Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter all you bitches

Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos it be Easter times agains. Last year that damn bastard Lawnboy Larry done tooks ALL the easter moneys his loser daddy done gives us and wents out to a bar with his pinky pal. I done finally tracked him down at a bar at midnites and he was full blowns drunks. He done uses ALL the moneys on strippers and boozes. So my brats dont gets a easter. Sos I knows he be outs agains boozins and hookerins this years too.

Sos I decidedes to get loser daddy to gives my brats chocolate insteads of givin moneys to Lawnboy to buys chocolates. I tolds loser daddy to gets only the best chocolates cause I be the one who gonna eats most of its. I usually tells the kids that Creepo's dog done eats all the chocolates but it really be me and Creepo. Haha loser.

Anyways Creepo's dog be mostly chuckin all the time anyways.

Sos anyways happy Easter all you bitches,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. Tammy... you know what? That's a great plan! Blame it on the dog! I do that with farts!
