Friday, October 7, 2011


Hello folks,
its me agains Tanktop Tammy.

Sos just sittins here, it be warms out. Just me and Creepos, my bestest friend forever and ever.

The weasel known as Lawnboy Larry done did its agains. He done takes the moneys loser daddy done lefts for foods and winter clothins for da brats. He done spents the money insteads on boozins, hookers and a nice dinners out. He comes home real lates last nights reakins of booze. When he saws me and Creepos still be ups, he ran away.

He likes to pretends he not be drinkin. He likes to pretends he not be a alcoholick. He likes to pretends he not buy hookers. He likes to pretends he donts have deseases from da hookers on his dick. He likes to pretends he don't stalk teennage girls. He likes to pretends he not be banned from stores for stalkins teennage girls. He likes to pretends he donts steals. He likes to pretends he donts piss on da couch. He likes to pretends he donts reads other peoples mails. And emails. He likes to pretends he do alots. He likes to pretends he done fixis things. He likes to pretends he treats others peoples nicely. He likes to pretends he not be means at all. He likes to pretends he be a great father. He likes to pretends his brats likes him. And not hates him. Lawnboy likes to pretends ALOT.

He says nothin be his fault causin he suffers from 'ass-hole-i-tis'. It be a desease and he cants do nothins about its. He says he has a alcoholick deseases too. Being a dirty drunk not be his fault eithers.
Creepo done says it ALL be Lawnboys faults. None of dat stuff be deseases buts what Creepo calls 'choices', and he done say Lawnboy choices to be a ASSHOLE. But Lawnboy say he be greats.

Creepo says ALL peoples gets sick of peoples like Lawnboys and theys end up ALL alones. It will happens. Soons.

anyways nough on Lawnboys. He be depressins. Back to my stoop and starins.

Later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

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