pigface woke mes up early to tell me she thinks it mights be her birthdays. But it aints. I thinks I had her in da spring. Or was it winters? I dunno. I tolds it dont matters anyways cause we haves her birthday on MY birthday. Which is November the eighth. Sos if you lookins to gets me somethin nice you should starts shoppins now.

PumpkinHead done trashed his hole house agains so he not aloud to play outside. Sos that means I cants get rid of Pigface todays. Sos she drivin me NUTZ. She screamins at the top of her voice and then she gets SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) to screams too. He usually too busy playin in his box with his snots or stranglin a new kitty but todays he be screamins too. They sounds likes a air raid.

Lawnboy Larry done tooks off this afternoon. He say he be goins out to eat and then to a strip clubs. And then coffee. I tolds him to picks up some coffee on his way home. But he says 'why should I? I donts drink that homemade shit. So we donts needs it. I only drink the good stuff likes Timmies or Starbucks.' And then he done left. Creepo gonna give me some of his coffee.

I thinks I will gets the brats a new kitty. That might keeps them quiets for a bit.
Oh I done sees a neighbourhoods kid out fronts, so I tells my brats to go and bully it til it goes back inside. Pigface and SuperDuper done takes off down the streets to get him. Yay. Now it be quiets.

Ugg, then Ralphio done starts lawns mowins. Sos I picks up my club and beats him over da head til he done stops.
Ahh. NOW it be quiets. Nows I can finally have a breaks. I so done deserves it.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, September 9, 2011

diseesed one

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Just sittin here hangins with Creepo my bestest friend in the hole wide world.

We be rashonin foods agains. Causin Lawnboy Larry done told his loser daddy that he be doin the grocerin shoppins from here on outs sos loser daddy done gives Lawnboys the moneys. BUT Lawnboys don't brings home foods, BUT he done says he be goins out to a REAL nice restaurants and maybes a nice movies too. He says he done deserves it causin he be SO great a guy. And the rests of us can fuck off. Sos I sends the kids to loser daddys for the weekends sos they can eat. And I be sharin Creepos foods.

Yesterdays Lawnboy be drivins me and Creepos NUTS. He gots up at the usuals time of 3 in da afternoon. He done spents 30 minutes in his bathroom. Then he be REAL happy for 30 seconds. He spokes 5 words to each me and Creepo. We done count cause he rarely done talks to us. Then he goes back to his bathroom for an hour. And done comes out reakins of booze. He scowlin now. He stomps around. Blast his music. He says it be good music causin ALL the kids are listenins to its now. Creepo and me thinks it sucks BIG time. Then he goes back to his bathroom and done comes out happyies agains. He sits down. Then scowls and done starts complainins how nobody dont likes him. And he be such a nice guy too. Creepo done tells him to shuts up and GO aways. Lawnboy Larry yells 'I'm tellin on you!'. And then runs off down the streets to his pinky pal.

I says to Creepo that Lawnboy cant help being such a prick causin his loser daddy done says that Lawnboy done 'suffers from a rares forms of ass-hole-i-tis' So nothin be his fault.

Anyways, I gots to get back to Creepo and my stoop. Gots some neighbour watchins to do.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

back to school suckas

Hello folks,

its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos this be the BESTEST time of the year ever! I shoved my brats off to schools this mornin. I done lied bout SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) age. I done said he be 4 years old but he really be three. Haha loser. So he be off to school a hole years early. I needs the break.

I gots the idea from Creepo who done lied bout all his brats age sos they could goes to schools one year early. He says his brats done gots tired of bullyin the neighbourhoods kids and needed fresh victims to beat up. I feels the same with my brats. Pigface's favourite be to beat ups and bullyin other kids so she gonna haves fun. SuperDuper likes to bully, play with his snots and sits in his box.

Pigface wents to school with her bestest friend in the hole wide world PumpkinHead and I shoved SuperDuper alongs with thems. And NOW I be free!

Just me and Creepo ALL day hangin. Don't see Lawnboy Larry anywheres. Probably off tryin to buys a hooker. Good riddance loser.

Anyways gots to get backs to my campin chair. I haves a FULL day plans of bullyin! haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I needs a club

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos me and Creepo done have a GREAT party friday and saturday nights.We hooted and hollered, and yelped and whoop whoop, and hoot hoot ALL nights long. It be SO much fun!

Now it be sundays and we needs to rest. Sos we sittin in our campin chairs smokin and drinkin and starin and bullyin and watchin the neighbours. We yells at them when they try to leave they house or they car. Haha losers! Serves em right.

Lawnboy Larry done come home this mornin, still drunk and all he be doin is sittin in our kiddie pool playin with his left over condoms. He be compainin AGAINS that NO body likes him. He done says that his parents donts likes him. He says that the every job he ever done had no boss ever done likes him and they always tries to fire hims. He says his new pinky pal friends aint liken him no more. Causin he wouldn't give thems a new tv. He done bought himself a new tv and real nice speakers too. He says he done deserves it. He sold Pigface's bike sos he could buys it. He donts know why NO one done likes him. The stupid bastard aint figure it out yets. Loser.

He says he be a great guy. And that everybody that donts likes him are ALL crazy. It be they fault NOT his. Hmm interestin theary. Anyways, I thinks I go club him over the head to makes him stops complain. He be ruinins my and Creepos day of relaxin.

Now wheres did I puts that club..............
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, September 2, 2011

gots BIG plans bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I shoved cake down my brats throats for breakfast. I sure be a GOOD parent. haha loser!
I wanted thems OUT early sos I can have the weekends to myself. With Creepo my bestest friend EVER! Loser daddy done comes back for thems. He takin them to the beach. I never done been to the beach cause I donts leave my stoop. EVER!

Lawnboy Larry done spent the HOLE morning braggin bout what tasty foods he be eatin. He says the foods he be eatin be SO good. It be at a restaurant. But he cants remember where it be at that he done eats the tasty foods. Thats cause he be SO stupid. He says he done deserves only the best. Everyone else can rot. Thats what he done says.
Then the dick head went and passed out on the bathroom floor afters he done drinks beers.

I'm done glad he be passed out. Hopefully he goes out with his new pinky pals tonights so me and Creepo can be alones.

We gonna watch the neighbours comes and goes, comes and goes. Then we gonna watch Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue watch them firepit. Then we gonna whoop whoop and hoot hoot and holler REAL loud like. It gonna be a GOOD night. See you losers.

Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

flippety floppeties and other stupid people

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos me and Creepo still be sittin heres. ALL day. I donts want you to go tomorrow. I be missin you. I wishes for todays to never end. It be SO good. NO Lawnboy Larry. He be out with his new pals drinkin and hangin with the teens. He done says he gots a new crush. Good Riddances is all I cans says! Loser!

My brats be at loser daddys house AGAINS! Loves it. Sos it leaves the hole day to just me and Creepo. To done stares at the neighbours. And bullyins them. We likes to call them names. It be fun.

Sos I am REALLY lovin my new flipflops! They be goods for runnins in. But I dont runs. Runnins for chumps. I just likes to sit and drink and smoke and stare and bully.

Well that be my day. Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, August 28, 2011

good finds

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos the idiot knowns as Lawnboy Larry done be passed out on the couch in da garage ALL day. Sos me and Creepos went into the basement, and moved some boxes and some garbages and founds Lawnboy Larry's secret stash of goods. We knews he had stuffs buried somewheres cause he go down to da basement and comes back up reakins of booze and cigarettes. Sos me and Creepo done some findins. Lawnboy gots some good stuffs too. Some cigarettes. Some beers. Some donuts, and lots of funny cigarettes. Good finds todays!

Sos me and Creepo done tooks everythin and be smokin it ourselves and drinkins it ourselves. Lawnboy thinks only he needs the good stuffs and everybody else can fend for themselves. Loser! It be ours now! Haha.

Sos it be a good day. Plus! Loser daddy done takes my brats for the next few days! I get a break. Finally! So me and Creepo be sittin here and totally bullyin everyones. It be SO much fun!!

Oh, Lawnboy just wokes up. He done creeps off down the streets. He thinks we dont sees him but we sees him. Off he goes. Good riddance.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, August 26, 2011

losers all around me

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin here with my bestest friend in the hole wide world Creepo.
Creepo done say it be spelt whole but I don't think so. I spells it my ways anyways. Creepo done says today 'friendship be what you talks about and what you don'ts'. He be SO smarts.

Lawnboy Larry be out tonights with his new pals. He done spent most of the days sleepins. Then drinkins. Then smokins. Now he be gone. Yay!

I think I may sell Pigface to the circus. Can I do that? Don't know if they wants her though. haha loser!

Loser daddy done boughts me some new flipflops. I can runs in these. Thats if I wanted to runs. Runnins for chumps. I likes sittins. And drinkins. And smokins. And bullyins.

Anyways gots to get back to my campin chair. Creepo and me are gonna watch Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue watch them fire tonights. It gonna be fun.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps- Still no laptops. Someones gonna pay BIG! And soons ifen I don't get it back.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

bikes and stuffs and other things

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin here with my bestest friend in the hole wide world Creepo.
My brats Pigface and SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) be out in the neighbourhood bullyin other kids. I be SO proud!

Lawnboy Larry be still passed out. He don't gets up any earlier than 3 in da afternoon. Thats cause he be out ALL nights. Somewheres. He never say wheres. Usually out at da movies or strip clubs or under a bridge gettin drunk with his new pals. He dont comes home much. I heards him comes home round 5 in da morning da other night. The stupid bastard done wokes me ups cause he be bangin into things. Cause he be SO drunk. Then he puked and blasted the tv ALL nights. Sos me and the brats gots up then. No points in sleepin no mores. TOO LOUD. Stupid drunk prick.

He be stealin the brats foods money so he can goes outs with his new pals for nice dinners and movies and other stuffs that be fun. He says the brats will be fine withouts loser daddys foods money. He says he done deservin all the fun stuffs. The other day he done takes Pigface's bike cause he done broke his bike. Pigface be real mad. Stupid loser Lawnboy Larry.

Anyways me and Creepo be done havin a nice relaxin day todays. Watchin the losers comes and goes, comes and goes. Creepo done says todays 'be yerslef cause everyone is taken.' Wow!

later losers,
I needs another cigarettes.
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, August 21, 2011

barbieQ time bitches!

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres hangin. What else.

Yesterday loser daddy done comes over and drops off a brand new barbieQ. Haha loser. I tolds him our old ones done brokes. But it don't. I just wanted a new ones. Sos it took me and Creepo ALL day and Creepos two eyebrows to gets it all sets up. Creepo dont know it was gonna flame like that. I wish it were Lawnboy Larry that had been done burnt of eyebrows insteads. It always be funny when it done happen to Lawnboy Larry.

Me and Creepos don't sees much of that idiot no more. He be with his new pals ALL the times now. They be goin to movies and what you call 'strip clubs' and gettin drunk and smokin. He says they be his bestest friends in the hole wide world. But he done keep havin to buys them stuffs still. Or they won't hangs with him no more. He wants to gives them our old barbieQ. He tried to gives them our new barbieQ (he says only the best for his new pals) but I done beat him with the hose. Creepo done locked down our new barbieQ cause no one trusts Lawnboy Larry.

I'm a gonna keeps an eye on Lawnboy cause he be REAL tricky like and loves to steals things. He not gettin this here barbieQ. I still be thinkin Lawnboy done tooks my laptop loser daddy done gots for me. I tried to wrestle him to the ground to make him done speak and confesses to stealins it but he done run REAL fast into his there bathroom. So I waited and waited but he don't comes out. I think he done passes out. Haha loser.

Anyways, I gots to runs back now to my campin chair. I need a break.
Later losers,

Tanktop Tammy

Friday, August 19, 2011

pinky pals

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos me and Creepo just sittin here hangins. What else is there. Pigface be at PumpkinHead's and SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) be sittin in his there box.

Sos me and Creepo don't sees Lawnboy Larry for two days. He comes home this mornin reakins of beers and cigarettes and teenagers. He crawls home and the idiot done gots pink hair! What a loser. He says he done looks real cool with pink hairs. He says he looks like a teenager now with his new pink dos. And nows he 'fits in' with the cool teens. Creepo done asked him 'what he goin do about his OLD face?' HAHAHAHA loser.

Me and Creepo done LAUGHED and LAUGHED! What a loser. He says he be hangin with his teenager pals and they be SO cool. They gets drunks and listens to music. And buy hookers too. Now the idiot is sittin in the kiddie pool washin his dick cause he says it be full of what you call 'std'. Ick. He keeps mumblin to himself that he done 'pull a fast one' over on mes and Creepos. Idiot. Like we dont know what stupid be up to.

How stupid can a Lawnboy Larry bes?

Anyway, the dumbass done fells asleep in the kiddie pool agains. I should justs lets him drowns but I will put the hose on him. This one last times.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps anyones sees my laptop?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

puppies be gones

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

I feels like kickin puppies and flippin off old ladies today.

Anyways, just sittin heres watchin the neighbours comes and goes, comes and goes. Just hangins. With Creepo. Pigface be at PumpkinHead's house, thank gods. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) be in his box. He done calls his box his boat. Whatever. As long as he stays in its.

Sos the humane society done takes KooKoo's two white fluffy puppies aways. She looked happy when they done takes them. Cause alls she ever did was leave them outside. Evens in the rains. And hails. And stormins weathers. And alls she ever did was screams at them too. She said she was 'trainins them'.
She done says she gonna gets more anyways. Creepo done tell her that there be TONS of free dogs on craigslist. But she whined and done says she need only 'expensive' dogs. Ones that done comes with papers. Whatevers.

Creepo done says 'you should conquer others before you conquer yourself'. Smart man Creepo done be.

Anyways, thinks I go and finds some puppies and old ladies.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Monday, August 15, 2011

bikini be good

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin here in my campin chair in my itty bitty black bikini. I DO look So good. I gots my beers and my cigarettes so I be set for the day to stare at the neighbours.

Early befores dumbass KooKoo done comes over. She be in her bikinis too. Hers be AS small as mine be. But she wear a BIG cross on hers. She gots herself a BIG belly nows too. I thinks she be gettin fats. She done tells me that I done dress likes a good religion person likes her be. Cause I wears tanktops and real short shorts and itty bitty bikinis. She says I should reads her religion book. I tells her to gits or I turn the hose on her. That always do makes her run. And it dos makes Creepo laugh and laugh. I done dress likes this not to be religious but to be SEXY. I be So sexy.

Anyways, that Lawnboy Larry done still be hangins with that pink hairs teenager that done tricked Lawnboy Larry intos givins him stuffs. Lawnboy Larry done says he gots LOTS in commens with the teen age brat. They both likes the same music and they both likes teenage girls too. So he be spendin his time hangin with pinky. Lawnboy Larry done says he still needs to gives Pinky stuff stills to be his friend but he dont mind givin stuffs. It be the only way to have friends for Lawnboy Larry. Creepo done says that if we be havin to give stuffs then they not be your friend. Creepo be so smart. I donts have to gives nothin to Creepo for hims to my bestest friend in the hole wide world!

Anyways, I gots to go and show off my bikini butt. I be lookin SO good.
Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, August 12, 2011

hole in my arm

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos yesterdays when I be sleepin in my campin chair, somethin poked at me. When I wokes up I saws nothin. But now I gots a hole in my arm. I'm thinkin Lawnboy Larry be harvestin my blood again. He done sometimes do that. He sells my blood for beers. When I sees him next I will hurts him.

Creepo says today that 'you should conquer others before you conquers yourself' He be so smarts. He also says 'if you don't gots somethin, go gets somethin else, or steals it. It can makes you happy'.

Sos me and Creepo REALLY wants to go to a bar tomorrow. KooKoo done says I need a babysitter for my brats still. I don't knows about that. They be 6 and 3 already. Creepo be leavin his brats alone at 3 and 6. But just in cases, Anyone Wants To Babysits My Brats???'

Anyways gots to run fast to the bathrooms in case I miss a neighbour come home Or go outs. Damn that Lawnboy Larry. He no flush agains. Stupid ass.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dagwood be my brother = ICK

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos yesterdays me and Creepo be sittin on my front stoop hangins. No brats in sight. No Lawnboy Larry in sight. Then all of a suddun Lawnboy Larry runs up from downs the streets and scurries away into its bathroom. Where it remains for 25 minutes. Me and Creepos counted. There wasn't much else to do. Then he comes out and scurries away down the streets agains.

The loser daddy done comes over and drops off some cigarettes and beers and foods for the kids. I wonders how much I could gets if I done sold the food stuffs and buys some more beers?

Anyways then the idiot known as Dagwood done comes over. And tells me I be his sister. Haha loser. No way am I related to that idiot. I dont know nothin bout my childhoods. I done smacked my head on somethin hard when I was doin some heavy drugs when I be 14. Alls I remembers is 14 and onwards.

Sos Dagwood shows me some pictures and there be in that very picture my birth marks. Ha. So I guesses I be related. That sucks. Until Creepo done told me that my 'daddy' done owns a beer fest thingy, and I should gets some moneys. That done made me real happy.

I am also owed 20 years of birthday presents. Start givin me my dues bitches. And NO crap either.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps Dagwood mentions to me that Uncle Franz be comin bys to take my blood. I dont knows no Uncle Franz. I think Dagwood be smokins weed agains

Sunday, August 7, 2011

beers, lovely beers

Hello folks,
its me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres in my campin chair. With Creepo. Watchin the neighbours come and go, come and go.

Sos yesterdays I done left my campin chairs. It be for a good causes. It be a beer fest. Alls the beer you cans drink. I be in heavens. Creepo and me and his brats, and my brats, Lawnboy Larry and Creepo's Bride all done wents. Lawnboy Larry done took off explorin rights away. And my brats done took offs explorins right away toos. It be ok causin they be 3 and 6 now. And then Creepo's brats and lovely bride done took offs to explores. Sos just me and Creepo. We hads fun. We gots drunk!

Somehows we made it homes. I ain't seen the kids til two hours later. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done drawed a picture of all the drunks at the beer fest. He be so cool. Now he be sleeping. Thank gods.

Creepos done says 'if it don't kill you, it be good for you'. Or somethin likes that. I can't remembers too well. I be drunk still at the times. But Creepo sure be smart.

Anyway, gots to go and puke again,
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, August 5, 2011

bikini, loser and skin tags

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos the idiot knowns as Lawnboy Larry done comes home yesterdays. Carryin MY black bikini. Damns I look GOOD in that bikini. Anyways, when I be lookins for it a couple days agos I no find, so then todays Lawnboy Larry done tells me he done stoles it from me. He tells me he done gives it to his crush. He thoughts his crush be a girl cause she gots pink hair. But when he made the crush puts on my bikini he done sees a penis bulgin outs.
He be SO sad. Cause he REALLY likes his crush. He done gives her everythins. Beer. Cigarettes. Money from loser daddy thats supposed to go for food for our brats. MY campin chair. My clothes. Anythins and everythins. But it done turns out his crush be a boy. And just be usin Lawnboy Larry to gets stuff.
Lawnboy Larry done be SAD. HAHAHAHA Loser. Me and Creepo didn't stop laughin ALL day. What a loser.

Anyways the idiot knowns as Dagwood done comes by today collectin my skin tags. I keeps them in a jar. I made him pay me 5 beers and 10 cigarettes. Haha loser.

Anyways, Creepo be callin. A neighbour just comes home. Don't wants to miss watchin them go from them car to them house.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps oh yea my brats done finally comes home. They be hidin outs at KooKoo's place. They say she be gettins fat. Oh-oh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

happy days

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I FINALLY gots my beloved campin chair back.

Me and Creepo done watched Lawnboy Larry likes a hawk yesterdays and then we followed him. He gone down the street. He goes over to his crushes house. And there on her driveways was MY campin chair. I done picked up a stick and charged. I done started smackin Lawnboy Larry on the head. He done runs. His crush not be there but if she had I would have smashed her in toos. Creepo laughed and laughed. Then we tooks my campin chair and went back to my stoop. We haven't left since.

Creepo done gots my campin chair a lock. He locks his up. And sos now I locks mine ups too.

No sign of Lawnboy Larry yet. Snivelin weasel.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps anyone seen my brats lately. Haven't be seein them in a couple days. Not that I mind. haha.

pss anyone seen my black bikini?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

still no campin chairs. argh.

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos been real hard on my ass havin NO campin chair. I be bummed out. I be thinkin Lawnboy Larry done have somethin to do with it's bein gones. He be actin even stranger than usual latelys. He done gone off all week down the street to visit his crush. She be a teen age girl he be likens alot. He says they have LOTS in commons. I thinks he be insanes.

Anyways, I wants my chair backs so me and Creepo done gonna follow him tomorrow and sees where he be goin and what he be up tos.

Sos KooKoo done comes over and done says my house smells. She done says I should cleans it. I laughed at her. And told her to scrams or I put the hose on her. Haha loser. She ran away. I would clean but I dont haves the times to. What with sittin ALL day on my ass watchin the neighbours comes and goes, comes and goes. It be a full time jobs.

And besides my kids and Lawnboy Larry be disgustin pigs and would mess it ups anyways.

Creepo be so smarts, he done says todays 'be watch where you be goin, or you may gets where you goins to'. Wow!

Anyways I be standin strong in the face of not havin my campin chair. Creepo says I be REAL brave likes. I will not back down. I will not crumbles. And sinks into sadnessess. I will survives. I will be strongs. I will makes it. I will get my campin chair backs. Or someone will dies.

Anyway, gotta gets back to my stoop.

Later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

Thursday, July 28, 2011

cats, dogs, drownins, and NO campin chair

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I be the BESTEST ever gardiner in the world. I plant pertty flowers in the ground. They look so pertty. I am AWESOME. The awesomest EVER!

Sos I be goin NUTS. Someones stole my campin chairs. I can NOT live without its. I be goin crazy. Now I have to sit on my stoop stairs. They not be as comfortable as my campin chair. No one stole Creepos campin chair. But he done locks it ups at nights cause it be his grand possission.

Someones stole our kitty cat too. It not be here no more. Maybe it done ran away. SuperDuper (that be my favourite one) done tried to drown it in Creepos pool. He played 'slam dunk' with it. That be a game Creepo play with Pigface. He slams her head under water and yells 'Slam Dunk'. It be fun.

It be rainin ALL last night. And Kookoo done left her two white fluffy dogs outside in da rain. ALL night. They be barkin. I thinks I will call the humane society on hers this time. haha loser.

Creepo done lookin on craigslist for a new dog. There be like 15 different dogs to picks from. He likes the big dogs. His 3 brats can't drowns them as easy.

Anyway, I gots to go lookin for my campin chair. haha. NOT. I will send out Lawnboy Larry to looks for it. I be sittin on my stoop with my bestest friend in the hole wide world Creepo.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the newbs

Hello folks,

it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos this here be a picture of my new neighbours. They comes and goes, mostly goes. But they don't say nothin to me or Creepo. They still be havin jobs BUT we knows that will ENDS soon. It always do.

Anyways we don't know their real names so me and Creepo be callin them Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue. They sure likes their firepit. They done put a hole in the ground and calls it a firepit. They makes BIG fires in its. They done put it near trees and wood fences. Me and Creepo likes to watch them watch their fire. We be waitins for its to jump and burn down everythin.

They sits there EVERY nights starin at the fire. They don'ts say nothin. They just sits.

This here be a picture of Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue.

Gots to get back to my stoop. Some neighbour mights have come homes and I be missin its.

later losers,

Tanktop Tammy

ps I be thinkin of gettins Poofy Sue's hairdo. And Lawnboy Larry done wants a rock just likes Fireplace Joes. I tolds him NO.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be Creepo and his lovely brides anniversary yesterdays. Sos they be goin outs for hotdogs yesterday nights. Sos I decided to gets out quick and I heads over to Ma Barkers house. She gots three boys and they BE violent. But they likes me so they shouldn't attack.

I left the brats with Lawnboy Larry. Woohoo. I'm bratfree! haha loser. So Ma Barker and me have some fun. We gots drunk and danced. It be fun. I don't really like Ma Barker but it beats hangin outs with Lawnboy Larry.

I crawled home round 5 in da mornin. Lawnboy Larry not be there but his loser daddy be sleepin on the couch. The brats were still awakes. Damnit. Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue be sittin at their firepits starin. And KooKoo's dogs be outsides barkins.

I should not be comin home. Dangit.

Anyway, gonna go sit on da stoop. Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps I gots some pics of Fireplace Joe and Poofy Sue, Next time I be posted thems.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

KooKoo and dogs equals oh-ohs

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos Creepo done gots a new free pool. He done blows it up yesterdays. And his three brats and my two brats done swims in it ALL day. Sos me and Creepo can sit on my front stoop and have some peace.

Loser daddy done drops off my brats yesterdays. He don't say nothin. Just drops them off and squeals away. Anyways, they be in Creepo's backyard with his brats ALL day today too. It be good for me and Creepo to get some quiets time. We SO deserves it.

KooKoo done gots herself two white and fluffy puppies. What she gonna do with thems? She don't even likes dogs. She calls the humane society on everyone with a dog. She done tries to get Creepos dog to bites her. She sticks her fingers through the fence to try and makes the dog bites her. She kicks at dogs in the streets.

She done comes over and brags her new dogs COST alot. They be what you call 'purebreds' and they BE very expensive. She says they comes with 'papers'. Is that papers for them to shits on I asks? And she sulks and stomps off. Strange.

Anyways no signs of Creepos dog yets. This is the third or fourth dog Creepo done 'lost'. He gets them free on craigslist.

Anyways, I gots to get back to my stoop and Creepo.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps no signs of Lawnboy Larry yet. If you sees him, gives him a kick in the ass for me. haha loser

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be a very bad day todays. Creepos dog done bits into his brats pool. And ALL the water went splat! No more pool. Then the dog ran aways.

Creepo says he gonna go get another free pool. Cause if he don't his brats will really be buggin us. Sos we sent his brats to KooKoo's house. My brats be at loser daddys house. I NEED the break. Yay!

More good news is Creepos cat done have kitties. Sos he gives one to us for SuperDuper. SuperDuper done haves a couple kitties in the past but he done squished their head sos the kitties done runs away. But now he gots a new one!

Ralphio done comes over and tells us that KooKoo be nuts. He likes to tells us like EVERYTHING. We already knows she nuts. Stupid fool.

Anyways, gots to get back to the stoop. Creepo be callins.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps now where did that loser Lawnboy Larry go?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sticks, Squeezin Heads and Rocks

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin here. Enjoyin peace. FINALLY. I SO deserve it!

So today me and Creepo be sittin and starin when his brats done come by and bugs us. They be fightin over a stick. LittleBastard and CryinGirl. So we told them to screw off. But they won'ts. So Creepo had to get up from his super comfy campin chair and take that there stick. He done throws it real high. It hit Lawnboy Larry in the head. We heard an 'ouchy'. Sos that mades us laugh REAL hard.

Then LittleBastard starts squeezin CryinGirl's head real hard like. Squeezin and squeezin and squeezin. Sos me and Creepo done starts throwin rocks at them. To gets them gone. It done finally worked and they headed over to KooKoo's house. We hears KooKoo tells them to go and fight in their own yards but LittleBastard just tells her to shut up and starts throwin rocks at her. She done huffed and puffed and sulked and went insides. She probably done gonna call SOMEONE for that. Hahaha loser.

So that be my day. Now I gotta get back to my chair and drink some more.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps my back still gots pain in it. Someones got to come over NOW and snap me back.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hung overs and Creepo be smart

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy. Sos had a pertty good party last night. Feeling WAY hung over. Then this very mornin I done bents down to picks up a cigarettes and snapped GO my back. Ouwie. Me can't move. So makin Lawnboy Larry get my beers and cigarettes for mes. And pissin in a can. That ways I don't needs to gets up for nothin. Just gonna sits here.

Sent Pigface and SuperDuper overs to loser daddys for the week. So I don't have to be bothered with them. Me and Creepo be havin a good day. Just sittin and starin, drinkin and bullyin. We been throwin rocks at peoples goin by. Haha loser. It be SO funny. And we throw them rocks at KooKoo's windows and door. Lawnboy Larry favourite be to ring KooKoo's doorbell and thens RUN. Haha it be So funny.

Creepo done be SO smart. This very day he done say "words don't mean nothin, not out of mouth, nots on papers, nots over the phone but you gots to puts them words into actions!"
So so smarts Creepos be.

Anyways, gots to go losers.
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, July 10, 2011

me and Creepo

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin with Creepo, my bestest friend forever. When Lawnboy Larry done comes rushin homes. He says he's gots a new best friend. It be a sixteen year old girl that done lives down the street. He says she be SO cool and he really really like her. He done give her some beers and cigarettes. Now he be lookin through our trash box lookin for some treasures he can gives her. Anything for her, is all he keeps mumblins. Weird bastard.

Anyways, I be havin a grand time with Creepo. We plans to go outs to a bar tonights. I told Lawnboy Larry we be goin to yoga. Haha loser. Creepo says we be 'pullin the wool over Lawnboy Larry' We be SO cool. We gonna gets wasted tonights! I need a break.

Anyways, gotta get back to my stoop and beers and cigarettes.
see ya losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Friday, July 8, 2011

another week by Tanktop Tammy

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.
Sos it's beens a fun weeks. NOT. First my most favoured brat SuperDuper done slipped on my puke from Mondays and done went down REAL fast. Smacked his there head on the cement. BOOM. Anyways, Lawnboy Larry not be arounds SO Creepo and me done brought him to the hospital. They done stick some what you call stitches in his heads. He just sat there lookin dopey. His usual look.
Then we broughts him home and I gives him a beer. Thoughts it might help. He done slept for two days. It be nice. Not to have to listen to his constantly screamins.

Then on Tuesdays Pigface's bestest friend in the hole wide world done gots in troubles. He done gots angrys at playin a video game that he done smashed up his house. PumpkinHead's mother Ma Barker didn't even notice it was done smashed up til the next day. Anyways, so then she gots REAL mads and told PumpkinHead to stay in his room in the basement for like a REAL long times. That sucks. Cause now Pigface cants go over there NO mores. So now I be stuck with her. UGH.
Fortunately PumpkinHead dont listen to his Ma cause he sneaked out and spent the day with Pigface in KooKoo's backyard. KooKoo didn't know cause she be on her happy pills agains and must have overdosed cause she be sleepin LONG time.

Anyways, that be my weeks and I gots to get back to my stoop.
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps now where did that loser Lawnboy larry gets to?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Canada Day Aftermath

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos sufferin from Canadas Day aftermath.

Boy did wes have a GOOD time. I thinks. I don'ts remember much. But this place sure be a MESS. Sos I thinks we had fun. Can't find Lawnboy Larry no wheres. Oh well. Loser daddy done takes the brats for the weekends. Creepo and me be sittin on my stoop with REAL bad hangovers.

I even had a dream that I done went to the beach. That be crazy. I never done have or nor will I never go to that there beach. Cause that would means I would have to leave my stoop. And I never done gonna leave my stoop!

Good things loser daddy done come over cause all the moneys he gives us for foods and stuffs for the brats, I done spent on beers and cigarettes. I don'ts likes to spend my money on my brats. I likes beers and cigarettes insteads.

Anyways I got to go pukes agains. Ugh cigarettes done comes up. And beers. Ugh. But all in alls it be a good Canada Day.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps damn, here comes that idiot Lawnboy Larry now. Well, it WAS a good day.

Friday, July 1, 2011

It be Canada Day bitches

Hello folks,
it be Canada Day and I be Tanktop Tammy.

It be a sad day yesterdays. Cause it be the last day of school for Pigface. I SO liked NOT havin her round. Now what do I do with her? I be thinkin I could send her off to loser daddys for a whiles, then over to PumpkinHead (her very bestest friend in the hole wide world) and then off to the neighbours yards.

SuperDuper (that one be my favourite) I usually keeps in a box. But he gettin bored of that there box. He escapes. So think I'll send him off with Pigface. Then I can gets some much needed rest!

Except for Lawnboy Larry. Gots to get rid of him too. I think he should gets a job! He can cuts lawns. But he don't want no jobs, he says. He be so busy playin on his skateboard and hangins.

But Creepo and me wants to be alones for summertimes. So we can hangs in peace.

Creepo puts up his pool and trampoline for his three brats. That ways that keeps them super busy and they wonts bother us ALL summer. That ways me and Creepo can sits on my front stoop in our campin chairs and his three brats can swims in his backyards. It be perfect!

Anyways I gots to get more beers and cigarettes. Later loser daddy be comins over to bring us weenies and marshmellows. We gonna celebrates Canada Day in styles! Fireworks ALL nigths folks!

Haha losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

pamperins for losers

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Me brats be drivin me NUTS! Not as nuts as KooKoo BUT still nuts.
When I do the serenitity collapses on the ground, then they should goes all quiets. But they DIDN'T! Sos I sent them BOTH off to the neighbours houses. Thank god they finally be GONE!
Now I just needs to get rids of Lawnboy Larry and all will be goods agains.

Talkin of NUTS, KooKoo done comes over and done tells me that I should go to what you call a 'spa'. She done says she goes there every few days. To gets messages, and waxins, and shavins and haircuts. She says she be pampered. I says I don't needs any of that there stuffs. I likes my legs with stubble, I LOVES my blond ish hair with black roots, I don't need no messages and waxins only somethin I do to Lawnboy Larry when hes passed out.
She wouldn't go away so I clubbed her over the head with my beer bottle.
She screamed and ran. I think she just be sniffin round to come and take my brats for babysittins. Crazy fucked up KooKoo. My brats don't needs no babysittins. They be 6 and 3 nows. They be fine on theys own.

Anyway, that be my day. Now backs to my stoop to suck down some more beers and cigarettes. Besides I gots more bullyin to do.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy

Words of Wisdoms by Tanktop Tammy:

Ain't care what nobody think of me. I BE awesome.

ps I pounded Lawnboy Larry when he done come home yesterday. Haha loser.

Tanktop Tammy

Friday, June 24, 2011

Notes to Self- Must KILL Lawnboy Larry

Hello folks,
it's me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos I really really wants to KILL Lawnboy Larry. That dumbass was out playins on his there skateboards agains this mornin. Whilst I be tryin to takes a nap in my campin chairs. He be makin alot of noise SOS I told him to 'shuts the fuck up'. BUT he didn't. So I gots up to pounds him but he tooks off on his there skateboard. SOS I chased him down the street with an empty beers can. I planned to beats him over the head with its. But that damn bastard done takes off too damn fast. I couldn't catch him. Two houses down and I lost me breath. Couldn't go any longer. So I threw the beer cans at his head but damn it, I done missed him.

Sos I dragged myself homes. I ain't plannin to leave this here campin chair no longers. Not for nothin. Not even to KILL Lawnboy Larry. The stupid bastards gots to comes home sometime. And then I'll gets him. Gets him good.

Pigface be home today on what you call a 'pd' day. Anothers vacation for them teachers. She be screamin SO LOUD. ALL mornin I be tellins her to "Shut the fuck up" BUT she don'ts. Sos I tolds her to go play in the neighbours yard. And she says 'which ones?' And I says 'ALL'. Sos she be makin her way round the neighbourhoods now. She done plays in someone elses backyard until they tell her to get. After they tell her to get 5 times in a row, she done finally goes. Sometimes they releases their dogs on her. But that dont always makes her leaves.
So I think she be on house # 5 nows. Next is KooKoo's house. I bets Lawnboy Larry be there rights now. Playin in that there tree house. That be his favourite place nows.

My favourite place be rights here. In my campin chair. Smokin and drinkin, starin and sittin. And best of ALL- bullyin! With my Creepo, my very bestest friend in the hole wide world!

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy