Monday, July 4, 2011

Canada Day Aftermath

Hello folks,
it's me again Tanktop Tammy. Sos sufferin from Canadas Day aftermath.

Boy did wes have a GOOD time. I thinks. I don'ts remember much. But this place sure be a MESS. Sos I thinks we had fun. Can't find Lawnboy Larry no wheres. Oh well. Loser daddy done takes the brats for the weekends. Creepo and me be sittin on my stoop with REAL bad hangovers.

I even had a dream that I done went to the beach. That be crazy. I never done have or nor will I never go to that there beach. Cause that would means I would have to leave my stoop. And I never done gonna leave my stoop!

Good things loser daddy done come over cause all the moneys he gives us for foods and stuffs for the brats, I done spent on beers and cigarettes. I don'ts likes to spend my money on my brats. I likes beers and cigarettes insteads.

Anyways I got to go pukes agains. Ugh cigarettes done comes up. And beers. Ugh. But all in alls it be a good Canada Day.

later losers,
Tanktop Tammy

ps damn, here comes that idiot Lawnboy Larry now. Well, it WAS a good day.

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