Friday, January 14, 2011

Lawnboy Larry

Hello folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Sos I thinks the loser known as Lawnboy Larry be shrinkin. Seriously. He be shorter than me now. He be shrinkin. For reals. Probably be them funny cigarettes or somethin.
He be passed out in the garage right now. Loser. I dumped Pigface at school and SuperDuper at a babysittins house. Don't know who she is, but she be cheap.
Creepo and I needs to rest up for tonights goings-outs. We done told Lawnboy Larry that I bes goin to 'work outs' but we really be plannin to go to that there bar again. We play darts and what you call pool. And we get drunk. We fights over who has to drives home. It be SO much fun!
Well better get back to bed, got a LONG night ahead of me.
Haha losers.
Tanktop Tammy

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, a sasquatch didn't eat you right? Oh, wait, you'd probably eat it! Haha! Or maybe you're it! Haha!
