Sunday, January 22, 2012

NO nasty drunks allowed

Hello folks,
its me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin heres, drinkin, smokin, bullyin, starin and sittin. What more is there?

So stupid Lawnboy done spents ALL ours grocery moneys on goins out AGAINS. I done haves to call over loser daddy to brings me and my brats some foods. Sos we donts starve.

Yesterdays when me and Creepo (my bestest friend forever) was just sittin, stupid Lawnboy done comes over, shruggins and starins at its feets and done asks us what we be doins. We says we be sittins. And then he done asks us if we be goins outs? And I says you done tooks ALL the moneys you stupid cow, so wheres we be goins to? And then stupid Lawnboy done shrugs agains. And says I donts know. Just thought you be goins out.
Then he says he wants to join us in our party time. And I says we aint partyin. We just sittin. And he says he still wants to join us now. Before he says we be TOO lame to join. We be the losers and he ONLY hangs with the coolest teens. Sos Creepo done remembers this and says to Lawnboy 'NO drunkun ass, prick face assholes allowed in our group Lawnboy. Go piss on the couch'. Sos Lawnboy done throws a hissy fit and runs off to his bathroom to consoles heself with some boozens.

Later on, he did piss on da couch. He was done past out.

Anyway that be my day bithces,
later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

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