Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittin heres on my stoop in my campin chair. Got myself a new campin chair. Mine old one done broke. Lawnboy done says it be causin of my fat ass. Sos I done smacked him upside the head.

Lawnboy be super bummed out lately. He done says that his bestest friend ever, his Pinky Pal done be what you call a 'al-co-ho-lick'.He says his Pinky Pal done drinks WAY tooo much. He always be drunks. And it sucks causin Lawnboy wants Pinky Pal to do ALL the drivins when theys go outs partyins togethers and buys them hookers and all that fun stuffs.
Creepo done says 'how'd you knows Pinky Pal be a drunk causin YOU be a drunk tooo.' Lawnboy plugged his ears and ran off to his bathroom yellins 'nobody dont love me!". He be in there ever since.

As for me and Creepo we be sittins and drinkins and smokins and bullyins and starins. It be a good day for us.

Anyways later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

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