Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello folks,

it's me again, Tanktop Tammy. Sos just sittin here hangin. Pigface be at PumpkinHead's place again. She done spent the weekend there again. It be SO nice without Pigface. Don't knows when they be bringin her back.

Lawnboy Larry done put up a big old sign on our front lawn that done says 'cuttin lawns' on its. I thinks maybe Lawnboy Larry may be goin back to cuttin them there lawns. He can't decides. He done likes bein on welfare. And he done likes takin all his loser daddy's moneys too. But sometimes he be missin cuttin them lawns. Me. I likes just sittin. Drinkin. And smokin.
Creepo and me just sittin ALL day today. Doing nothin. It be good.

Sos halloweenies be comin ups soon. I'm gonna do what I do every year. Sit on my front stoop and scare them brats away. I don't needs no costumes. It be my natural face that done scares them brats away. That ways I gets to keep ALL that candies for me. If Lawnboy Larry not be passed out again, I'm gonna makes him take SuperDuper out trick or treatin. That ways I can gets more candy. Pigface done be goin out with her new bestest friend forever PumpkinHead. He sure be one ugly kid. But they sure do likes each other.

We gonna have a halloweenie party ALL weekend too. Woot woot, hoot hoot and weenies. And lots and lots of beers. Yummy. Too bad you suckers ain't invited. haha

Well, gotta go, gets me some dinner. Where the hell is Lawnboy Larry gotten to? Mes and Creepos gettin hungry.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. Tammy, can I borrow Superduper on Halloween night starting from 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm? I'll return him in one piece with minimal scratches!
    Also, if so, do you know any other brats I can borrow?



  2. YES! Yous can haves SuperDuper (and it's SuperDuper with a big D idiot) Anyways, yes, you can haves him. Lawnboy Larry will be very happy. You can try PumpkinHead? You want Pigface again?
    later loser,
    tanktop Tammy

  3. No, Pigface is of impure blood now, she has been spoiled by the fauns. The fauns crave fresh blood!

