Tuesday, February 15, 2011

valentines day bitches

Hello folks,
sos summers been comin sometime, and I gots to lose some fats. I done joined a wait loss programs called TitiBiti. I done lose 2 whole pounds of fats! I'm SO awesome! That bikini done gonna fits real good. I am gonna looks SO pertty.

Sos yesterdays was Valentines day. Sos I hung out at Creepos place ALL day, in his garage. Instead of mine garage. Cause Lawnboy Larry done gets SO weird on Valentines day. He runs around the neighbour hood pluckin dead flowers and gives them to me. I ain't gots no use for dead flowers. Or for Lawnboy Larry for that matter.
Creepo and I did sneak out for a tiny bit to steals candy from passerbyers. Lots of people comins and goins outside the smoke and candies store. Creepo hides behind a car and jumps out at them, unsuspectin like and scares the HELL out of them. It be So funny. Sos then when they jump in fears and drops their goodies, I sneaks up and steals them. Sometimes we switch places and I do the scarens. They seem to scream especially loud when they done sees me. Don't know whys. Since I be SO pertty.

Sos anyways, Creepo and I got LOTS of candies. We ate them all in his garage. Then I puked.

Then I had to go home. Lawnboy Larry be passed out on the sofa and my brats be screamin at the top of their lungs again. Sos I drugged them with gravol and they went to sleep. Then I tooks some time for myself. Cause I deserves it, bitches.

Sos all in all it not be a bad Valentines day.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

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