Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Fashion Sense of Tanktop Tammy

Hi Folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy,
This next post I call 'The Fashion Sense of Tanktop Tammy',
All you really need to do to look super good like me are 3 simple fashion rules. This really really works for me folks.

Okay Number 1: You need a tanktop. Any colour will do.

Number 2: Number two is very important. You need a pair of short shorts, ones low enough so that your ass crack is always in view. Ones where you DON'T have to bend over to show the good stuff. Your ass crack MUST always be in view in order to have good fashion sense. Very, very IMPORTANT.

Okay now for Number 3: DON'T comb your hair. My hair is most lovely when I haven't washed or brushed it in weeks. This really adds to the effect. I look great!

Okay so I said there are just 3 simple rules, well, there's just one more thing to do- Wear a SCOWL on your face at ALL times- so important.
Always always scowl and if you feel like, do like me and growl!

That's it. Pretty simple. If you follow my rules, you'll look as good, well, almost as good as me!
That's it from me folks, I've taken enough time away from my campin chair. And I really need a smoke.


  1. You didn't say nothing about shoes, Tammy. Is that because you meant ta say ta never wear shoes cause they make ones feet stink somethin' fierce-like? I sees women - not as purdy or fashion-sensibull as you, and theys where there furry winter boots - and its summer. All I can say is if they takem off I don't wanna be nearem. Pee-eww.
    Keep on smokin'!

  2. preferred choice of shoe---------the flip flop OF COURSE! What else. Plus the flip flop does not get in the way of my lovely 'ankle bracelet', if you know what I mean. But that's another story.........

  3. Haha! Tammy, you're such a loser!
    More so than me!

  4. Dagwood- I know you are but what am I? Haha! Gotcha good!

  5. Tammy- I think not! You're an old hick.
    Also, I know what you are, but what am I?
