Thursday, May 19, 2011

shakes, flus and makeups, bitches

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy.
Sos we's all been SICK round heres. First my baby SuperDuper (my favourite) gots sick, then Pigface, then Lawnboy Larry and now ME. Fuck off flu or I will kick your ass. I done spray cleanins goop on everythin. That'll learn it.

I be havin a party this fridays for my friend Ma Barker. She be tryin to sells somethin. I think makeups. I don't use makeups cause I be naturally beeutiful. But I be havin a party for her to sells stuff. I can gets free stuffs from her if I do this. Good for me! So come to my house friday bitches and buys lots of stuffs. You knows you needs it. haha loser.

I still be tryin to sells my TitiBiti shakes. I tried to shove one down Creepo's face but he spewed it out. He done says it tastes likes chalk. I says of course it done tastes like chalks, that ways you won't want it and you lose the fats. Look at me. Well never minds, I don't actually drinks the crap but I do SELLS it. So buy my shakes bitches. Or I'll kick your ass.
Creepo says he only drinks it if he gets a new car. But I wants that car for myself. So I've gots to keep sellins it.

Anyway, Lawnboy Larry done just chucked up breakfast again. All over KooKoo's driveways. I can sees her peekin out from her drapes. She done looks scared yet mad. Haha loser.

Well, gots to get back to my stoop and have another cigarettes.
See you losers later,
Tanktop Tammy


  1. I think my friend Earl needs to buy your shakes Tammy!

  2. Goods. He shoulds buys it. More moneys for me! Haha loser,
    Tanktop Tammy
