Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME. Losers.

Hello folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Sos it be me birthday. I beleive my actual birthdate is November 8th. A kind of crappy day to have a birthday. But it be mine. Sos this weekend I am having a big big big party. With lots of weenies, lots of cigarettes and lots of balloons.
It's gonna be a big big party. Too bad it ain't your birthday losers.

Sos I am gonna celebrate Lawnboy Larry, Pigface and SuperDuper's birthdays too. I can't be bothered to remember all them birth dates. Sos I celebrates them all together. On my birthdate. I think Lawnboy Larry be in September or maybe it's October? Pigface is sometime in the spring? And my favourite, SuperDuper. I think I squeezed him out sometime in mid winter? I was high on drugs at the time. It be hard to remember.

Sos we invited my very bestest friend in the whole wide world Creepo. And his lovely bride CB. And their 3 brats too. I hope I gets some nice presents.
Sos we gonna party like there's no tomorrow. KooKoo and Ralphio done take off. Haha losers. They not be invited.
It's gonna be a good party ALL weekend!!!!

See you when I wake up.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. Good day my good sir, how may you be?

    Mr. Dagwood Dog, the Collector of Weirdness

  2. I ain't be no sir Dagwood. It be my birthdate! Yay for me, losers!

  3. I forgot to add, Happy Birthweek!

    Mr. Dagwood Dog, the Collector of Weirdness

  4. Hvað ertu gömul? I hope I'm saying it right! How old are you anyway Tammy?

    -I'm a man faerie!

  5. Don't know. Doc says I look about 55? But I thinks I been around maybe 33 yrs or so??
    Tanktop Tammy

  6. HAHA! You look older Tammy! AND you look like you've just crawled out from Hell! Actually, come to think of it you look like a fish, like someone fished a somewhat dead fish out of a contaminated lake and cooked it!
    Enough! Now I shall return to my fortune making!

    -I'm a man faerie!

  7. Suck it Dagwood. I be a beauty. I tells myself this everyDAY. So there. HAha loser.

  8. Yep, keep telling yourself that!

    -Sir Dagwood Dog of Fergus

  9. Tammy, I have returned to being normal!


  10. You say it's yer birthday? Yeah? Well, it's my birthday too! Who gave you permission to steal ma birthday! I'm having my lawyer contact your... you don't have a lawyer, do ya? Well, my lawyer will contact either your Lwnboy or yer Pig! Ya do have a pig dontcha? Irregardless (and I use that werd correctly), I'm saddened that you had to go and steal ma birthday. Probably took alla ma presents too, which is why I aon't got none? And another thing, why does my speech git all screwed up afterin i reads yer blog?!
    See ya in court, soaker!

  11. Dagwood, you never be normal.

    Andrew-Your birthday present be that my birthday is on your birthday. Ain't that be enough for you? And I finds your speech gets better the more you ramble on. And I ain't gots no lawyer. Don't even knows what that be. But I do gots a Pigface. Would you like to borrow for her a weekend?
    later loser,
    Tanktop Tammy

  12. Tammy, you know Pigface is impure, how come you're offering her?!


  13. The fauns drank her blood, that's why she's impure, spoiled blood!

