Sunday, November 27, 2011

just hangins,. whatelse is theres

Hello folks, and Happys New Years! Haha loser. I done fooled you. It not be happys new year stupid. But I done partied likes it was last night. Me and Creepos done haves hangovers agains.
We partied ALL night long. Til KooKoo done called the cops on us. I get her for that.

My brats be at loser daddys this weekends. He done be buyins them winter coats. I guesses they will needs that. Lawnboy done spents ALL ours moneys already on new clothes for hiself. And a hooker. And his new teenagers girlfriend. He talks abouts her all the time. Ick.

Sos it be rainins todays. Me and Creepo be hangin in my garage. We started a small fires. It be tosty and cosy. KooKoo done comes over to tells me to cleans up my house. Nah I done told her. I donts wants too. I done told her to git losts. She didnts so I done put the hose to her. She screams then and rans.

Anyways I gots to get back to my garage. When me or Creepo done hears a neighbour come or go we done runs outside and screams at them. Scares the craps outa them. They SO deserves it! Haha loser.

later bitches,
Tanktop Tammy

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