Monday, August 2, 2010

Long Weekend Blues

Hello folks,
it's me again, Tanktop Tammy.
Sos, this be the long weekend. I be a-sittin on my back stoop. Just starin and sittin and smokin and scowlin. Lawnboy Larry be a-moanin and a-groanin. It's cause he done got beats up by KooKoo. Last thursday she done caught him stealin her happy pills, sos she punched him in the groin. He still be a-moanin and a-groanin.

Little Bastard's still in that there hospital. They done a-goin keep him for whats called observation.

Creepo done be real sad causin the Tim Hortons down the block done gots closed up. Creepo be a-missin his coffee. He done look sad. He don't even wants to move his there chunks of wood round no more.

On saturday, new people that just moved in, just moved out. AND they done stole our campin chairs. We didn't do nothin to them. Just some bullyin and some intimidationin and some funny tricks. Like Lawnboy Larry done loves to play his old trick of ringin them doorbells and then a-runnin away. That be his favourite. We also done like to slit their tires, throw balls at their heads and have our brats play in THEIR backyards. Don't know whys they done moved out? Or why they done took our campin chairs. When I finds them, I be a-snappin them in two!

Last week, my beeutiful truck that loser daddy done gives us is all fulls of water. Lawnboy Larry done be playin with the window button that done makes the window goes up and down, up and down, and he done broke it. Then it rained. Now my beeutiful truck be done wet. Sos we called loser daddy to come and get the truck and fix it for us.

Sos I just be a-sittin and starin and smokin and scowlin. And growlin.
Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. Hello Tanktop... or should I call you Ms. Tammy?
    Don'chuyall git that truck fixed. Keep the doors closed but have the windows down... with the water inside you dones gots yerselfs an indoor swimmin' hole like whaten them thar Clampets had - ceptin' yours can go wid you to the stora ta gits more smokes.
    Ughs & hisses,

  2. you can calls me Tanktop Tammy be fine. Too late- Lawnboy Larry's loser daddy already done fixed that beeutiful truck. Anyways I already have my nice mud puddle to sits in. Lawnboy Larry done like to play in that there mud puddle. And sides, I gots Lawnboy Larry's loser daddy to go to that there store and gets me my cigarettes and other necessitittties.
    Later loser,
    Tanktop Tammy
